Friday, February 25, 2011

Gay Molest In Japan Train

Carràmba Seriously! Joseph

devises a show that deserves a memoriam to Telegatto
Joseph is definitely a guy who can see beyond. Not only because it predicts the future by interpreting dreams, but also because two thousand years passed before the era cathode, it shows an extraordinary author of television formats forerunner : manages to create a show that sums up perfectly two of the most successful programs national-popular in the last 20 years of Italian television, which Carràmba Surprise! conducted by Carrà (8 editions between 1995 and 2008) and Joking aside Fatima Ruffini (11 editions between 1992 and 2009).
that Carràmba Seriously! , conceived, written, starring and directed by Joseph with the unwitting participation of his brothers (special guest star the aged father Jacob ), airs between 42 and 46 chapters of Genesis . We are in the seven years of famine affecting the whole Middle East. Thanks to the guidance of Joseph (see previous post ), however, in Egypt accumulated food in industrial quantities in the seven years of plenty before, so now all go to Pharaoh to buy grain. There are between 11 to 10 Joseph's brothers, the sons of Jacob , but takes with him to Canaan the young Benjamin : it is the only child born from the beloved wife Rachel, who can ; still embrace, as Joseph was sold by his brothers many years before , saying that his father had been devoured by wild animals (see here ). Once in Egypt, the brothers can not recognize Joseph, now 30 years and is the powerful viceroy . But he understands know who they are and shoot the joke - before you continue reading, we recommend that you press play the movie to enhance the effect.
Pretending not to know who I am, Joseph accused them of being spies and slams them in jail for three days. Then he offers them a deal they can return to their families with the grain to feed them, but proof of their honesty, they will leave there as a hostage one of them (Simeon), and will return again to Egypt with what is left to home (Benjamin). The brothers no choice but to accept, but when they come out of Jacob discover that inside the bags with the grain someone - but who has been ?!? - has also slipped the money with which he would have to pay: "Poor us, we think that the viceroy also robbed!" - their great despair, risatissime the public.
overcome the resistance of Jacob, as the famine continues, after a bit 'run the risk of return to Egypt, this time also bringing Benjamin . To their surprise, no one accuses them for the history of money in the bags, even are invited to lunch by the powerful viceroy . And here, for the first time, the joke gives way to Carràmba (from Devoto-Oli dictionary, 2008 -sic !!!-: "unexpected encounter with a person or persons with whom they had lost contact" ) with Joseph who is moved and should go cry in secret when he finally sees Benjamin, his only brother of blood.
but the joke continues. And passed the concealed Magone, the Viceroy Completes dinner in joy as if nothing had happened. The next day, restarts the brothers with the sacks full of grain . Once again, however, is put in them the money ; more, in Benjamin's sack, he hide from his servants, a valuable silver cup . When have gone for a while ', Giuseppe makes them chase the guards, who ordered them to empty the bags. The viceroy then play the joker: "And if someone has taken my beautiful cup, will remain a slave to me." A bag open, the brothers can not dismayed that rend their garments in despair, convinced that they were punished by God Judah, at this point, redeems itself: he who years earlier had agreed the price for the sale of Joseph, now begs him to take him as a slave instead of Benjamin, or the old Jacob would die of grief.
It 's time to unveil the hidden cameras: Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers , sobbing and hugging group style Carràmba - again, I recommend the movie to start before finishing the reading, of course making sure to stop before the jingle of unbearable Seriously. ..
A tear after another, the show reaches its climax when he Joseph does transfer to Egypt all the brothers with their families (around 70 people). The Surprise of Surprises deserves to be announced by Carr in person, perhaps facing the most extraordinary of more than 250 family reunions (real or imagined) who presented " And Canaan, even old Father Jacob is ... quiiiiii! . The bar of the parent
130enne , when he finally embraces his son for so long regret, is Anthology of TV of tears: " I've reviewed and I know you're alive. Now I can die .
A pack of tissues Scottex family size for us, a memoriam to Telegatto deserved to Joseph and his Carramba that Seriously! .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Picrture Of Mottled Baby


young Joseph is the 'Magician' dreams
Harry Potter was not the first young magician's success story. The young Joseph, but does not have a wand, has a supernatural power: it is able to interpret dreams . a divine gift that providence is to be released from prison where he had locked up at the request of Potiphar Bitch (see previous post ).
His ability is revealed when correctly predicts the future of two of the servants Pharaoh, his cell mates. Both have had a dream that do not include ( Genesis, Chapter 40 ), but Joseph has no trouble interpreting: "In three days you'll be freed and return to your work" , reveals the first; "Between three days Pharaoh will make your head cut off, your body will hang from a pole and the birds peck at your flesh ", predicts a second. Explains it to him, quiet, professional, without hesitation and without comment. At least "Sorry" there was ill. The fact is that three days after a return to his job, the other ends up dead and tortured.
time later, the pharaoh same doing a bizarre dream and we are appalled : see s ette fat cows graze near the Nile, followed by seven lean years , then dreams seven ears of corn near lush seven ears, stunted . None among the soothsayers and wise men of Egypt, can provide a plausible interpretation (even the Divine Magician Otelma would be outraged by such failure). Then the servant who was in prison you remember when Joseph was able to correctly predict the future, and suggests the pharaoh to convene.
Joseph 's Dreamcatcher warns Pharaoh that Egypt is expected from s uch years of great prosperity and abundant harvests , which follow, however, s uch absolute years of famine. The king is satisfied, in fact, more than satisfied, because Joseph has obviously befriended of the God appointed him his deputy and entrusts the administration of all Egypt, in order to prepare adequately to seven years of famine during the seven of plenty. The neo-viceroy, just thirties, decides that it is the best time to get married: Bride Asenath, daughter of a priest, and soon gives birth to two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim . Who knows
what they would say, seeing him now, the brothers when he was still a child the sold for 20 pieces of silver as a slave ... With the manner of a novelist, the biblical author is preparing to tell us about it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hannah Buckle Topless

