Friday, March 4, 2011

Lohri Invitations Cards

Pharaoh Adolf

Pharaoh Adolf
he carried out the extermination of all Jewish men
Every story needs a protagonist and an antagonist of a hero and an antihero, a good and bad. As many already know, the good hero of the second book of the Bible (l 'Exodus ) is Moses: God chose him to free his people from Egypt .
With the title role already assigned to the Pharaoh inevitably affects the content of bad. The biblical author, just to be nice now, presents him as the inventor of slavery and the systematic extermination of the Jews : Hitler, in fact, did nothing to revive the plan put in place thousands of years earlier by This unnamed pharaoh, but I strongly suspect it was called Adolf .
E 'spent a few generations since the days of Joseph , the jew became viceroy of Egypt, his family, a tribe of 70 people, had started the Jewish settlement on the banks of the Nile (see previous post ). The Jewish community grew prosperous and fruitful, but with the passage of time is viewed less favorably by the local population. A xenophobia that Pharaoh Adolf, with his public utterances, encourages tantinello. I quote from the first chapter Exodus - and not by Mein Kampf , as it might seem: " These Jews have become more numerous and stronger than us! 'S time to take appropriate action against them because not increase even more " . We move from words to deeds: Pharaoh puts the Jews to forced labor , using them to build cities, make bricks, hoe fields and treating them in an inhumane way. But it is only the first step. The second is to ordered the immediate killing of all Jewish children who are born male . The Egyptian midwives, however, does not have the heart to put in place a command so cruel: " The Israelite women are strong and make do with giving birth, when we arrived we have already done, so we can not kill the male babies " to lie Pharaoh justification. Adolf does not move, " Okay, then after born thrown into the Nile all the males of the Jews, let alone live girls! . "So when it comes to the small world Moses, his mom keeps him hidden underground for three months groped and then is forced to an extreme action to save him from certain death: it takes a wicker basket, making it waterproof with tar and pitch, which puts us in the infant and deposited the bundle near the Nile in the reeds. I hope someone steps over and instead of drowning him, he has compassion. As it happens, just go for a swim in the river that anxiety Pharaoh's daughter Adolf, who evidently does not share the policy of extermination of the Father: "It 's certainly the son of Jews," guesses, but rather than drown orders his attendants to sell him to a Jewish woman because the nurse and decided to grow it as his son . Moses is just a small frugoletto of three months, but it shows already have a big ass like that.


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