Friday, March 11, 2011

Crank-up Pontoon Trailer

A "Leopard Dreamer" for Ubuntu 11:10

  • Mozilla has released the version "pre-final" of the new Firefox, which was responsible for shaping the latest flaws in view of the official debut. The free download is available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Mozilla has released the first Wednesday night
  • release candidate (RC) of
    Firefox 4.0, which is a compilation of the latest pre-planned before the grand final debut edition

    Firefox 4.0, now in production by more than a year, is the new
    major release of the popular open source web browser, now based on the Gecko 2.0 platform
    . This
    RC1, in particular, does not introduce significant innovations but merely to make corrections to the code (better stability and speed during navigation, performance optimized for Flash content, increasing the compatibility of hardware acceleration etc.), remove the features of iterations "beta" before (the button for the feedback, for example) and to propose other smaller improvements to the graphical interface.

    A theme renewed Firefox 4.0 sports a new graphical interface
    : smaller, stylized buttons, which, in a move that will turn up their nose at someone, they sacrificed on the altar of the pigmentation 'elegance "Stop" and "Reload" are here united in a single icon that, as is evident, varies depending on the context. The command has also been moved from its traditional position, and is now the right end of the address bar. similar fate for the "Home", the default position after the search box. also has finally come to the support at the windows "glass" Aero interface own inaugurated by Windows Vista. Using the new Firefox on a compatible operating system, the entire frame is translucent. The only exceptions are in the navigation bar and the various boards: the choice of those components make opaque, perhaps intended to maximize readability, it nevertheless well aesthetically less pleasing than could be as completely "glass"
    . The work of programmers in this area is not concluded by applying skins reading "Personas" fact, the frame becomes opaque again. At least one designer has been engaged
    time to try to better mix the two. You notice the disappearance of then comfortable bookmark bar
    : By default, this component has been "compressed" in a button shown on the right end of the strip dedicated to the navigation commands. Fortunately, you can restore the previous behavior acting on the context menu of the bar itself (check the Bookmarks Toolbar item


    Button "Firefox" At the top of the window is a new object, called Firefox
    button. Once you click the orange segment will expand to show a menu with some additional commands
    The feature is present only when the browser is running on Windows Vista or Windows 7.
    The bars are joined together All those who were forced to work in tight spaces offered by the monitor netbook appreciate the ability to shrink navigation controls and cards in a single bar , thereby doing a few pixels to devote to the web page display real

    To enter you must click with the right mouse button in a place free of any bar, select Customize and then drag the various elements as desired. function, say the developers, a lot of work still needs optimization. To date, the address bar becomes so small as to be unusable as soon as you exceed the 5 or 6 tabs open at once, or when you have the commands in a particularly "tight". As for the traditional menu bar Instead, Mozilla has chosen to hide the item by default, just like on Firefox 3.6. The menu can be invoked as needed by pressing the Alt
    keyboard, or made permanent by acting through the options.

    Tab over to the controls, the Chrome The newest version of Firefox tabs open shifts on any other element of the window by default. However, the user is free to return to the previous arrangement by simply removing the check mark from the item
    See the tabs at the top
    proposal from the context menu of the toolbar. To address this MLIShot_3.jpg , a developer says that it was not a mere stylistic choice, but, rather, a well-considered decision and intended to improve the usability of the program.

    cards in the title bar

    The new iteration of the browser Mozilla offers an unusual feature: once the window is maximized, tabs, moving, going to be placed in the title bar

    A status indicator "flying" The status bar at the foot of the browser window has been removed permanently. On his instead, there is an element that collects, in case they are present, the command buttons and other indicators of the different extensions installed. This strip can be closed by clicking on
    on the left side (to restore it, just click on the title bar with the right button and tick Toolbar add-ons from the context menu).
    The departure of the status bar has forced programmers to reposition the display of the destination of the link on mouseover. In a promo time, the group chose to use the address bar, but the result was quite unhappy. Fortunately, just before the final release, it was decided to use a notification "hidden", similar to that already seen on Google Chrome. The same method is also used also to display status messages during uploads and expectations

    The change is certainly apt in terms of immediacy, both in a perspective of long-term usability.
    Where did the "Check for updates"? Those who are used to force the search for updates using voice

    Help -> Check for Updates

    remain somewhat 'disoriented. Firefox 4.0 this command has been removed and integrated into the screen
    Help -> About Mozilla Firefox
    : when the user clicks on this, the software will automatically search for updates and displays a message in case they were found. On the other hand, the menu offers a convenient command USA Flag.jpg Restart without additional components. Undoubtedly very useful for quick diagnosis

    malfunctions due to extensions and associates.