Female slick suckers for males / 2: The Bitch fits Joseph

never say no to this: Mrs. Potiphar becomes
The Bitch
Reject advances of a pretty pussy does not seem good idea. And if the beautiful chick in question is also the wife of 'vice-Pharaoh' , the idea turns out bad. The finds, at its expense, the victim Joseph , who evidently had not got the time to look The Graduate with Dustin Hoffman. Too bad for him. Would understand that a beautiful and powerful woman refused, call Mrs. Robinson or Mrs. Potiphar , becomes more fearful of a wounded tiger.
Joseph, son of Jacob, was sold by his loving brothers to the Ishmaelites, who had been cashed in by turning the gain Potiphar, Pharaoh's right hand man 's Egypt (see here ). In Chapter 39 of Genesis we find a rising Joseph: Potiphar understands that it is smart, entrusted him with the administration of all his property, and it's - quote - " well done and fascinating." A young man with a bright future in front of rampant, in fact. So much so that Mrs. Potiphar , the unnamed wife of his master, puts eyes on . "Come, come with me!" - The obsessively repeats every day. L ' end user, when a woman does not need to turn Lele Mora: it procures the raw material for the individual bunga bunga.
The young man, however, is adamant: "No, I can not betray my master, who treats me so well." A refusal to put into words, it is confirmed that even when you change the facts. One day into the house of Joseph and Potiphar's wife is to receive all alone, without many preliminaries pulling at your coat. Even this time the handsome guy gives up, even f Ugge all naked, making rip off her clothes . It 'at this point that Mrs. Potiphar, wounded pride by a refusal so searing, takes the shape of the bitch. Sounds a
urletto by Oscar winner and calls his servants " The slave jew that my husband has brought home would have a good time with us has been approached to join me, but I started to cry. He then abandoned his tunic beside me and ran ".
Yes We agree, just a bitch. Exactly. When Potiphar finds out, with plenty of coat as evidence, can not stop doing that Joseph and throw him in jail .
do you greeting with which it will accept the inmates? Choose the most appropriate survey using the right-hand column.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Samantha 38g Honey Moon Freeones


Cocaine in the clinic gynecologist
eleven arrests in the Naples-well
Pushers active in the English quarters received orders by telephone. Delivery service for entrepreneurs and professionals to Posillipo Chiaia and Capri. The drug was also delivered to a gynecologist while carrying out operations. Behind the shop the Mazzarella clan and Di Biase

procured and delivered, even at home, doses of drugs, mainly cocaine, professionals and entrepreneurs from Naples. Eleven people accused of criminal association aimed at drug trafficking, were arrested by the police of the Society of Naples Bagnoli. For them, the judiciary has issued an order for custody in a prison.


During the investigation, coordinated by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, the police have discovered the organization, active in the English district of Naples, who, based on telephone orders for drugs by professionals and entrepreneurs, ensured Delivery of the doses, in the neighborhoods of Posillipo Chiaia and on the island of Capri.

deepening investigations identified the supply channels and tracks the relationship between the leaders of the group of drug dealers and members of the Camorra clan Mazzarella and Di Biase, operating in downtown Naples. It 'been so outlined the role of members of the group of drug dealers who acted as the fulcrum between organized crime (the supplier of the drug) and consumers in the so-called Naples well.

According to the study in Naples led to uncover a drug ring between professionals and entrepreneurs, among the most regular cocaine users was also a noted Neapolitan gynecologist who ordered the amazing and if he did bring in the clinic where he works two or three times a day.
The orders for custody - 10 run, a person to escape capture, three other suspects at large - have been issued by the investigating magistrate at the request of the prosecutor Luisa Toscano Michele Del Prete.

The doctor is not investigated because the the drug was for personal use. According to what has been learned, the practitioner, under the influence of the drug, also performed surgery. In conversations with drug dealers doses of cocaine were called "bottles of wine," "perfume" or "bags". The person to escape capture of Capri is a skipper, as is clear from the interception, gave the drug to customers in a famous restaurant on the island.

Among the suspects are two spouses of Posillipo, entrepreneurs, for which the investigating judge rejected the request for arrest: they financed the purchase of a consignment of drugs.

NAPLES - During the investigation that led this morning notification of ten orders of arrest have been documented hundreds of incidents of drug dealing. A thousand pages of the order in which the activities of the band is reconstructed in detail, the decisive interception. The gynecologist, who has a fifty-year study in Posillipo and works in a clinic in the hilly, often called several members of the gang and did reach the places where from time to time he was. "You can come to me?", For example, asks that Mary Lory, who was arrested this morning and she, before the communication is interrupted, ask questions, "the study? At the studio or over? ". On another occasion, the doctor asks where he is, "I'm in Via Marina, but the scooter can not go. Where are you? ". The gynecologist offers to get there: "I'm almost at Via Marina, you come to meet." At that time, however, the drug dealer did not cocaine with him, "Eh, but I have a moment to go home because I'm done." The woman reassures him: "I will come to you, tell me where?". Shortly thereafter, the doctor will be in the clinic: "I'm at the clinic ...». The drug dealer reassures him: "So I come here, do not worry." The doctor fears that the failure of the motor Lory can not reach him: "But how do mo?". You have a ready solution: "E mo I stop by a gas station, will run pippetta loses because the gasoline. " The gynecologist feels reassured, "Ah, it must be good," and added: "I'll see you there, I'm already going to the clinic." The drug dealer, who has already delivered the drug at other times in the nursing home, confirms: "Yes, in the clinic, all right."

