Friday, January 28, 2011

Dvd Grainy On Blu Ray

Neapolitan woman who rebel pickets

posted by Laura on Saturday, January 29, 2011 at 5:52

Marianna Micciarelli

tomorrow's event in Piazza plebiscite is confirmed in 10.30.

Expect associations and anything else they want you specify "their name" in order to conceal communicate insert specifically under the "women who rebel - Naples, made the change .. we print each of us a couple of leaflets to distribute tomorrow.


Facebook: "I disagree ...
and Rosa Luxemburg "
Daniela Amenta a woman who dedicated their lives to uphold the law.

"Why - they write on social networking organizations," Women say no. This week I'm ...», "we want to fight the system of buying and selling of women, exploitation of the female body. A gesture that is intended primarily to communicate our identity as women able to assert with courage and intellect, but also to renew our historic memory, to remember that the right to vote, the right to work, individual freedoms, rights are won , often at great cost, by women. "

So here's the change. "I am Rosa Luxemburg. Because freedom is always freedom of dissent. " "I am Frida Kahlo," "I am Frances Farmer," "I am Merini Alda, Shirin Neshat, Irène Némirovsky, Carla Lonzi Ibarruri Dolores Gomez, Tina Modotti, Janis Joplin, Joan Baez, Marie Curie."

"I am Rita Levi Montalcini, because the absolute evil of our time is not to believe in values. It does not matter that they are religious or secular. Young people must believe in something positive and life is worth living only if we believe in values, because they remain even after our death. "

And Jane Austen, Maria Callas, George Sand, Rosa Parks, Joyce Lussier. It is' a series of images, symbols, women famous or forgotten. As Emanuela Loi, police escort of Borsellino, or Amelia Earhart, American aviatrix. At each new face. The memory that crosses the face of history and individual stories, the passions of literature, political studies.

paths that come together, meet. Memories that are reactivated. A gesture so simple metaphor becomes overbearing, it becomes a strong sign of revolt. Some say no, take another to affirm their identity. "I am Anna Magnani wrinkles because they cover. I spent a lifetime to make me come. "

am also Simone de Beauvoir. "For a free woman is the exact opposite of a woman Light. " January 28, 2011


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