Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Cocaine in the clinic gynecologist
eleven arrests in the Naples-well
Pushers active in the English quarters received orders by telephone. Delivery service for entrepreneurs and professionals to Posillipo Chiaia and Capri. The drug was also delivered to a gynecologist while carrying out operations. Behind the shop the Mazzarella clan and Di Biase

procured and delivered, even at home, doses of drugs, mainly cocaine, professionals and entrepreneurs from Naples. Eleven people accused of criminal association aimed at drug trafficking, were arrested by the police of the Society of Naples Bagnoli. For them, the judiciary has issued an order for custody in a prison.


During the investigation, coordinated by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, the police have discovered the organization, active in the English district of Naples, who, based on telephone orders for drugs by professionals and entrepreneurs, ensured Delivery of the doses, in the neighborhoods of Posillipo Chiaia and on the island of Capri.

deepening investigations identified the supply channels and tracks the relationship between the leaders of the group of drug dealers and members of the Camorra clan Mazzarella and Di Biase, operating in downtown Naples. It 'been so outlined the role of members of the group of drug dealers who acted as the fulcrum between organized crime (the supplier of the drug) and consumers in the so-called Naples well.

According to the study in Naples led to uncover a drug ring between professionals and entrepreneurs, among the most regular cocaine users was also a noted Neapolitan gynecologist who ordered the amazing and if he did bring in the clinic where he works two or three times a day.
The orders for custody - 10 run, a person to escape capture, three other suspects at large - have been issued by the investigating magistrate at the request of the prosecutor Luisa Toscano Michele Del Prete.

The doctor is not investigated because the the drug was for personal use. According to what has been learned, the practitioner, under the influence of the drug, also performed surgery. In conversations with drug dealers doses of cocaine were called "bottles of wine," "perfume" or "bags". The person to escape capture of Capri is a skipper, as is clear from the interception, gave the drug to customers in a famous restaurant on the island.

Among the suspects are two spouses of Posillipo, entrepreneurs, for which the investigating judge rejected the request for arrest: they financed the purchase of a consignment of drugs.

NAPLES - During the investigation that led this morning notification of ten orders of arrest have been documented hundreds of incidents of drug dealing. A thousand pages of the order in which the activities of the band is reconstructed in detail, the decisive interception. The gynecologist, who has a fifty-year study in Posillipo and works in a clinic in the hilly, often called several members of the gang and did reach the places where from time to time he was. "You can come to me?", For example, asks that Mary Lory, who was arrested this morning and she, before the communication is interrupted, ask questions, "the study? At the studio or over? ". On another occasion, the doctor asks where he is, "I'm in Via Marina, but the scooter can not go. Where are you? ". The gynecologist offers to get there: "I'm almost at Via Marina, you come to meet." At that time, however, the drug dealer did not cocaine with him, "Eh, but I have a moment to go home because I'm done." The woman reassures him: "I will come to you, tell me where?". Shortly thereafter, the doctor will be in the clinic: "I'm at the clinic ...». The drug dealer reassures him: "So I come here, do not worry." The doctor fears that the failure of the motor Lory can not reach him: "But how do mo?". You have a ready solution: "E mo I stop by a gas station, will run pippetta loses because the gasoline. " The gynecologist feels reassured, "Ah, it must be good," and added: "I'll see you there, I'm already going to the clinic." The drug dealer, who has already delivered the drug at other times in the nursing home, confirms: "Yes, in the clinic, all right."