GYNAECOLOGIST cocaine According to the study in Naples led to uncover a drug ring between professionals and entrepreneurs, among the most regular cocaine users was also a noted Neapolitan gynecologist who ordered the amazing and if he did bring in the clinic where he works two or three times a day. The orders for custody - 10 run, a person to escape capture, three other suspects at large - have been issued by the investigating magistrate at the request of the prosecutor Luisa Toscano Michele Del Prete. The doctor is being investigated because he used drugs for personal use. According to what has been learned, the practitioner, under the influence of the drug, also performed surgery. In conversations with drug dealers doses of cocaine were called 'bottles of wine,' smell o 'bags. The person to escape capture of Capri is a skipper, as is clear from the interception, gave the drug to customers in a famous restaurant on the island. In a phone call, in particular, the skipper talks about drugs to be delivered to an assistant chief of the State Police, whose name is unknown. Among the Suspects include the spouses of Posillipo, entrepreneurs, for which the investigating judge rejected the request for arrest: they financed the purchase of a consignment of drugs. The gynecologist spent on each dose of cocaine about 90 € and for this price get the drug dealers gave him the amazing clinical study at home or on the street and did not go so well known places for drug dealing. In short, he paid more than the market price in order not to expose themselves. Telephone calls to the records of the investigation are about fifty, with several members of the gang. In the interviews, all very short, the professional often shows impatience to receive cocaine. Many also call the skipper, in this moment, in Indonesia and to whom the order to arrest shall be notified to return to Italy. Among the numerous consumer attorneys and accountants. The investigation was delegated to the police of Posillipo, was started in 2009 when, during an investigation of a ransom note to a gas station, a few phone calls were randomly intercepted in which there was demand for drugs.

ELEVEN ARRESTS procured and delivered, even at home, doses of drugs (mainly cocaine) to professionals and entrepreneurs from Naples. Eleven people accused of criminal association aimed at drug trafficking, were arrested by the police of the Society of Naples Bagnoli. For them, the judiciary issued an order for custody in a prison. During the investigation, coordinated by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, the police have discovered the organization, active in the English district of Naples, who, based on telephone orders for drugs by professionals and businessmen, to have home delivery of doses in districts Posillipo Chiaia and on the island of Capri. Deepening the investigation identified the supply channels and tracks the relationship between the leaders of the group of drug dealers and members of the Camorra clan Mazzarella and Di Biase, operating in downtown Naples. It has thus been outlined the role of members of the group of drug dealers who acted as a fulcrum between organized crime (the supplier of the drug) and consumers in the so-called Naples well.


The doctors? Italians suffer from burnout
Doctors increasingly stressed.
born an Italian project to help ... Doctors increasingly 'stressed. The fear of making mistakes, sometimes grueling rounds, the fear of finding themselves 'walking' or retired too early, can be very heavy burden to bear. Especially on the shoulders of those white coats more 'fragile that, in most cases, not wanting or not knowing where to turn, are likely to fall into the' black hole 'of depression. They are in fact at least 5 000 Italian doctors, lost and under stress, take refuge in alcohol and drugs, particularly cocaine. A number that makes an impression, if you think that it is professionals who are responsible for public health.

E 'on the last picture Italian doctors suffering from burnout (addiction professional), a disease which, if untreated, can' also lead to extreme solutions. Snap 'Beniamino Palmieri, professor of surgery at the University' degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia and project coordinator 'Physician heal thyself', a network that has, among its objectives, its protection of the white shirts that fall ill or that are affected by bornout. The phenomenon involves in Italy 30% of physicians over 50. Nearly 1 in 3.

scenario - shows a preview Adnkronos Salute - will be 'presented in detail during the second national conference of the network coordinated by Palmieri, scheduled for 4:05 March in Milan. "The doctors - said Palmieri - despite having levels of mortality 'lower than the average population, but have' a greater risk of being affected by some problems of physical and psychological. Those who practice this profession, than the average population, and 'most affected by one or more' of three 'd': drugs, drink and depression, namely drugs, alcoholism and depression, including suicide. "

It 's not a case that, throughout the world, the suicide rate among white coats and 'two times higher than the general population among men and among women even four times. Numbers chills, which originated from the dependencies related to the profession. "The burnout - explains Palmieri - and 'a syndrome characterized by job stress, exhaustion (emotional tension, anxiety,' irritability 'or boredom, apathy, disinterest), defensive end (emotional detachment from the patient attended, cynicism, rigidity')." To be affected, including doctors, are many: "It is estimated - said the expert - 30% of the white shirts with more 'than 50 years."

at the expense are especially anesthesiologists, surgeons, gynecologists and emergency room physicians, the majority of men (80% of cases). "All doctors - said Palmieri - subject to great stress. Many work 50-60 hours a week, but the overload and 'just hard work: there is' the emotional and, increasingly, 'there' weight bureaucracy and conflicts between colleagues. In all of this 'cultural factors add up that make it' difficult for doctors to ask for help. "

In fact very few are those who launch a sort of Sos. Counted on the fingers of one hand. "Approximately 99% of the white shirts in trouble '- says the expert - not or will not know where to turn. Of these - plus - 45% were self-care." It remains to work. "Almost all ', even between those who use drugs, especially cocaine and alcohol, is a coexistence between occupation and abuse. "

end up in the tunnel of addiction are most especially the doctors' good and workaholics." A fall into the trap - explains Palmieri - it is the white coats who spend all lora life at work. Always ready to run and sustain exhausting shifts at the hospital. "Professionals 'broke' starting to be depressed and to take refuge in alcohol or drugs or both.

