Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cervical Mucas Very Watery

/ 2: The harem

Pay 2, take 4:
the balance in harem Jacob
These days, a pimp - oh no, now they say end user - has different payment methods to recruit girls plump with which to revive his harem : cash, homes, cars, contracts which are placed in soubrette tv or Regional Council. Just have a little 'fantasy. Even at the time of Jacob was common practice to pay for a woman , starting wife.
When he gets from his uncle Laban fatal to escape the wrath of his brother Esau (Genesis , Chapter 29), Jacob, however, has no money or animals with which to buy the beautiful Cousin Rachel . He does not just have to work hard: "I will work for you for seven years to marry Rachel, your younger daughter, Laban approves, the agreement is defined. Obviously, no one dreams of asking the opinion of the people involved. Jacob, however, does not take into account that Laban is the brother of his mother Rebecca , the holy woman who helped him to cheat his brother Esau, and Isaac (see here ). This time he is to be deceived: night of the wedding party, Laban's daughter instead babe sends him into the tent to Leah, Rachel's older sister and ugly . Obviously Jacob realizes the deception only when the day breaks. We conclude that: a) Jacob is not physiognomist b) that night was pitch black and really did not have candles, c) at the end, Lia has not been much bona , but under the sheets did not regret her sister. E 'at this point that Jacob shows his great business acumen, and take home a convenient offer 2 for 1 : before you pretend angry with his uncle, which is justified by explaining that "in this country is not the custom to give his youngest daughter is not married to the greatest "(not to say it first, eh?) and then willingly accept the revival of Laban:" completed this week of celebration wedding, then work another seven years for me and I wife Rachel and I will also .
The real deal is that, on expiry of seven years, Jacob finds himself enjoys an exceptional offer 4 for 2: besides the sisters Leah and Rachel, in fact, There are also package their slaves Zilpah and Bilhah . A veritable harem 'in balance' , in fact. The nice thing is that the Sultan Jacob there is even the figure of the pimp: he would only love Rachel , are the events to force him to sacrifice even with all the others ... Lia - we saw - it was set to Laban as compulsory priority for her younger sister. A major, thanks to the benevolence of God reveals himself a formidable machine children in a short time it produces four (Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah). Rachel is barren, jealous and sad then invites Jacob to join his maidservant Bilhah : her husband willingly accepts, and here's two other little children (Dan and Naphtali). Counter Leah, which puts her slave Zilpah : with her, the indefatigable Jacob, now a 'forced' sex and offspring, generates Gad and Asher.
But the best is yet to come. From buyer, Jacob finds himself bought for a night of sex . Its price, to be honest, it's quite demeaning: more than seven years of work, a mere handful of mandrakes , miraculous herbs that gave fertility. Reuben had found, the first son of Leah, Rachel, although you can use them and have a child of her own, said her sister-rival: "You give me mandrakes your son, I make you spend the night with Jacob." Fantastic scene in which it is made clear once and for all as Jacob, now, is only an instrument of pleasure and power at the mercy of wives : "At night, when she returned from the fields Jacob, Leah went to him and said You must come with me for I have bought pagandoti with mandrakes your son. " No answer, Unconditional Surrender. Result: three other sons of Leah (Issachar for tonight agreed, however, we see that the payment was prorated because then they will reach even Zebulun and Dinah) and finally, thanks to mandrakes and to God - he, too, I suppose, taken from exhaustion - even two children by Rachel (Joseph and several years later, Benjamin, that caused the death in childbirth).
The total accounting of sexual- prolific Jacob is of 12 children by four different women . No wonder the first-born Reuben, when he grew up, plans to inaugurate its activities amateurs having sex with Bilhah, the concubine of his father . For a profession so difficult and exhausting as it was for my father, better training at a young age with a proven track record of trainer.


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