Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wegener Granulomatosis Life Expectancy

MP3 with surprise: the threat is hidden well

Most VoIP famous program is preparing to display advertisements for third party products to their audience. Those who preferred to inhibit access to demographic data should take action in time. Otherwise, the "ads" will be "relevant".

a message posted yesterday on the official blog, Skype anticipated public its intention to introduce advertising of products marketed by third-party program

space will be devoted

cut mainly in Skype Home Page
software for Windows, but the group will not fail to experience in other areas of the interface.
However, the company has promised that the promotional messages not going to bother you during a conversation Sshot-1.png.

In the near future, ad campaigns will be shown only to people in Germany, UK and U.S. with very strict rules (only one banner per day for each of the advertisers). However, it is almost certain that the initiative will be expanded to include worldwide audience in a progressive manner, gradually, also the versions for Linux and Mac software.

To do so, the system relies on the collection of anonymous demographic data as age, gender and place . Anyone concerned about possible negative effects on privacy, it can still protect themselves by disabling the check box to reach following
Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> Allow Skype to use my information
Skype has been criticized many times in recent years to change the graphical interface is not exactly well received by the public (the largest
command window and . A few months ago in fact, eBay has dispose of the properties of the product because the only revenue related to services
fee (Calls to landlines and mobile phones, voicemail, etc.) were judged inadequate.  


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