Various forms of depression." There are - says the expert - those that occur with anger and irritability '. And yet, in cases where a structural headache, nausea, sleep disturbances. "The consequences of this clinical picture can not but be reflected also on the activity 'medical care. "Increases for example - says Palmieri - the risk of injury with a scalpel, or pricked with a syringe. The losers and 'the relationship with the patient. "Scientific studies - adds the expert - have shown that stress not only a doctor and 'less open to dialogue, but more likely' easy to make mistakes, even fatal."

To address these issues will also be addressed in public care facilities, but it is not 'so' simple. "The most 'of the time - said Palmieri - the doctor does not ask for help,' cause he is afraid of being recognized and have an impact on their careers." There 's also another factor that facilitates the resolution of the problem. Not all doctors suffering from burnout really know you are in trouble '. 'There is a 15% ignorant of white coats to be affected. And about 18% living with a chronic state of depression. " Meanwhile, in the face of unsuspecting doctors and a weak support network, the phenomenon is growing. "Over the past five years - says the expert - the burnout in our country and 'increased by 1% every year."

a trend that seems to be confirmed in a few episodes recently jumped to the chronicles, with doctors protagonists of strange stories. The last case in order of time 'to a duty doctor of 58 years in Rome, he drank while on duty. He should answer the phone the surgery and appropriate care for the sick, in person or by giving instructions via cable. Instead, he was often drunk. Or was not there, having the habit of anticipating a lot of his time after finishing work.

fact is that you and 'found defendant in courtroom in Rome, charged with interruption of public utility service' and threats against his colleagues who, after months of endurance, had complained of causing the suspension. And he, in revenge, began to call at all hours, on the lines reserved for public health emergencies, to fill them with threats and insults.

Another white coat finished recently in the newspapers for anything but medical reasons and 'what that, in service in the emergency room of Naples, and 'was surprised by the Police to buy cocaine. But when it comes to drugs is the episode that has done more 'and you stir' in Galatina recorded in December, in the province of Lecce, where the medical director of the hospital 'Santa Caterina Maria Novella' has even sent a circular to warn the internal doctors and nurses not to use cocaine during the time of service. The invitation was addressed after a few anonymous reports received by the health department of the hospital Salento. To pay the bill and 'but was' just the medical director, and that' was suspended by the Directorate General Healthcare Agency.

Of course the problem and 'international and crossing the Italian borders. Although in other countries there seems to be more attention to the phenomenon. "In Italy, from this point of view we are behind," said Palmieri. "Missing a careful monitoring of the phenomenon. The Ministry of Health in Wales - he added - for example, is compiling a register of doctors and medical students who have experienced psychiatric illness or substance abuse, in order to establish how these people can continue to work or study while protecting the public interest. "

During the II Congress of the network 'physician heal thyself', will also present other international studies on the subject. "It 's been done - said Palmieri - a medical screening on Australian and New Zealand through an evaluation of anxiety and depression, which showed that the most 'high levels of stress could be found between family doctors, compared to the average population. Similar conclusions were found from a study conducted in Great Britain where they sought a correlation between personality 'and the activities' work, through a questionnaire on anxiety and depression in primary care providers. "

The survey results are eloquent: "There was' noticed - says the expert - that cases of depression (10% non-severe and 16% borderline) were statistically associated with lack of free time because of work stress for the constant demands of patients, the amount 'large of calls to a busy life, being single and without children, alcohol abuse, obesity, 'a satisfactory career and work in low stimulants.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Financial Management By Pandey I M


County sets the conditions for The court would ensure the
to yield to wooing the Democratic Party candidate but wants to please him and talked

NAPLES - The rumor comes from Roman sources, crosses tacit consent of Naples, and is one of those reliable: Raffaele Cantone would be oriented accept the nomination for mayor of Naples for the center. The court, in short, would sell for courtship, a tight, fielded by the leadership of the Democratic Party, which have now realized that if the hypothesis County jumps the scenario is already written: Andrea Cozzolino applies, as anticipated by, Pd and Sel, De Magistris run with the IDV, Umberto Ranieri would be the candidate of a series of civic activities.

hypothesis that Bersani sees as the smoke and mirrors here because the name of Canton, strongly advocated by Roberto Saviano, is the only way to go before the Democratic Party apart. The magistrate anticamorra, who two weeks ago had rejected the pressing, but would instead of specific posts, in particular with respect to the composition of lists: he wants the last word, according to the voices that come from Rome, on candidates who support it, and that they run with him on administrative matters.

not only in municipal elections but also for municipalities under the magnifying glass: it is natural that a judge who has linked his name to important investigations against the Camorra will not even run the risk of falling into little characters list crystalline.

