Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Financial Management By Pandey I M


County sets the conditions for The court would ensure the
to yield to wooing the Democratic Party candidate but wants to please him and talked

NAPLES - The rumor comes from Roman sources, crosses tacit consent of Naples, and is one of those reliable: Raffaele Cantone would be oriented accept the nomination for mayor of Naples for the center. The court, in short, would sell for courtship, a tight, fielded by the leadership of the Democratic Party, which have now realized that if the hypothesis County jumps the scenario is already written: Andrea Cozzolino applies, as anticipated by corrieredelmezzogiorno.it, Pd and Sel, De Magistris run with the IDV, Umberto Ranieri would be the candidate of a series of civic activities.

hypothesis that Bersani sees as the smoke and mirrors here because the name of Canton, strongly advocated by Roberto Saviano, is the only way to go before the Democratic Party apart. The magistrate anticamorra, who two weeks ago had rejected the pressing, but would instead of specific posts, in particular with respect to the composition of lists: he wants the last word, according to the voices that come from Rome, on candidates who support it, and that they run with him on administrative matters.

not only in municipal elections but also for municipalities under the magnifying glass: it is natural that a judge who has linked his name to important investigations against the Camorra will not even run the risk of falling into little characters list crystalline.

Carlo Tarallo
February 15, 2011


(Naples, June 20, 1967) As a boy, he attended the School of Pansini Vomero district of Naples, graduated with 51/60. He began his career as a magistrate in 1995 and 1998 to 2002 was judge at the Public prosecutor of Naples and then pass as Deputy Public Prosecutor at the Court of Catanzaro. In 2009, leaves the judiciary and is a candidate in elections to the European Parliament as an independent in the Italy of Values. Become MEP is also elected on July 20, 2009 Chairman of the Committee of the European Parliament responsible for checking the Community budget.

belongs to a family that was already in a direct line to career magistraturale three members: the great-grandfather was the object of attack for having pursued the ill repute in the early years of the Unification of Italy. Poseidon

Investigation The investigation is an investigation launched in May 2005 for alleged misuse of public money linked to Community aid for 200 million euro.

conspiracy to the fraud alleged by prosecutors is the crime of Catanzaro in respect of the financial police of General Walter Cretella-Lombardo, an adviser to Vice President of the European Union and European Commissioner for Justice, Franco Frattini. The Calabrian prosecutor had searched the home of the high Roman official and his office in Ostia and seized computers, CD-ROMs and printed documentation.

The searches began after the finding at the home of one of the suspects, Giovambattista Papello, former subcommissario environmental emergency in the Calabria region, an officer's business card, on which was Handwritten his mobile phone number. A Papello were found, among other things, some illegal wiretapping of telephone conversations, dating back to November 2004, former President of ANAS, Vincenzo Pozzi, with the secretary of the Democratic Left, Piero Fassino, and Pietro Folena. Among the materials the investigators also found the business card of General Cretella-Lombardo, who commands the Police Academy of yellow flames tax based in Ostia, and then commanded the second division of the financial police in charge of international cooperation and to 'exchange with the police of other countries. Poseidon The investigation concerns a series of alleged wrongdoing in the management of funding for treatment.

Other defendants are the Secretary of the UDC, Lorenzo Cesa, as a shareholder of a company that would receive funding to build a plant in Cosenza for the production of DVDs, created only in part, in which he would never production started, the former president of the Regional Council of Calabria, Giuseppe Chiaravalloti, current vice president of data protection commissioners, the former Regional Minister for the Environment, Dominic Basile, one of the top men of the National Alliance in Calabria . The investigations conducted by police revolve around the allocation and use of two hundred million euro and took full account of section 2004 of the Regional review by the Court of Auditors.

OLAF, the EU anti-fraud agency, disputed a crime of fraud Papello Community, Schettini and Fabio Cesa, former secretary of the former minister of Italy Franco Frattini Force, then Commissioner, now Minister for Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs. [citation needed]

The investigation was removed from De Magistris prosecutor Mariano Lombardi for procedural irregularities. [citation needed] The investigation SBP

The investigation focuses on European funding requested for starting a business Business in Calabria that would create employment for 40 people. Suspect in the investigation is also secretary of the UDC Lorenzo Cesa. The investigation

Why not Main article: Why not.

