Tuesday, March 8, 2011

African Dance Skirt Wrap

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want to take a test drive of Google's mobile operating system before buying a expensive smartphone or tablet? Official free emulator can do it pretty simple. And if you already have an android around the house, you can use to tweak the virtual device safely, without "dirty" your gem.
Buy with your eyes closed is never a good idea, especially when it comes to large amounts such as those required to take home a modern smartphone or tablet. What's better then a free emulator, through which
simulate the behavior of a PDA governed by
Throughout this guide, we'll see how to get the result as quickly as possible. http://ziogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/bing1.jpg
Prepare the necessary
First, Link to the page "Download the Android SDK" and download the correct package: there are versions for Mac, Linux and Windows. In the case of Microsoft platform
found two files: the first, extending . zip
is just a compressed archive that can provide all without installation. The second,
exe, but the setup is complete, which takes care of automatically install the package The installation itself requires only a few and then click Next .

download the necessary components same each time you start the emulator, you will be asked to choose which packages to install. By default, all are still active. In reality, however, not all the material is necessary. In particular, you want to keep only these elements:
Android Platform SDK-tools, revision 3
Android Platform SDK 3.0, API11, revision 1
Everything else can be disabled. To do this, click on individual items and then click the Reject

(yes, it is to be crazy to turn them off one at a time, but there is no other method)

then click Install to continue, and waiting the end of the operation (considering that you download over 100 MB, may take a few minutes). download is complete, you will be asked Do you want to restart ADB now?
: Accept to continue, then complete with a click on Close .
Managing Virtual device
You'll find yourself in front of the main screen of the emulator. Navigate to the Virtual devices on the left and click New

to start creating a new virtual device.

Enter a name you like, choose
Android 3.0
from the pulldown menu, specify the size of virtual memory card to use (use
so you have 1 GB of space), then choose one of the "models" ( Skin
    ) available: this will affect, fundamentally, video resolution on the virtual screen
  • Through commands pane Hardware
  • you can specify some additional features, such as the availability of GPS or accelerometer support (virtual, of course! do not think they can really use !): The table of the parameters and their values \u200b\u200b
is available here. In principle, however, the defaults are more than adequate to play a bit 'with the instrument.
"Turn on the" virtual device Now select the newly created virtual device from the list. Click Start ..
and then Launch to "turn"

case filasse If everything smoothly, read on. However, if you encounter an error message similar to

Emulator: ERROR: unknown

virtual device name, you encountered a bug in the program: Refer to this page to correct it, then try again. The emulator takes a while to become operational ( up to several minutes, at the very first boot
). Be patient! Once completed loading, you'll be presented with a screen like the one below
Italian, thanks First, we set the interface in Italian. Click on Start with the mouse

(the rectangle is composed of six squares in the upper right), and Custom Local here and scroll down the list with a click-and-drag ( were emulating the slide of a finger on the touch) to find our language. Click
hold for a few seconds, confirmed with

Apply and you're done.

Use the button depicting a stylized house (the second biggest in the lower left) to return to the home screen. There the network?
Before proceeding further, make sure that the emulator has been able to auto-configure itself for access to the Internet via the PC connection. To do so, just look at the bottom of the virtual screen and make sure that among the icons in the status bar (near the clock) there is one that provides to solve it, or you can not access the Internet. Use Android
Now that your emulator is operating, you can start playing with the features offered by Android. Clicking on Application-> Browser
launches the web browser: do it now and experience surfing the mobile device
You will notice that the keyboard's numeric keypad From screen choice of applications, you can start various programs supplied to the system

operating Google

setting up an account for access to e-mail you can test in the preview feature


If you click on the Home screen long can instead add the various " widgets and shortcuts

For all other information concerning the use of Android, refer to the instruction manual of Motorola MLINewShot_0071.jpg Xoom (if you're trying an earlier generation of operating system Google, refer to the manual
a phone like HTC Desire ).

Add other programs
After playing for some time with the basic functions of Android, you might want to install the "Apps" added. Unfortunately, in this field use the emulator differs significantly from the experience rewarding guaranteed by the real devices: the emulator is not the famous " Android Market" and, therefore, you must find and install the files manually . apk programs that interest you. The site freeandroidware.com is full of good free stuff: download the apk package that came with your web browser emulator, open it and confirm. The software will be launchable from the summary screen applications.
No copy and paste?
I am not clear if the emulator is a defect or if it is a problem of my configuration, but I was able to copy and paste between operating system
real and emulated.
I have not found any solution
. excessively slow speed emulation is far from satisfactory: even using the system to a PC band high (Intel Core i7 with 6 GB of RAM), the delays are quite obvious and annoying. Take it or leave it!

Emulator: ERROR: unknown virtual device name

A bug in which I ran during the first boot device causes the virtual emulation is precluded due to an error like the following, shown in a dialog

Emulator: ERROR: unknown virtual device name: 'EmuMLI'
Emulator: Could not find virtual device named'EmuMLI ' To correct this, use the search function operating system and locate the full path to the folder called
Android. In my case it was D: \\ Zane \\.
At this point, open a command prompt administrative and then given

mklink / J "% USERPROFILE% \\. Android" "D: \\ Zane \\. Android" indicating, of course, the path to the folder . andorid your PC as the second parameter (more about mklink are " Complete with hard links and other connections in Windows advanced").
Try again to "turn on" the virtual device and should have resolved.
When the network does not work quite annoying Another problem I faced was the lack of connectivity to the Internet within the emulator.

This defect occurs in case of multiple network connections.

If you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7, find the term network
the Start menu. Among the results are returned, open the link Center Network and Sharing

. Locate the item

Edit Settings tab (under Windows Vista is read instead Manage network connections ) present in the left column.
If you are using Windows XP, open Start -> Control Panel . From here, run the '
Network Connections applet . Click now with the right button on each connection that is not what carries the internet connection and choose Disable
. Try to completely close and restart the emulator and see if the defect is resolved.

When the network is working ... for a while ' Another problem you might encounter causes the emulator to the Internet connectivity is working properly for several minutes, only to stop completely until the next restart of the program. Unfortunately, I failed to trace either the cause nor the solution (And are not only ): If someone would know more, can leave a comment below and I'll be happy to update this paragraph.

source: Megalab


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