Carlo Tarallo
February 15, 2011


(Naples, June 20, 1967) As a boy, he attended the School of Pansini Vomero district of Naples, graduated with 51/60. He began his career as a magistrate in 1995 and 1998 to 2002 was judge at the Public prosecutor of Naples and then pass as Deputy Public Prosecutor at the Court of Catanzaro. In 2009, leaves the judiciary and is a candidate in elections to the European Parliament as an independent in the Italy of Values. Become MEP is also elected on July 20, 2009 Chairman of the Committee of the European Parliament responsible for checking the Community budget.

belongs to a family that was already in a direct line to career magistraturale three members: the great-grandfather was the object of attack for having pursued the ill repute in the early years of the Unification of Italy. Poseidon

Investigation The investigation is an investigation launched in May 2005 for alleged misuse of public money linked to Community aid for 200 million euro.

conspiracy to the fraud alleged by prosecutors is the crime of Catanzaro in respect of the financial police of General Walter Cretella-Lombardo, an adviser to Vice President of the European Union and European Commissioner for Justice, Franco Frattini. The Calabrian prosecutor had searched the home of the high Roman official and his office in Ostia and seized computers, CD-ROMs and printed documentation.

The searches began after the finding at the home of one of the suspects, Giovambattista Papello, former subcommissario environmental emergency in the Calabria region, an officer's business card, on which was Handwritten his mobile phone number. A Papello were found, among other things, some illegal wiretapping of telephone conversations, dating back to November 2004, former President of ANAS, Vincenzo Pozzi, with the secretary of the Democratic Left, Piero Fassino, and Pietro Folena. Among the materials the investigators also found the business card of General Cretella-Lombardo, who commands the Police Academy of yellow flames tax based in Ostia, and then commanded the second division of the financial police in charge of international cooperation and to 'exchange with the police of other countries. Poseidon The investigation concerns a series of alleged wrongdoing in the management of funding for treatment.

Other defendants are the Secretary of the UDC, Lorenzo Cesa, as a shareholder of a company that would receive funding to build a plant in Cosenza for the production of DVDs, created only in part, in which he would never production started, the former president of the Regional Council of Calabria, Giuseppe Chiaravalloti, current vice president of data protection commissioners, the former Regional Minister for the Environment, Dominic Basile, one of the top men of the National Alliance in Calabria . The investigations conducted by police revolve around the allocation and use of two hundred million euro and took full account of section 2004 of the Regional review by the Court of Auditors.

OLAF, the EU anti-fraud agency, disputed a crime of fraud Papello Community, Schettini and Fabio Cesa, former secretary of the former minister of Italy Franco Frattini Force, then Commissioner, now Minister for Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs. [citation needed]

The investigation was removed from De Magistris prosecutor Mariano Lombardi for procedural irregularities. [citation needed] The investigation SBP

The investigation focuses on European funding requested for starting a business Business in Calabria that would create employment for 40 people. Suspect in the investigation is also secretary of the UDC Lorenzo Cesa. The investigation

Why not Main article: Why not.

The investigation, called "Why Not" by the name of a temporary employment company whose business is one of the main strands of the investigation, has been a turning point when the June 18, 2007 pm De Magistris has been run by the police 26 searches against as many suspects. Among them Peter Scarpellini, consultant "unpaid", as specified at the time Palazzo Chigi, the Prime Minister. Suspects in the investigation are also Luigi Bisignani, Ilte spa consultant, and Senator Giancarlo Pittelli, Forza Italy. A central role in the affair would have been done by the entrepreneur Antonio Saladino, then president of the Society of Works of Calabria. The investigation revolves around also alleged contacts between Saladin and the then European Commission President Romano Prodi. Contacts subsequently disproved by investigations. In the records of the investigation are also some wiretaps on conversations between Justice Minister Clemente Mastella, whose position was terminated for lack of facts, and entrepreneur Antonio Saladino. Note that Clemente Mastella had previously requested the transfer of De Magistris and the CSM has delayed the transfer in December 2007. De Magistris is the end that its employees were removed from the investigation. The affair has created a serious conflict between the prosecution of unprecedented Salerno and Catanzaro, creating a case that made national action the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano. The
pm De Magistris and Minister Mastella, for opposite reasons, were both subjected to threats. Other suspects in the investigation are

General Paolo Poletti, Chief of the Guardia di Finanza, Nicholas Adam (DS), Vice-President at that stage of the Calabria Region, Mario Pirillo (ex-Margaret, then PDM), Regional Councillor to 'Agriculture and a regional council of the DS, Antonio Acri.

On 19 October 2007, the prosecutor in Catanzaro, in the person of Dolcino Combs (attorney general of State attorney general and regent in Catanzaro), gave itself, for alleged incompatibility of the investigation, depriving De Magistris. The Pg acting also agreed that the news was officially communicated to the PM only on October 22. De Magistris declare it in an interview with the Republic of becoming aware of the press [1].

recall, Combs, however, already in 1989 had been the subject of attention from the MSM and the Chamber of Deputies [2] "to be devoted to systematic violations of rules, particularly those raised in defense of fundamental human rights."

It should also be noted that Combs moved the trial "Why Not" [3] just a week before his appointment expires when a prosecutor and the CSM had already appointed the attorney holder, implementing the call-back in a particularly aggressive form (by, say, open, unbeknownst to the PM, the office safe, taking a sample of all acts of inquiry). Finally

also supported by the alleged incompatibility Combs (on entries on the register of suspects Minister Mastella, who had requested the transfer of De Magistris), proved to be non-existent because Mastella had been registered as a senator, and that the wiretaps placed by proxy (as it will appear in February 2009, by the courts of Salerno) were perfectly legitimate because there was no way to associate the user previously also used by a parliamentary Mastella. [4] The investigation

Toghe Lucan De Magistris finally investigated the case called Toghe Lucan. According to the court a "business committee" including politicians, judges, lawyers, businessmen and officials have managed large business operations in Basilicata. The Guardia di Finanza raided in early 2007 and houses the offices of the Secretary for Economic Development Philip Bubbico (DS), the Attorney General's Power Vincenzo Tufano, Joseph Labriola lawyer and leader of the squad Power Luisa Fasano .

assumptions of crime put forward by De Magistris are those of Tufano for abuse of office, corruption in judicial acts and conspiracy to Labriola, abuse of office for Fasano, abuse of office, criminal conspiracy and aggravated fraud for obtaining public funds for which was Bubbico President of the Basilicata.

suspects in the investigation are politicians, managers, entrepreneurs, officials and judges serving in Basilicata (among them, one has left the judiciary and others have been transferred elsewhere by the Council of the Judiciary).

