Monday, March 14, 2011

Annabel Chong Largest Gangbang Stream

iPad 2 the first weekend of sales

models sold between 400,000 and 500,000, with nearly depleted stocks: these are the results of the first WEEK sales in the U.S. market, waiting for the launch in Italy in 11 days
The first weekend sales iPad 2 in the North American market, according to some reports analysts, sales would have generated far higher than those assets generated in the first weekend of the launch of the first generation of iPad. It is estimated that the weekend would be sold from 400,000 to 500,000 iPad 2, compared with about 300,000 that were sold last year in the first weekend of presentation dell'iPad generation.
These sales totaled nearly all seem to have been during the first day of sales to the public during the second part of the weekend, in fact, it was not possible to find iPad 2 for sale. In order to pull sales volume so high that about 70% of buyers do not already possess an iPad first-generation result that says a lot about the growth rate of tablet devices, as well as the propensity of consumers' buying in recent months.
Among the buyers, according to a number of stores surveyed in North America, there is an almost equal division between system owners PC and Mac, as well as a considerable interest in the 3G model, which were purchased from 47% of the total. Also with regard to the allocation of memory is to be reported as 41% of the sample opted for the model to 32 Gbytes of capacity, compared to the recorded debut of the first generation of iPad last year.
The direct consequence of these sales results is the process of expanding the user base of Apple, with iPad 2 seems to go beyond the traditional lovers Mac devices as well as those who bought an iPhone model . We will see in less than two weeks which will trigger the dynamic debut iPad 2 in our market, as well as that of several other nations.


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