The investigation, called "Why Not" by the name of a temporary employment company whose business is one of the main strands of the investigation, has been a turning point when the June 18, 2007 pm De Magistris has been run by the police 26 searches against as many suspects. Among them Peter Scarpellini, consultant "unpaid", as specified at the time Palazzo Chigi, the Prime Minister. Suspects in the investigation are also Luigi Bisignani, Ilte spa consultant, and Senator Giancarlo Pittelli, Forza Italy. A central role in the affair would have been done by the entrepreneur Antonio Saladino, then president of the Society of Works of Calabria. The investigation revolves around also alleged contacts between Saladin and the then European Commission President Romano Prodi. Contacts subsequently disproved by investigations. In the records of the investigation are also some wiretaps on conversations between Justice Minister Clemente Mastella, whose position was terminated for lack of facts, and entrepreneur Antonio Saladino. Note that Clemente Mastella had previously requested the transfer of De Magistris and the CSM has delayed the transfer in December 2007. De Magistris is the end that its employees were removed from the investigation. The affair has created a serious conflict between the prosecution of unprecedented Salerno and Catanzaro, creating a case that made national action the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano. The
pm De Magistris and Minister Mastella, for opposite reasons, were both subjected to threats. Other suspects in the investigation are

General Paolo Poletti, Chief of the Guardia di Finanza, Nicholas Adam (DS), Vice-President at that stage of the Calabria Region, Mario Pirillo (ex-Margaret, then PDM), Regional Councillor to 'Agriculture and a regional council of the DS, Antonio Acri.

On 19 October 2007, the prosecutor in Catanzaro, in the person of Dolcino Combs (attorney general of State attorney general and regent in Catanzaro), gave itself, for alleged incompatibility of the investigation, depriving De Magistris. The Pg acting also agreed that the news was officially communicated to the PM only on October 22. De Magistris declare it in an interview with the Republic of becoming aware of the press [1].

recall, Combs, however, already in 1989 had been the subject of attention from the MSM and the Chamber of Deputies [2] "to be devoted to systematic violations of rules, particularly those raised in defense of fundamental human rights."

It should also be noted that Combs moved the trial "Why Not" [3] just a week before his appointment expires when a prosecutor and the CSM had already appointed the attorney holder, implementing the call-back in a particularly aggressive form (by, say, open, unbeknownst to the PM, the office safe, taking a sample of all acts of inquiry). Finally

also supported by the alleged incompatibility Combs (on entries on the register of suspects Minister Mastella, who had requested the transfer of De Magistris), proved to be non-existent because Mastella had been registered as a senator, and that the wiretaps placed by proxy (as it will appear in February 2009, by the courts of Salerno) were perfectly legitimate because there was no way to associate the user previously also used by a parliamentary Mastella. [4] The investigation

Toghe Lucan De Magistris finally investigated the case called Toghe Lucan. According to the court a "business committee" including politicians, judges, lawyers, businessmen and officials have managed large business operations in Basilicata. The Guardia di Finanza raided in early 2007 and houses the offices of the Secretary for Economic Development Philip Bubbico (DS), the Attorney General's Power Vincenzo Tufano, Joseph Labriola lawyer and leader of the squad Power Luisa Fasano .

assumptions of crime put forward by De Magistris are those of Tufano for abuse of office, corruption in judicial acts and conspiracy to Labriola, abuse of office for Fasano, abuse of office, criminal conspiracy and aggravated fraud for obtaining public funds for which was Bubbico President of the Basilicata.

suspects in the investigation are politicians, managers, entrepreneurs, officials and judges serving in Basilicata (among them, one has left the judiciary and others have been transferred elsewhere by the Council of the Judiciary).

Bubbico, says the decree drawn up by a search of Catanzaro pm De Magistris, is "the landmark political apical together with other members of the political "in the" business committee "at the center of the investigation. The investigation would have revealed, always for Bubbico - who was president of the Regional Government of Basilicata in the last legislature -" the logic Cross over the sides, with the "glue of business." Then for almost all more than 30 suspects from De Magistris has been requested or terminated in the acquittal.

