Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Picrture Of Mottled Baby


young Joseph is the 'Magician' dreams
Harry Potter was not the first young magician's success story. The young Joseph, but does not have a wand, has a supernatural power: it is able to interpret dreams . a divine gift that providence is to be released from prison where he had locked up at the request of Potiphar Bitch (see previous post ).
His ability is revealed when correctly predicts the future of two of the servants Pharaoh, his cell mates. Both have had a dream that do not include ( Genesis, Chapter 40 ), but Joseph has no trouble interpreting: "In three days you'll be freed and return to your work" , reveals the first; "Between three days Pharaoh will make your head cut off, your body will hang from a pole and the birds peck at your flesh ", predicts a second. Explains it to him, quiet, professional, without hesitation and without comment. At least "Sorry" there was ill. The fact is that three days after a return to his job, the other ends up dead and tortured.
time later, the pharaoh same doing a bizarre dream and we are appalled : see s ette fat cows graze near the Nile, followed by seven lean years , then dreams seven ears of corn near lush seven ears, stunted . None among the soothsayers and wise men of Egypt, can provide a plausible interpretation (even the Divine Magician Otelma would be outraged by such failure). Then the servant who was in prison you remember when Joseph was able to correctly predict the future, and suggests the pharaoh to convene.
Joseph 's Dreamcatcher warns Pharaoh that Egypt is expected from s uch years of great prosperity and abundant harvests , which follow, however, s uch absolute years of famine. The king is satisfied, in fact, more than satisfied, because Joseph has obviously befriended of the God appointed him his deputy and entrusts the administration of all Egypt, in order to prepare adequately to seven years of famine during the seven of plenty. The neo-viceroy, just thirties, decides that it is the best time to get married: Bride Asenath, daughter of a priest, and soon gives birth to two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim . Who knows
what they would say, seeing him now, the brothers when he was still a child the sold for 20 pieces of silver as a slave ... With the manner of a novelist, the biblical author is preparing to tell us about it.


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