Friday, February 25, 2011

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Carràmba Seriously! Joseph

devises a show that deserves a memoriam to Telegatto
Joseph is definitely a guy who can see beyond. Not only because it predicts the future by interpreting dreams, but also because two thousand years passed before the era cathode, it shows an extraordinary author of television formats forerunner : manages to create a show that sums up perfectly two of the most successful programs national-popular in the last 20 years of Italian television, which Carràmba Surprise! conducted by Carrà (8 editions between 1995 and 2008) and Joking aside Fatima Ruffini (11 editions between 1992 and 2009).
that Carràmba Seriously! , conceived, written, starring and directed by Joseph with the unwitting participation of his brothers (special guest star the aged father Jacob ), airs between 42 and 46 chapters of Genesis . We are in the seven years of famine affecting the whole Middle East. Thanks to the guidance of Joseph (see previous post ), however, in Egypt accumulated food in industrial quantities in the seven years of plenty before, so now all go to Pharaoh to buy grain. There are between 11 to 10 Joseph's brothers, the sons of Jacob , but takes with him to Canaan the young Benjamin : it is the only child born from the beloved wife Rachel, who can ; still embrace, as Joseph was sold by his brothers many years before , saying that his father had been devoured by wild animals (see here ). Once in Egypt, the brothers can not recognize Joseph, now 30 years and is the powerful viceroy . But he understands know who they are and shoot the joke - before you continue reading, we recommend that you press play the movie to enhance the effect.
Pretending not to know who I am, Joseph accused them of being spies and slams them in jail for three days. Then he offers them a deal they can return to their families with the grain to feed them, but proof of their honesty, they will leave there as a hostage one of them (Simeon), and will return again to Egypt with what is left to home (Benjamin). The brothers no choice but to accept, but when they come out of Jacob discover that inside the bags with the grain someone - but who has been ?!? - has also slipped the money with which he would have to pay: "Poor us, we think that the viceroy also robbed!" - their great despair, risatissime the public.
overcome the resistance of Jacob, as the famine continues, after a bit 'run the risk of return to Egypt, this time also bringing Benjamin . To their surprise, no one accuses them for the history of money in the bags, even are invited to lunch by the powerful viceroy . And here, for the first time, the joke gives way to Carràmba (from Devoto-Oli dictionary, 2008 -sic !!!-: "unexpected encounter with a person or persons with whom they had lost contact" ) with Joseph who is moved and should go cry in secret when he finally sees Benjamin, his only brother of blood.
but the joke continues. And passed the concealed Magone, the Viceroy Completes dinner in joy as if nothing had happened. The next day, restarts the brothers with the sacks full of grain . Once again, however, is put in them the money ; more, in Benjamin's sack, he hide from his servants, a valuable silver cup . When have gone for a while ', Giuseppe makes them chase the guards, who ordered them to empty the bags. The viceroy then play the joker: "And if someone has taken my beautiful cup, will remain a slave to me." A bag open, the brothers can not dismayed that rend their garments in despair, convinced that they were punished by God Judah, at this point, redeems itself: he who years earlier had agreed the price for the sale of Joseph, now begs him to take him as a slave instead of Benjamin, or the old Jacob would die of grief.
It 's time to unveil the hidden cameras: Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers , sobbing and hugging group style Carràmba - again, I recommend the movie to start before finishing the reading, of course making sure to stop before the jingle of unbearable Seriously. ..
A tear after another, the show reaches its climax when he Joseph does transfer to Egypt all the brothers with their families (around 70 people). The Surprise of Surprises deserves to be announced by Carr in person, perhaps facing the most extraordinary of more than 250 family reunions (real or imagined) who presented " And Canaan, even old Father Jacob is ... quiiiiii! . The bar of the parent
130enne , when he finally embraces his son for so long regret, is Anthology of TV of tears: " I've reviewed and I know you're alive. Now I can die .
A pack of tissues Scottex family size for us, a memoriam to Telegatto deserved to Joseph and his Carramba that Seriously! .


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