    Search the open tabs The address bar in Firefox 4.0 search strings entered not only in history and one of the bookmarks, but also between tabs already open

    function, maybe not too interesting At first sight, instead it is quite useful when you have many tabs on the screen.
    MLINewShot_0281.jpg "Paste and go" and "Paste and Search" is an interesting new voice

    Paste and go proposal from the context menu of the address bar. Using this command, this Firefox 4 paste the URL into the clipboard and opens it in a single move. In the search field instead, the same item appears as

    Paste and search

    . javascript window no longer blocking
    As 10:50 Opera, Firefox 4.0 also has transformed the windows of JavaScript in non-blocking (non-modal "). This means that the various "alert" and the like are part of a specific legislative and allow you to jump to other pages are displayed even when

    Previously, JavaScript dialog boxes blocking the program, forcing the user to interact with them before they can again use the main interface.

    addition, the emergence of these objects is now underlined by a pleasant dimming the page below.
    MLIShot_1.jpg Integration with Windows 7 Full support for each separate preview tab in the taskbar in Windows 7 is finally ready, enabled by default and works quite well (this behavior can be disabled by following
    Options -> Cards -> Show preview in the taskbar in Windows
    case was not appreciated)

    As you may recall, the same feature was also present in Firefox 3.6
    but, as it was anything but precise, Mozilla had chosen to distribute the final version
    keeping it off by default. Firefox 4.0 also shows the progress indicator on the progress of downloads on its icon in the taskbar, similar to what happens when copying and moving files within the operating system (thanks to sleeping

    for the tip).

    Again in terms of improved support in Windows 7 has been released for the voice Start browsing jumplist in the program.
    MLINewShot_0103.jpg The manager of the add-on is now a tab The developers have chosen to substantially transform the operator of the additional components. If
    first instrument was intended as a dialog box, Firefox 4.0 shows the same functions within a tab, accessible from the usual menu item Tools

    or at about: addons

    you can see from the left column is dedicated to the various groups (extensions, search engines, MLIShot_5.jpg language packs, themes, etc.) while in the main section you can interact with individual items.
    More attention to privacy Some time ago, we reported
    some sites, taking advantage of a bug in security policy in all web browsers, they could find out which pages were visited recently by the user. The basic defect of the "trick" has been corrected: the spies no longer be able to capture this information. Firefox 4.0 also has an option to activate the anti-tracking ( ons -> Options -> Options -> Advanced -> Enable the option anti-tracking data
    ). This feature does nothing if not communicated to the web server user will not be traced when browsing: respect this preference, however, is entirely delegated to the remote service provider and the level of effectiveness is therefore highly questionable. From a technical standpoint, the notification is made by inserting an extra line with the text DNT: 1
    in every HTTP request.

    A new animation
    password and add-on tool that allows users to store passwords typed is now proposing a much more conspicuous notification
    Arriva JägerMonkey Since version 3.5, Firefox offers the '
    interpreter-compiler "TraceMonkey" . The instrument is virtually miraculous, but there are still many

    circumstances in which the browser is not able to use it fully and then ends to fall back on slower traditional Javascript interpreter.

    Some improvement was brought by Firefox 3.6, but the browser Mozilla is not yet able to compete with the engine "V8" behind Google Chrome
    or with very fast " Carakan
    " supplied to Opera.
    Release 4.0 of the Red Panda is designed to shorten the distance thanks to " JägerMonkey ", a Javascript interpreter review that promises to improve the execution speed significantly.

    Interestingly TraceMonkey remains in place: Firefox then chooses to use an interpreter dynamically depending on the characteristics of the script that is called upon to manage.

    also spoken of a change to the representation of values \u200b\u200bJavascript and how they are represented in memory. MLINewShot_0101.jpg
    When the GPU accelerates the web
    the trend continues,
    well-established, heavily using the processor, video card for rendering pages, an idea which has been heard for the first time as a feather in 'lug

    Internet Explorer 9, and now being implemented on all major programs for the web.

    Mozilla Firefox 4.0 has provided support to DirectWrite and Direct2D , that the two features that allow, among others, to transfer the load from the CPU to the GPU computational rendering of fonts and graphics. As is known
    However, the two functions are available natively on Windows 7 and how update regarding Windows Vista . Users of the venerable Windows XP are excluded a priori, while on Mac OS X uses Quartz purpose and Linux XRedender . Another level of acceleration, ie the one related to the composition of the page, uses OpenGL instead
    (Linux and Mac OS X), Direct 3D 9 (Windows XP) or

    Direct 3D 10 (Windows Vista and Windows 7) to make the document available as quickly as possible through the power of the GPU. The feature can be disabled in case of problems by unchecking the check box Options -> Advanced -> General -> Use hardware acceleration
    and then restarting the program.