Bubbico, says the decree drawn up by a search of Catanzaro pm De Magistris, is "the landmark political apical together with other members of the political "in the" business committee "at the center of the investigation. The investigation would have revealed, always for Bubbico - who was president of the Regional Government of Basilicata in the last legislature -" the logic Cross over the sides, with the "glue of business." Then for almost all more than 30 suspects from De Magistris has been requested or terminated in the acquittal.

Justice Minister Clemente Mastella has asked the Superior Council of Judiciary transfer interim urgency De Magistris, for alleged irregularities in the handling of the case Toghe Lucan.

In April 2009, the investigating judge of Salerno Maria Teresa Belmonte acquitted Luigi De Magistris (now resigned to months) from the charge of the revelation of business secrets and abuse of office in this investigation. Choice that follows the decision of the Supreme Court on April 2, not to move the headquarters of the proceedings, declaring that the action of the former coordinator of the DDA in power, Felicia Genovese, turn over the investigation "togas Lucan" by 's ex pm De Magistris.

transfer on 21 September 2007, Justice Minister Clemente Mastella has asked the CSM to transfer supervision of De Magistris and the chief prosecutor Mariano Lombardi. The request was put forward following the investigation conducted by inspectors of the ministry offices Catanzaro and judicial power: the inspectors believed he had found "serious anomalies" in the management of the file "Togas Lucan, De Magistris protesting his refusal to report the developments of the investigation to the Attorney Lombardi.

The news immediately jumps to the attention of national news thanks to the movement Kill us all, fell immediately in defense of Pm promoting numerous protests against the decision and in support of De Magistris in Calabria and throughout Italy.

The CSM was first reserved his decision Dec. 17, 2007 and subsequently referred the decision to further investigate the situation, to January 18, 2008. On that date has been ordered transferred Luigi De Magistris from Catanzaro and functions of public ministry: it is a worthwhile ancillary to the main sentence of censure. The news has come, among other things, the day after the resignation of Minister Mastella.

De Magistris, simultaneously, was acquitted of failing to take the necessary measures to prevent the "leak" Why Not on the investigation and that he had had "casual relationship" with the press.

The measure is not immediately operative, and will be subject to final decision by the United Civil Sections of the Supreme Court, before which the prosecutor may request an appeal of the verdict of the CSM.

Parliamentary questions since 2003 is the subject of parliamentary questions which supported the environmental incompatibility and call for their expulsion from Catanzaro. In one of these questions [5], the then National Alliance senator Ettore Bucciero requested and was granted - in January 2006 - Ministerial inspection charged to the PM; measures coincided with two of his investigations, Poseidon and Why Not ( sottrattegli both), which was investigating leading political figures, Mafia and Freemasonry.

The activities of Dr. De Magistris has clashed repeatedly with the political world [6] and the press pointed out that by the organs of power, there were attempts to stop his investigations, while other newspapers have more or less sharply criticized his work.

On the subject of much controversial parliamentary questions were presented in favor of the magistrate, the deputy Communist Refoundation Falomi response with Secretary Li Gotti [7] in support of Luigi De Magistris. [8]

input in policy Luigi de MagistrisIl 17 March 2009, with a blog post by Antonio Di Pietro, Luigi De Magistris announced his entry into politics. He will join Italy of Values \u200b\u200bfor the European elections of 2009, leaving, like this:

'work to which I devoted fifteen years of my life and that was my dream, as someone said, the mission of these years. [9] "

De Magistris recalls that it" was somehow hindered "in the activities of the Public Ministry:

" I'm not longer able to exercise for several months. What worries me even more, at this historical moment, is the activity of de-legitimization of obstacle and assault against me and my profession, and to all those who have tried in recent months, in recent weeks and in recent years to establish the facts. Finally, what happened to Salerno magistrates who were suspended or exiled to other parts of the country. [9] "

The choice of De Magistris
to engage in politics has puzzled Aldo Pecora, leader Kill all, a movement that until then had always supported him. [10] [11]

Luigi De Magistris was elected to Parliament in Strasbourg during the European session on 6 and 7 June 2009 resulting in the most voted for Italy after Silvio Berlusconi, with 415,646 preferences. On July 20, 2009 he was elected President of the European Parliament's committee responsible for checking the Community budget.

the anniversary of the death of Enrico Berlinguer, the former PM has repeatedly shown the same appreciation, recognizing the values \u200b\u200band ideals pursued by the then exponent of the Italian Communist Party. He also claimed to have been an elector of the PCI [12].

Although he said that once elected he abandoned the business of judges to devote himself entirely to politics, he sought and obtained to be placed on leave by the High Council of Judiciary, which granted the measure on July 29, 2009 [13] also attracting criticism in circles close to the right [14].

