Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mount And Blade Increase Number Of Soldiers

sale brother cares desperately for president Jacob

1200 dollars for a black
20 pieces of silver for Joseph
I brothers in Genesis not love each other very much. The custom, we have seen, is to compete, hate, kill and rub each other. As already Cain and Abel, Ishmael and Isaac as as Esau and Jacob, even among the twelve sons of Jacob, the relationship is anything but brotherly love.
not help that Joseph both already had their first child late in life by his wife Rachel , the most beautiful and most beloved, while the others had arrived from sister Lia ugly or concubines (see here ). But it helps even less that Joseph take an air of haughty first class. At 17 years (Chapter 37 ) starts to graze their flocks with siblings, best friends and renderseli really wants to do with the spy Jacob andandogli to report at the end of the day that the other kids say bad things behind him . Moreover, the young man, at night, dream big, and the day the report with enthusiasm to the brothers: "Boy, that dream! We were reaping the wheat, and my sheaf stood up as high as that of all while your were in front of my bow, "and again: "The sun, moon and eleven stars bowed down to the ground in front of me ... what a beautiful dream, do not you?". No, do not find, indeed s'incazzano. Bad.
Mr. Joseph is not sympathy, but the revenge a zinzinello seems exaggerated. One day, when they see it from far away to reach out to pasture, the brothers decided in the twinkling of kill him and throw his body in a cistern . Luckily Ruben, the eldest, has a remorse of conscience, and convinces them to simply drop it in an empty tank in the desert without killing him, maybe to go and pick up after a while '.
said than done, Joseph ends up in the tank-style Sardinian anonymous seizures. When Ruben, the good-natured, not there, passing by a caravan of Ishmaelites direct Egypt. At this point, Judah (and that name could have, moreover, the traitor?) To come up with the sale of his brother : Joseph as a slave to the Ishmaelites in exchange for 20 pieces of silver . Judah's argument is convincing: "Rather than hurt him, sell him after all, is part of our family." I would say it is flawless (it seems to suffer from the speech of the daughters Lot in Sodom).
obnoxious brother out of the way forever, earned money, no corpse on my conscience: all's well that ends well. Yeah, but now Jacob Says who? "The example we just gave it to him, rubbing Esau and Isaac, now we will sneak away." The brothers killed a kid, wash the clothes with the blood of Joseph, and his father send a message (perhaps a post-it ? The biblical author does not specify): We found this capacity See if is that your child . The old man was so convinced that Joseph has been torn apart by a wild and inconsolable despair.
The plan of the brothers seems unable to perfection. They do not know, however, that in the meantime, in Egypt, Joseph is already been sold by its first customers in Potiphar, the Pharaoh's right hand ...


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