Monday, March 14, 2011

Biscuits From Buttermilk Pancake Mix

Android Phone 7 reaches the 10,000 applications for Sales Success

"According to the latest update published during the day yesterday, the Marketplace of Microsoft's mobile operating system would have reached 10,000 units"

Less than two weeks ago Marketplace Windows 7 Phone had reached the 9,000 applications available. A good goal, taking into account the youth of the operating system, introduced about five months ago. During the day yesterday, a new update has further raised the bar, it was reported that the number of app store available on the new mobile operating system of the Redmond company would have exceeded 10,000 units .
Considering that, to go from 8,000 to 9,000 applications had occurred almost three weeks, the goal of 10,000 reached in less than two weeks, leads one to think that the new OS is constantly and rapidly changing, with feedback perhaps better than they were expected a few months ago. Surely
Marketplace is not yet at the levels of IOS App Store or Market dell'Android but the achievement of the 10,000 applications in less than about 5 months of life, it is still good news for Microsoft who has, without a doubt , invested heavily groped for consensus to steal the agguerritissima competition.


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