Luigi de Magistris has resigned from the Judiciary November 19, 2009, shortly after the establishment of the European Parliament. [15] [16]

public justice and power, edited by Sergio Nazzaro, Roma, Editori Riuniti, 2009 - ISBN 9788861900721. Assault at
pm: history of a bad judge, a preface by Marco Travaglio, Milan, Chiarelettere, 2010 - ISBN 9788861900721.
Notes [edit]


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Raffaele Cantone
(Naples, 1963) is an Italian magistrate.

Biography Born in Naples in 1963, was until 2007 the public prosecutor at the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Naples, he was responsible for investigating the Casalesi clan of the Camorra, also reported in the popular bestseller by Roberto Saviano Gomorrah, managing to get the life sentence of the most important leaders of that group, including Francesco Schiavone, known as Sandokan, Francesco Bidognetti, Lard said 'It is midnight, Walter Schiavone, said Walterino, Augusto La Torre, Mario Edwards and many others. He has also
investigations into leaks of Caserta clan abroad, particularly in Scotland, where it was detected a true branch of the La Torre clan of Mondragone dedicated to reinvestment in businesses and commercial laundering, Germany , Romania and Hungary, where members of the clan during the inaction Schiavone had settled and had purchased real estate and business.

He edited the line of investigation that focused investment group Zagaria in Parma and Milan by order Camorra association for a major property developer in Parma.
lives since 1999 and protected under Creative Commons since 2003 as investigators discovered a draft of an attack against him organized by the Casalesi clan.

currently works in the Office of Massimario the Supreme Court.

is the author of numerous articles published in the newspaper Il Mattino. He is the author of numerous publications on legal matters, including three books entitled respectively The bankruptcy crimes, reform of a fair trial, documentary evidence. Collaborate with legal journals, such as Criminal Appeal, Criminal Journal, Archives and new Criminal Procedure Forensic Journal.
In 2008 he published Mondadori, only justice, autobiographical work that recounts his experience as a magistrate of the first line. Of 2010 (Mondadori Editore, for the series "Blue Highways," as written in the previous few months became best sellers), is "The Leopard", written in conversation with journalist Espresso Gianluca Di Feo.
County, with his incisive and direct style, he guides the reader in the scenario of the mafias of today: no more "cap and shotgun", but "service bureaus" that many, including businessmen, politicians and professionals choose freely to contact and let us business. A mob in a suit and tie, that of ocelots that move between collusion and connivance, looking for benefits and favors.

hope for a new spring led by Naples Cantonepubblicata by Toni Amato on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 at 13:42

In its press release following the my position and area on the next Democratic elections in Naples and on the choice of Mayor Candidate after what happened with the primaries. A clear message: Start a new springtime for Naples led by Raffaele Cantone.

"The great event of the past tells us that there is a very popular desire for renewal, overcoming the Berlusconi government and failed models of the Right. Democratic hopes for this area to Naples to open a new spring led by Raffaele Cantone "it said in a statement to the provincial coordinator of Area Democratic Antonio Amato" The situation that emerged after the primary has led to an impasse, if not passed immediately, the Government would also common in the hands of Cosentino and Cesaro. One risk that we must avoid. For this we express deep appreciation for the work that the national secretary and the commissioner of the federation are doing neapolitan. We had hoped that a backward step Cozzolino, compared to what happened, we felt a duty. We have supported a Ranieri Battle of renewal that would open a new season in Naples, Ranieri now we are ready to support a candidate so influential and significant as that of Canton "Amato continues," There remain unclear points about what happened in the primaries, which will definitely be clarified, but on January 23 was above all a great day for popular participation. Instances of the people of the center left, of the thousands of men and women took to the streets yesterday, must be collected and can not remain unheard. We need a new impetus and a new unity, a clear and strong signal that puts the struggle for legality and against the Camorra, the environment and development as a priority program of the Centre Left. For that, "Amato concludes" We ask Raffaele Cantone to collect the appeal that the PD, the other center-left forces, the people of Naples, are launching, but to overcome the legitimate reasons that until now have not led to collect this invitation to be driving a new round of political and institutional, that part, finally, by the instances of civil society '

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Difference Between Resin Watch

Female slick suckers for males / 1: Tamar Juda

Women cunning as Tamar, the true 'stronger sex' in Genesis
only formally that women encounter in Genesis are subservient to men . In fact, at the end of the fair, males often tell us the figure of suckers, and their fates are turned and rearranged as desired by females as socks just out from the washing machine. The
chapters 38 and 39 give us two new examples of clever women who outwit naive men, worthy heirs of Eva , Sara, Rebecca and : to rise the headlines this time are Tamar and the unnamed wife of Potiphar (who because of his sympathy, for brevity, subsequently known as The Bitch ).
Tamar is daughter of Judah, the brother of Joseph who sold him to the Ishmaelites for 20 pieces of silver - as we know, another few hundred years after Judas selling Jesus for 30 pieces of silver inflation bastard. Tamar does not have much luck with husbands. Jude is the first marry his eldest Er, but he does not behave well, and God does die. To compensate the widow, Judah then sends the second son Onan to replace his older brother, Onan, however, does not have much desire for paternity, then any relationship really wants to dissipate ground semen. God does not approve and kills himself (loyal readers to 'leap of quail', be warned). Fearing that bring bad luck to marry Tamar and that the third son, still a boy, could end up badly, Judah at this point takes time : "Tamar, is a widow until my third son, Shelah , will not grow. Only then I will marry you. " Sela is growing, but Judah pretends to forget the promise . Tamar, however, does not forget and meditates revenge . A few years later, Judah learns that passes its shares to buy sheep disguises herself as a prostitute (that you wear a burqa species, evidently at the time was typical of those who practicing the profession) and befriends an unsuspecting father , which obviously does not recognize it. Since I do not have money to pay immediately to secure the leaves Judah s igillo, cord and stick ; Tamar return them to him when he will pay the agreed fee, or a blow to a kid (seems fair). Judah later sends a friend with the kid to pay off the debt, but in the meantime, Tamar is gone, taking with him the seal, cord and stick. Needless to say, she got pregnant the father . Some time later someone refers to Judah that his daughter, despite being a widow and not remarried, performs a belly suspected, the old man shows including: "Whether burned alive! . But Tamar unleashes his secret weapon: "I'm pregnant, it is true, the man who owned these objects. Looks good." A Judas no choice but to admit defeat: "The mistake is mine, because I have not given in marriage to my son Shelah." For the record, so soon after the old man finds himself having to feed two new twins: Perez and Zerah. But the real mystery is: because God did Judas die? The yardstick of the Lord in Genesis is completely indecipherable.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Using A Kabuki Brush To Apply Creme Foundation