Justice Minister Clemente Mastella has asked the Superior Council of Judiciary transfer interim urgency De Magistris, for alleged irregularities in the handling of the case Toghe Lucan.

In April 2009, the investigating judge of Salerno Maria Teresa Belmonte acquitted Luigi De Magistris (now resigned to months) from the charge of the revelation of business secrets and abuse of office in this investigation. Choice that follows the decision of the Supreme Court on April 2, not to move the headquarters of the proceedings, declaring that the action of the former coordinator of the DDA in power, Felicia Genovese, turn over the investigation "togas Lucan" by 's ex pm De Magistris.

transfer on 21 September 2007, Justice Minister Clemente Mastella has asked the CSM to transfer supervision of De Magistris and the chief prosecutor Mariano Lombardi. The request was put forward following the investigation conducted by inspectors of the ministry offices Catanzaro and judicial power: the inspectors believed he had found "serious anomalies" in the management of the file "Togas Lucan, De Magistris protesting his refusal to report the developments of the investigation to the Attorney Lombardi.

The news immediately jumps to the attention of national news thanks to the movement Kill us all, fell immediately in defense of Pm promoting numerous protests against the decision and in support of De Magistris in Calabria and throughout Italy.

The CSM was first reserved his decision Dec. 17, 2007 and subsequently referred the decision to further investigate the situation, to January 18, 2008. On that date has been ordered transferred Luigi De Magistris from Catanzaro and functions of public ministry: it is a worthwhile ancillary to the main sentence of censure. The news has come, among other things, the day after the resignation of Minister Mastella.

De Magistris, simultaneously, was acquitted of failing to take the necessary measures to prevent the "leak" Why Not on the investigation and that he had had "casual relationship" with the press.

The measure is not immediately operative, and will be subject to final decision by the United Civil Sections of the Supreme Court, before which the prosecutor may request an appeal of the verdict of the CSM.

Parliamentary questions since 2003 is the subject of parliamentary questions which supported the environmental incompatibility and call for their expulsion from Catanzaro. In one of these questions [5], the then National Alliance senator Ettore Bucciero requested and was granted - in January 2006 - Ministerial inspection charged to the PM; measures coincided with two of his investigations, Poseidon and Why Not ( sottrattegli both), which was investigating leading political figures, Mafia and Freemasonry.

The activities of Dr. De Magistris has clashed repeatedly with the political world [6] and the press pointed out that by the organs of power, there were attempts to stop his investigations, while other newspapers have more or less sharply criticized his work.

On the subject of much controversial parliamentary questions were presented in favor of the magistrate, the deputy Communist Refoundation Falomi response with Secretary Li Gotti [7] in support of Luigi De Magistris. [8]

input in policy Luigi de MagistrisIl 17 March 2009, with a blog post by Antonio Di Pietro, Luigi De Magistris announced his entry into politics. He will join Italy of Values \u200b\u200bfor the European elections of 2009, leaving, like this:

'work to which I devoted fifteen years of my life and that was my dream, as someone said, the mission of these years. [9] "

De Magistris recalls that it" was somehow hindered "in the activities of the Public Ministry:

" I'm not longer able to exercise for several months. What worries me even more, at this historical moment, is the activity of de-legitimization of obstacle and assault against me and my profession, and to all those who have tried in recent months, in recent weeks and in recent years to establish the facts. Finally, what happened to Salerno magistrates who were suspended or exiled to other parts of the country. [9] "

The choice of De Magistris
to engage in politics has puzzled Aldo Pecora, leader Kill all, a movement that until then had always supported him. [10] [11]

Luigi De Magistris was elected to Parliament in Strasbourg during the European session on 6 and 7 June 2009 resulting in the most voted for Italy after Silvio Berlusconi, with 415,646 preferences. On July 20, 2009 he was elected President of the European Parliament's committee responsible for checking the Community budget.

the anniversary of the death of Enrico Berlinguer, the former PM has repeatedly shown the same appreciation, recognizing the values \u200b\u200band ideals pursued by the then exponent of the Italian Communist Party. He also claimed to have been an elector of the PCI [12].

Although he said that once elected he abandoned the business of judges to devote himself entirely to politics, he sought and obtained to be placed on leave by the High Council of Judiciary, which granted the measure on July 29, 2009 [13] also attracting criticism in circles close to the right [14].

