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protest boys MERCALLI

Naples, scooter to protest at the high school students Mercalli
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Naples, protest motor for high school students Mercalli Published 2 days ago by Hop-Frog Flag Video Share Video
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Scooter, preferred mode of transport from high school, became a symbol of protest at the Liceo Scientifico Mercalli in Naples: the students, as shown in these pictures amateur, have chosen to pull on board for motorcycles city \u200b\u200bstreets in protest against the inadequacy of the structures. Students and teachers have left the branch at the Riviera di Chiaia not sure why. The 45 high school classes are crammed in 33 classrooms from January headquarters: have been stopped and the additional laboratory work, double shifts and rotations began. The protest on 31 January saw the streets professors, not teachers, parents and students to the province to demonstrate their discomfort: they have also written to the Minister Gelmini to ask where to place the 300 children without classrooms, but also what to say to the parents of the other 200 who must apply for registration for next year. --------------------- -

"Mercalli" no classrooms, double procession
rise up teachers, parents and pupils

Maria Chiara Aulisio
NAPLES - Two procession for a single cause. "Pedestrian" and "driven" along to claim the right to education. They are teachers, not teachers, parents and students of high school "Mercalli" who take to the streets tomorrow morning to ask for new classrooms that can accommodate over a thousand students the dignity of the Institute of Via Andrea d'Isernia.

Since last month it was decided to close the branch in the former hospital Ravaschieri the Riviera di Chiaia, inappropriate and inconsistent with the above safety standards, the boys are forced to share a little more than thirty classrooms. In other words means rotations per week, double shifts, suspension of laboratories and any supplementary and extracurricular activities.

Hence the decision to protest, to make their voices heard umpteenth attempt to sensitize the provincial administration "deaf for years - writing dean and faculty - to the serious problems facing the school." An unusual protest, with two sides, organized with the aim to involve a bit 'all.

The first appointment is for the "motor", 9 am at the Mercalli: a leaflet reminds students that attend the event "to wear a helmet, carry a person only where capacity allows, listen and follow the instructions that will be given. "

For a bib with the name of high school and a recommendation: "Bring whistles, drums, banners and anything else it is useful to be felt. " The "stranded" instead will meet directly to Piazza Matteotti, before the building of the Province, where it joins the bloc colleagues 'driven'. Here, after the classic flyers, a hopeful delegation asked to be received by President Luigi Cesaro.

Sunday, January 30, 2011 - 16:48 Last updated: Monday, January 31 - 11:49

Liceo Mercalli,
protest march in motion for the branch
high school moves on two wheels to get a branch. The students of the scientific Monday parade on the scooter from Via Andrea d'Isernia Province of the palace in Piazza Matteotti.

Forced to do double shifts for weeks after the abandonment of inadequate seat of the Riviera di Chiaia, the more than thousand members have decided 'to break the ten-year silence on the issue of the institutions' with parents and teachers. United in the fight after the controversial employment in December, a request to an alternative site or the safety of the building, which for years was "in poor condition, with no exits and classrooms unbearable" stress.

"We have also worked to secure a branch - says Stephen, a student representative - Now teachers and parents also complain about the inconvenience. We are tired of the blame, there would be alternatives in the area but is expected to propose that the Province. " The forty-five high school classes are crammed by January thirty-three classrooms in the middle. They were then interrupted the workshop activities, additional activities and extracurricular activities, becomes a lesson in special classrooms and begin rotations and double shifts.

The path will wind moving away from the waterfront D'Isernia, cross the square and Via Girolamo Sanfelice Stock Exchange, ending in Piazza Matteotti, where you will see at 9.30 am the other protesters of the Committee "Take back the branch."

(27 January 2011



Category: Monitoring Teens

Date: 12/10 / 2010

2 TROPHY Ideal: the Mercalli wins hands down. Pavesi The Foundation, which organized the event, was born two years ago to remember Ale, a student killed by a pirate of the road. Annamaria Franzoni

Students in high school "G. Mercalli and the Liceo Classico "Umberto I" of Naples along with many other boys, Saturday, Oct. 9, were protagonists of the second day of sport "ideal" promoted by the Fondazione Alessandro Pavesi NGO, founded two years ago to remember Ale, a 19-year-old former student of the Mercalli, swept away by an attacker in the street via Cilea in Naples.

The purpose of the event, which took place in the beautiful hill of Posillipo, the Green Park Tennis Viale Virgilio 12 (Virgilian park) is to disseminate among youth the values \u200b\u200bof justice and solidarity, proclaiming the value of living together in society through the direct example of the boys. It was an afternoon of intense competitions in which high school students Mercalli and Umberto have proved their will to live and a lot of meetings addressing sportsmanship volleyball, tennis and soccer: the ideal is gone 2 Trophy at the Liceo Mercalli.

The event has been a wonderful opportunity to meet sports for boys and a wonderful opportunity to remember Al and his dreams with a smile. So parents of Alexander, Maurice and Paula, we summarize the way they have these wonderful days full of excitement, joy, smiles, hugs and lots of solidarity:

"A cruel fate has taken away forever the wonderful company of Ale, the dreams of a boy of 20 years and not even his charming smile. An accident in the night, while returning home in motion after greeting his girlfriend. He had a helmet, but a car driven by a pirate of the road has made a prohibited maneuver, and it has engulfed the ran away. The affection of many friends, however, has pointed the way and gave us the strength to continue a path in the name of Ale, though without him. We realized that through his feelings and values \u200b\u200bthat, although immature have marked his short life, Alexander had planted many small seeds have sprouted and many of them giving rise to the "planting" of ideals, positive values, of hope. "

"He began to believe in a better world, to fight against injustice and not to resign in the face of dullness and the inconsistency of some of the many ways of life. He dreamed of studying human rights and to be able one day to commit themselves to respect rules and weak. The Foundation was created to help these plants to grow and continue to sow, Alessandro recalling with a smile and carrying out his aspirations and ideals in which he believed. Together with friends of the Foundation would like to help children to cultivate within them the seeds of justice and solidarity: the planting of Ale. "

"He believed in these values, we want to keep believing. Our logo is a seed born of those dreams of a boy who had the strength to continue and take root in the hearts of our associates. "


ADOLESCENTS Author: Prof. Annamaria Franzoni


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