GYNAECOLOGIST cocaine According to the study in Naples led to uncover a drug ring between professionals and entrepreneurs, among the most regular cocaine users was also a noted Neapolitan gynecologist who ordered the amazing and if he did bring in the clinic where he works two or three times a day. The orders for custody - 10 run, a person to escape capture, three other suspects at large - have been issued by the investigating magistrate at the request of the prosecutor Luisa Toscano Michele Del Prete. The doctor is being investigated because he used drugs for personal use. According to what has been learned, the practitioner, under the influence of the drug, also performed surgery. In conversations with drug dealers doses of cocaine were called 'bottles of wine,' smell o 'bags. The person to escape capture of Capri is a skipper, as is clear from the interception, gave the drug to customers in a famous restaurant on the island. In a phone call, in particular, the skipper talks about drugs to be delivered to an assistant chief of the State Police, whose name is unknown. Among the Suspects include the spouses of Posillipo, entrepreneurs, for which the investigating judge rejected the request for arrest: they financed the purchase of a consignment of drugs. The gynecologist spent on each dose of cocaine about 90 € and for this price get the drug dealers gave him the amazing clinical study at home or on the street and did not go so well known places for drug dealing. In short, he paid more than the market price in order not to expose themselves. Telephone calls to the records of the investigation are about fifty, with several members of the gang. In the interviews, all very short, the professional often shows impatience to receive cocaine. Many also call the skipper, in this moment, in Indonesia and to whom the order to arrest shall be notified to return to Italy. Among the numerous consumer attorneys and accountants. The investigation was delegated to the police of Posillipo, was started in 2009 when, during an investigation of a ransom note to a gas station, a few phone calls were randomly intercepted in which there was demand for drugs.

ELEVEN ARRESTS procured and delivered, even at home, doses of drugs (mainly cocaine) to professionals and entrepreneurs from Naples. Eleven people accused of criminal association aimed at drug trafficking, were arrested by the police of the Society of Naples Bagnoli. For them, the judiciary issued an order for custody in a prison. During the investigation, coordinated by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, the police have discovered the organization, active in the English district of Naples, who, based on telephone orders for drugs by professionals and businessmen, to have home delivery of doses in districts Posillipo Chiaia and on the island of Capri. Deepening the investigation identified the supply channels and tracks the relationship between the leaders of the group of drug dealers and members of the Camorra clan Mazzarella and Di Biase, operating in downtown Naples. It has thus been outlined the role of members of the group of drug dealers who acted as a fulcrum between organized crime (the supplier of the drug) and consumers in the so-called Naples well.


The doctors? Italians suffer from burnout
Doctors increasingly stressed.
born an Italian project to help ... Doctors increasingly 'stressed. The fear of making mistakes, sometimes grueling rounds, the fear of finding themselves 'walking' or retired too early, can be very heavy burden to bear. Especially on the shoulders of those white coats more 'fragile that, in most cases, not wanting or not knowing where to turn, are likely to fall into the' black hole 'of depression. They are in fact at least 5 000 Italian doctors, lost and under stress, take refuge in alcohol and drugs, particularly cocaine. A number that makes an impression, if you think that it is professionals who are responsible for public health.

E 'on the last picture Italian doctors suffering from burnout (addiction professional), a disease which, if untreated, can' also lead to extreme solutions. Snap 'Beniamino Palmieri, professor of surgery at the University' degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia and project coordinator 'Physician heal thyself', a network that has, among its objectives, its protection of the white shirts that fall ill or that are affected by bornout. The phenomenon involves in Italy 30% of physicians over 50. Nearly 1 in 3.

scenario - shows a preview Adnkronos Salute - will be 'presented in detail during the second national conference of the network coordinated by Palmieri, scheduled for 4:05 March in Milan. "The doctors - said Palmieri - despite having levels of mortality 'lower than the average population, but have' a greater risk of being affected by some problems of physical and psychological. Those who practice this profession, than the average population, and 'most affected by one or more' of three 'd': drugs, drink and depression, namely drugs, alcoholism and depression, including suicide. "

It 's not a case that, throughout the world, the suicide rate among white coats and 'two times higher than the general population among men and among women even four times. Numbers chills, which originated from the dependencies related to the profession. "The burnout - explains Palmieri - and 'a syndrome characterized by job stress, exhaustion (emotional tension, anxiety,' irritability 'or boredom, apathy, disinterest), defensive end (emotional detachment from the patient attended, cynicism, rigidity')." To be affected, including doctors, are many: "It is estimated - said the expert - 30% of the white shirts with more 'than 50 years."

at the expense are especially anesthesiologists, surgeons, gynecologists and emergency room physicians, the majority of men (80% of cases). "All doctors - said Palmieri - subject to great stress. Many work 50-60 hours a week, but the overload and 'just hard work: there is' the emotional and, increasingly, 'there' weight bureaucracy and conflicts between colleagues. In all of this 'cultural factors add up that make it' difficult for doctors to ask for help. "