Luigi de Magistris has resigned from the Judiciary November 19, 2009, shortly after the establishment of the European Parliament. [15] [16]

public justice and power, edited by Sergio Nazzaro, Roma, Editori Riuniti, 2009 - ISBN 9788861900721. Assault at
pm: history of a bad judge, a preface by Marco Travaglio, Milan, Chiarelettere, 2010 - ISBN 9788861900721.
Notes [edit]


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Raffaele Cantone
(Naples, 1963) is an Italian magistrate.

Biography Born in Naples in 1963, was until 2007 the public prosecutor at the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Naples, he was responsible for investigating the Casalesi clan of the Camorra, also reported in the popular bestseller by Roberto Saviano Gomorrah, managing to get the life sentence of the most important leaders of that group, including Francesco Schiavone, known as Sandokan, Francesco Bidognetti, Lard said 'It is midnight, Walter Schiavone, said Walterino, Augusto La Torre, Mario Edwards and many others. He has also
investigations into leaks of Caserta clan abroad, particularly in Scotland, where it was detected a true branch of the La Torre clan of Mondragone dedicated to reinvestment in businesses and commercial laundering, Germany , Romania and Hungary, where members of the clan during the inaction Schiavone had settled and had purchased real estate and business.

He edited the line of investigation that focused investment group Zagaria in Parma and Milan by order Camorra association for a major property developer in Parma.
lives since 1999 and protected under Creative Commons since 2003 as investigators discovered a draft of an attack against him organized by the Casalesi clan.

currently works in the Office of Massimario the Supreme Court.

is the author of numerous articles published in the newspaper Il Mattino. He is the author of numerous publications on legal matters, including three books entitled respectively The bankruptcy crimes, reform of a fair trial, documentary evidence. Collaborate with legal journals, such as Criminal Appeal, Criminal Journal, Archives and new Criminal Procedure Forensic Journal.
In 2008 he published Mondadori, only justice, autobiographical work that recounts his experience as a magistrate of the first line. Of 2010 (Mondadori Editore, for the series "Blue Highways," as written in the previous few months became best sellers), is "The Leopard", written in conversation with journalist Espresso Gianluca Di Feo.
County, with his incisive and direct style, he guides the reader in the scenario of the mafias of today: no more "cap and shotgun", but "service bureaus" that many, including businessmen, politicians and professionals choose freely to contact and let us business. A mob in a suit and tie, that of ocelots that move between collusion and connivance, looking for benefits and favors.

hope for a new spring led by Naples Cantonepubblicata by Toni Amato on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 at 13:42

In its press release following the my position and area on the next Democratic elections in Naples and on the choice of Mayor Candidate after what happened with the primaries. A clear message: Start a new springtime for Naples led by Raffaele Cantone.

"The great event of the past tells us that there is a very popular desire for renewal, overcoming the Berlusconi government and failed models of the Right. Democratic hopes for this area to Naples to open a new spring led by Raffaele Cantone "it said in a statement to the provincial coordinator of Area Democratic Antonio Amato" The situation that emerged after the primary has led to an impasse, if not passed immediately, the Government would also common in the hands of Cosentino and Cesaro. One risk that we must avoid. For this we express deep appreciation for the work that the national secretary and the commissioner of the federation are doing neapolitan. We had hoped that a backward step Cozzolino, compared to what happened, we felt a duty. We have supported a Ranieri Battle of renewal that would open a new season in Naples, Ranieri now we are ready to support a candidate so influential and significant as that of Canton "Amato continues," There remain unclear points about what happened in the primaries, which will definitely be clarified, but on January 23 was above all a great day for popular participation. Instances of the people of the center left, of the thousands of men and women took to the streets yesterday, must be collected and can not remain unheard. We need a new impetus and a new unity, a clear and strong signal that puts the struggle for legality and against the Camorra, the environment and development as a priority program of the Centre Left. For that, "Amato concludes" We ask Raffaele Cantone to collect the appeal that the PD, the other center-left forces, the people of Naples, are launching, but to overcome the legitimate reasons that until now have not led to collect this invitation to be driving a new round of political and institutional, that part, finally, by the instances of civil society '


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