Friday, March 11, 2011

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Mark Shuttleworth has announced the name of the Ubuntu release that will come out in October 2011 will be called "Oneiric Ocelot.

An Ocelot or Leopard Onirico and Dreamy . Here's how the father of Ubuntu, Mark Shuttleworth, sees his beloved creature, which will be released next October 2011, as he himself declared in the pages his blog.

The future of Ubuntu is so well defined as is the much dreamed of innovation. After the decision to abandon GNOME 3 to definitively adopt Unity as Desktop Manager from the forthcoming 11.04 "Natty Narwhal " scheduled for April 2011, began to be gradually unveiled plans for this deployment, that with the release of 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot" will celebrate 8 years of life. The new interface development work started immediately after the release of Ubuntu 10:10 should in fact be completed. This will also allow users who do not have a PC with high hardware resources to use Unity, thanks to a 2D version that will not be based precisely on OpenGL. In order to make the Desktop more beautiful, more about Shuttleworth has been decided to introduce the QT. This is to give developers, in his words, more options on how you can create interfaces that are both functional and aesthetically delicious.
02/06/2011 - 30/06/2011 Alpha 1 - Alpha 2 04/08/2011 - 01/09/2011
Alpha 3 - Beta 1 Ocelot.jpg 22/09/2011 - 13/10/2011
Beta 2 - Final Release The Roadmap is still provisional and do not exclude changes (source: Ubuntu Wiki

Considerations It is still not known, beyond good intentions and more or less heated discussions on the subject, what impact will the new interface really Unity. Will enable Ubuntu to make the decisive difference and stand out definitely the flight as an antagonist of Windows and Mac OS X or will have been a result of excessive gambling and a colossal flop? Of course, that Unity like it or not, we hope that the release will be a success. source:


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