Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Does It Mean If Your Belly Is Sore

Available Internet Explorer 9 in the official version

"official debut of Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, which promises to greatly improve performance and safety of what remains the leader in Web browsers"


Microsoft has officially released the final version of its Internet Explorer browser 9, for operating systems Windows 7, Vista and Windows Server 2008. Internet Explorer 9 boasts several innovations that flow from a higher speed to the increased security , all trying to facilitate all operations normally carried out at sea.
There are also adjustments that involve the use of tools already seen success in Firefox and Chrome, which is the direct competition, while different news about the general compatibility of the browser. Microsoft has worked hard to ensure compatibility with CSS3, HTML5 and W3C HTML would seek to respond appropriately to criticism of the past moved to earlier versions, guilty of just follow the standards.
One of the biggest news concerns the hardware acceleration , which uses the GPU to speed things up through the contents of the toughest. The news does not stop here, of course, which is why we refer you to a page dedicated ah hoc created to better understand what the news in which you find links and more detailed information.
The step is very important for Microsoft, adding a competitor in the market of browsers web. While remaining the clear leader, Microsoft Internet Explorer and in particular has undergone a slow but steady erosion of its share of broadcasting, brought about mainly by the competing Firefox and Chrome. Only recently there was a contrast, albeit slight, in which Internet Explorer 8 showed a slight increase at the expense of Firefox. Internet Explorer 9 is therefore an important task, namely to restore the confidence of many who have chosen alternative solutions to the Microsoft browser.


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