Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tv Program Proposal Example

Nokia delays the arrival of its first terminal WP7

"After the agreement with Microsoft earlier last month and the resulting announcement of the probable arrival of the first Windows phone terminal 7 by the end of 2011, Nokia now seems to want to wait and postpone the release of Mango as the arrival of their solutions "

I believe most fans of the Finnish mobile giant Nokia may have to wait longer than expected to see the market the first terminals equipped with Windows 7 Phone Scandinavian products from the house. An expectation that should, according to the latest rumors , aggirarasi around 10/12 months.
After the announcement of the agreement with Microsoft, signed early last month, Nokia had announced the vertices of that the first solutions could have been seen already in recent months this 2011. However, from an interview during the last hours of the managing director of Nokia India, D. Shivakumar, we learn that it is very likely that the Finnish manufacturer want to wait for the release of the second major update before announcing the arrival on the market for their terminals.
Everything turns in favor of this thesis. An announcement reported in recent days had hinted it 's impossible for Microsoft to meet the deadline (October 2011) set for the distribution of Mango, with a consequent return to the same beginning of 2012. After multiple postponements of the first update Knot as yet not available, it is easy to think that the rumors are absolutely true and we should then, indeed, prolong the wait at the beginning of 2012.
Nevertheless, the public does not seem to suffer too much the influence of these "problems" and continue to grow the holders of terminals with the new OS from Microsoft. According to reported today, in fact, counting the number of new entrants to ' of Facebook application for Windows 7 Phone in February alone, the number of users who have a terminal WP7 should be increased by approximately 877,000 units. Nearly one million new users in a month and then, a great achievement for a system operating in the first four months of life had collected about 2 million consensus.


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