In fact very few are those who launch a sort of Sos. Counted on the fingers of one hand. "Approximately 99% of the white shirts in trouble '- says the expert - not or will not know where to turn. Of these - plus - 45% were self-care." It remains to work. "Almost all ', even between those who use drugs, especially cocaine and alcohol, is a coexistence between occupation and abuse. "

end up in the tunnel of addiction are most especially the doctors' good and workaholics." A fall into the trap - explains Palmieri - it is the white coats who spend all lora life at work. Always ready to run and sustain exhausting shifts at the hospital. "Professionals 'broke' starting to be depressed and to take refuge in alcohol or drugs or both.

Various forms of depression." There are - says the expert - those that occur with anger and irritability '. And yet, in cases where a structural headache, nausea, sleep disturbances. "The consequences of this clinical picture can not but be reflected also on the activity 'medical care. "Increases for example - says Palmieri - the risk of injury with a scalpel, or pricked with a syringe. The losers and 'the relationship with the patient. "Scientific studies - adds the expert - have shown that stress not only a doctor and 'less open to dialogue, but more likely' easy to make mistakes, even fatal."

To address these issues will also be addressed in public care facilities, but it is not 'so' simple. "The most 'of the time - said Palmieri - the doctor does not ask for help,' cause he is afraid of being recognized and have an impact on their careers." There 's also another factor that facilitates the resolution of the problem. Not all doctors suffering from burnout really know you are in trouble '. 'There is a 15% ignorant of white coats to be affected. And about 18% living with a chronic state of depression. " Meanwhile, in the face of unsuspecting doctors and a weak support network, the phenomenon is growing. "Over the past five years - says the expert - the burnout in our country and 'increased by 1% every year."

a trend that seems to be confirmed in a few episodes recently jumped to the chronicles, with doctors protagonists of strange stories. The last case in order of time 'to a duty doctor of 58 years in Rome, he drank while on duty. He should answer the phone the surgery and appropriate care for the sick, in person or by giving instructions via cable. Instead, he was often drunk. Or was not there, having the habit of anticipating a lot of his time after finishing work.

fact is that you and 'found defendant in courtroom in Rome, charged with interruption of public utility service' and threats against his colleagues who, after months of endurance, had complained of causing the suspension. And he, in revenge, began to call at all hours, on the lines reserved for public health emergencies, to fill them with threats and insults.

Another white coat finished recently in the newspapers for anything but medical reasons and 'what that, in service in the emergency room of Naples, and 'was surprised by the Police to buy cocaine. But when it comes to drugs is the episode that has done more 'and you stir' in Galatina recorded in December, in the province of Lecce, where the medical director of the hospital 'Santa Caterina Maria Novella' has even sent a circular to warn the internal doctors and nurses not to use cocaine during the time of service. The invitation was addressed after a few anonymous reports received by the health department of the hospital Salento. To pay the bill and 'but was' just the medical director, and that' was suspended by the Directorate General Healthcare Agency.

Of course the problem and 'international and crossing the Italian borders. Although in other countries there seems to be more attention to the phenomenon. "In Italy, from this point of view we are behind," said Palmieri. "Missing a careful monitoring of the phenomenon. The Ministry of Health in Wales - he added - for example, is compiling a register of doctors and medical students who have experienced psychiatric illness or substance abuse, in order to establish how these people can continue to work or study while protecting the public interest. "

During the II Congress of the network 'physician heal thyself', will also present other international studies on the subject. "It 's been done - said Palmieri - a medical screening on Australian and New Zealand through an evaluation of anxiety and depression, which showed that the most 'high levels of stress could be found between family doctors, compared to the average population. Similar conclusions were found from a study conducted in Great Britain where they sought a correlation between personality 'and the activities' work, through a questionnaire on anxiety and depression in primary care providers. "

The survey results are eloquent: "There was' noticed - says the expert - that cases of depression (10% non-severe and 16% borderline) were statistically associated with lack of free time because of work stress for the constant demands of patients, the amount 'large of calls to a busy life, being single and without children, alcohol abuse, obesity, 'a satisfactory career and work in low stimulants.


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