Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Purple Wallpaper Sherwin Williams

The death of the Godfather that

Jacob, a godfather in life and in death
Equality between men is a mere utopia. Not all are born under the same conditions, do not we all live in the same way, and consistently even when it touches leave this world the same way we all do. There is death and death. And that's Jacob, effectively terminating the first book of the Bible, namely Genesis , is certainly an ultra-luxury death, worthy of a true Godfather .
that Jacob was a guy above the ground, moreover, it was already well understood (see this post and later). This is confirmed by the ' triumphal reception it receives in Egypt by the Pharaoh (Chapter 47 ), who treats him with great deference because he is the father of her esteemed viceroy, Joseph : the old patriarch, his sons, daughters and grandchildren can settle in their pleasure in the territory of Gosen, the most fertile in Egypt, where he lead a peaceful and prosperous. A
played 147 years, Jacob feels now that his long life is coming to an end. Then convenes his beloved Joseph to express his last wishes " Put now your hand under my thigh and promise that I bury in Egypt . So let us just for the avoidance of doubt: the story of the hand under the thigh, which viewed it sounds like a disturbing sexual approach, seems to be simply a gesture that accompanied the era in Jewish culture solemn oaths. In fact, Joseph, fingering his thighs, he vows to bury the father who in the tomb of his ancestors , receiving in return the father's blessing. But it is only the first of blessings ante-mortem The Godfather: The second (Chapter 48 ) is reserved for children of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim . Still proving tricky despite his age and illness, Jacob decides to deliberately cross hands, giving his blessing with the right (most important) nephew to lower rather than higher Ephraim Manasseh : in this way renewed in two generations away from what he had managed to "steal" his older brother Esau's blessing of his father Isaac (see here ).
To finish in style (Chapter 49 ), Jacob then convene all his 12 children, each of which reserves a short verse that is a cross between a blessing prophecy and a Nostradamus to pregnant with metaphors and allusions : particularly curious thoughts turned to Judah ( "You're like a young lion that killed the its prey and returns to his lair, like a lion lying down and squatting: Who will dare get up? "), Issachar (" It 's like a donkey weighed down by tough baskets ") and Benjamin ( "It 's like a ravenous wolf hunt their prey in the morning and evening divided the spoils" ). Giacobbo Roberto, enlighten you!
Once breathed his last, Jacob was embalmed (specialties: The advantage here is to die in Egypt ...), and all over the country was proclaimed a mourning 70 days, after which Joseph leads the funeral procession to go and bury it in Palestine as he had sworn, in addition to the brothers, accompanied all the dignitaries of Egypt, the officials of Pharaoh, chariots and horsemen . Jacob The Godfather is dead and buried.
His successor, Joseph , dies at 110 years is in turn but his embalmed body remains in a coffin in Egypt without being worn in the land of his forefathers as he wanted. Little to do, the real Godfather is one. The Genesis is over. On with the 'Exodus for those who have time and desire to follow ...


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