    The resizable textarea are (finally) A small but highly-anticipated debut in Firefox 4.0 gem: the fields used for placing text obtained by \u0026lt;textarea> HTML tags are now resizable simply by dragging the corner bottom right
    If you were tired of writing killed in a few pixels, the resolution is served.
    WebMate Full support (but not H.264) The new edition of Firefox supports the codec WebMate released under open source by Google . This means that the browser is able to play natively without having to install additional software streaming movies compressed in that format.
    To test the feature is sufficient to enable how HTML5 YouTube compatible and open a movie (like this ). Mozilla does not implement the other hand support the H.264 codec
    . However, Microsoft has made available an add-on that lets your browser the competitor to play these movies using the decoder built into Windows 7. Users of previous generations and alternative platforms are however excluded.

    Web Sockets, WebGL, CSS3 and other web technologies

    The Web Socket
    are a technology being standardized at W3C Textarea.jpg bodies such as IETF and

    to help establish a bi-directional connection between the server web and client (the browser you use, in this case). Firefox 4.0 is able to leverage the Web Socket to communicate with remote servers that support, in turn, the characteristic. The result is a platform on which developers can create more powerful web applications more easily. It is now also supported much of the CSS3 standard

    and transition effects using style sheets ( moz-transition), with which Web designers can create some very compelling animations without using Javascript. The default browser now exposes APIs
    WebGL . As is known, it is a language, conforming to the popular OpenGL 2.0 , developers can use to create 3D applications that can run directly within the browser. An animated demo is available in WebGL
    to this page. There is a new parser that can handle optimally HTML5, full support to IndexedDB to store off-line data for the web application, the integration of native support for extensions to "read" by
    JetPack , the

    Retained Layers for Ultra-fast scrolling of complex pages, and various optimizations to the general speed of program.

    was also implemented native support for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) or a security feature that, when properly invoked by individual sites, allows protection of seafarers interception of data on insecure connections . Sync all
    The new iteration of the program also includes native Sync Firefox, which is the component responsible for automatically synchronize your data between different installations of the browser
    Sync Firefox is nothing but the final form of the project known until a few months ago as Weave Sync, and also available for the 3.6 branch as
    separate extension. The feature can synchronize bookmarks, browsing history, passwords, preferences and open tabs (but not the extensions) not only between different computers, but also between computers themselves and mobile devices. All data is stored in an encrypted Mozilla's servers, and provide for the organization, are accessible only to its rightful owner.
    A redesigned home page The proposal for a default home page has undergone a minor facelift, which aims to standardize the approach to the theme adopted by the rest of the minimal program

    addition, the same screen is available in any time by visiting special about: home.

    These are not equipped with special tab close button can not be accidentally removed by a combination keyboard Ctrl + W
    and are auto-open when the program starts.
    The aim is to keep an eye on the sites used most frequently, without consuming valuable space in the tab bar. To turn a page in the "Access Tab" simply click on the tab with the right mouse button and select Block as

    card application.

    The feature is nothing new in an absolute sense: it was already on previous versions
    can get something similar by combining some extensions
    . MLINewShot_0279.jpg
    Optimized for touch- Firefox 4.0 features support for tech "multitouch"
    Windows 7. This means that developers can develop web pages that can capture events like


    MozTouchUp and then react accordingly, also relies on a unique identifier used to recognize the finger and combinations "multitouch".
    The feature is not very interesting at the moment, given the very low diffusion of via the touch screen can be used outside the Apple world. The importance of touch, however, could become a huge support in the near future if continue to grow as expected by observers and Microsoft partners will begin to offer digital boards ruled by Windows 7.
    "Panorama" organizes cards into groups
    One of the nicest features introduced in Firefox 4.0 is probably Panorama : choosing the
    Groups card that pops up after clicking the icon at the right end of the bar tab, you can organize your open tabs into groups with the greatest naturalness

    then clicking on the tab of a specific group, you will see only those relating to, hiding all others. is also a handy feature to search through the current tab, to the delight of those who tend to keep open too many pages at once. Panorama is nothing but the realization of the project Candy Tab: For more information, see "anticipates Candy Tab Firefox tabbed browsing of
    Both x86 and x64 Firefox 4.0 is not available As for the usual 32-bit platforms, but also builds in native 64-bit operating systems. For more information, see the news " 64-bit Firefox: Mozilla is working on .
    On the official site But these are not links to these forms: applicants must then download them via FTP .

    The "3.7" has become "4.0" who has followed the evolution of this story will have noticed that this version of Firefox is now officially called "4.0". Until mid-June 2010 however, the same project was known as "Firefox 3.7". The development branch is still the same: it was merely a gradual change, however, widely expected.
    MLIShot_16.jpg Ready, to discharge (now also in Italian) Those who are interested in trying the new software (
    already localized in Italian
    ) Can proceed according to the direct download:
    Windows propose the package in the afternoon today and tomorrow. At this point, the program is sufficiently stable and safe to allow users to use it for navigation
    daily. In truth, the fact that some extensions still found to be incompatible is a significant deterrent, even if
    easy to circumvent. Those who prefer to wait for the final release of Firefox 4.0 will have to wait another few weeks. The big debut is now expected by the end of March.



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