the city rebels against the Camorra.

12/02/2011, 11:57 hours -

"Either inside or outside" the debate is promoted by civil society and judiciary in Naples for the recovery of the region through policies that undermine the relationship between organized crime and local government. From the speakers' table were launched arrows against local and national politicians, raising further territorial development plans and policies of good governance.


Playing confidential ©

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mount And Blade Increase Number Of Soldiers

sale brother cares desperately for president Jacob

1200 dollars for a black
20 pieces of silver for Joseph
I brothers in Genesis not love each other very much. The custom, we have seen, is to compete, hate, kill and rub each other. As already Cain and Abel, Ishmael and Isaac as as Esau and Jacob, even among the twelve sons of Jacob, the relationship is anything but brotherly love.
not help that Joseph both already had their first child late in life by his wife Rachel , the most beautiful and most beloved, while the others had arrived from sister Lia ugly or concubines (see here ). But it helps even less that Joseph take an air of haughty first class. At 17 years (Chapter 37 ) starts to graze their flocks with siblings, best friends and renderseli really wants to do with the spy Jacob andandogli to report at the end of the day that the other kids say bad things behind him . Moreover, the young man, at night, dream big, and the day the report with enthusiasm to the brothers: "Boy, that dream! We were reaping the wheat, and my sheaf stood up as high as that of all while your were in front of my bow, "and again: "The sun, moon and eleven stars bowed down to the ground in front of me ... what a beautiful dream, do not you?". No, do not find, indeed s'incazzano. Bad.
Mr. Joseph is not sympathy, but the revenge a zinzinello seems exaggerated. One day, when they see it from far away to reach out to pasture, the brothers decided in the twinkling of kill him and throw his body in a cistern . Luckily Ruben, the eldest, has a remorse of conscience, and convinces them to simply drop it in an empty tank in the desert without killing him, maybe to go and pick up after a while '.
said than done, Joseph ends up in the tank-style Sardinian anonymous seizures. When Ruben, the good-natured, not there, passing by a caravan of Ishmaelites direct Egypt. At this point, Judah (and that name could have, moreover, the traitor?) To come up with the sale of his brother : Joseph as a slave to the Ishmaelites in exchange for 20 pieces of silver . Judah's argument is convincing: "Rather than hurt him, sell him after all, is part of our family." I would say it is flawless (it seems to suffer from the speech of the daughters Lot in Sodom).
obnoxious brother out of the way forever, earned money, no corpse on my conscience: all's well that ends well. Yeah, but now Jacob Says who? "The example we just gave it to him, rubbing Esau and Isaac, now we will sneak away." The brothers killed a kid, wash the clothes with the blood of Joseph, and his father send a message (perhaps a post-it ? The biblical author does not specify): We found this capacity See if is that your child . The old man was so convinced that Joseph has been torn apart by a wild and inconsolable despair.
The plan of the brothers seems unable to perfection. They do not know, however, that in the meantime, in Egypt, Joseph is already been sold by its first customers in Potiphar, the Pharaoh's right hand ...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Midnight Meat Train Things On Mahogany's Chest

Two thousand tonnes of uncollected rubbish

WASTE: Stam (PD), quick to denounce Caldora FOR ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER


(ANSA) - NAPLES, Feb. 8 - The new garbage crisis in Naples intervenes Stamati Luca, a member of the National Democratic Party and the provincial coordinator of the Marine, announcing the possibility of asking the judiciary against the governor of Campania Stefano Caldoro. "Just speculation election - he says - and delay or omission on the skin of the Neapolitans, we turn to the prosecutor's office. Two thousand tonnes of uncollected rubbish, downtown streets and suburbs of Naples sversatoio reduced to open with big rats that feast on piles Garbage, the citizens of Naples brittle and incredulous that, after a miracle of live television in 2008 and converted yet another emergency ordinance into law on January 26 last, they find immersed in the emergence of new waste. "We continue undeterred - Stamati continues - in the same nefarious conduct of the last sixteen years, dramatically denounced the broadcast" live ".

rebounds responsibility, leadership announced as decisive and then returned, announcements of immediate solutions, and never adopted.

Yet the new law expressly provides extraordinary powers and clear institutional responsibilities. The landfill is now running out of Chiaiano, Stir the work is slow, the Acerra incinerator operates in fits and starts, the trucks are lined up without being able to download, and the collection is slow "." According to the law - notes - the responsibilities are Head President of the Province and the chairman of the county council, establishment figures who make statements in the papers and do not take an operational decision that is one.

The property benefits only the business and political interests diverted to the skin of Naples. That's enough! We ask the regional group of my party, the Democratic Party to initiate a radical and urgent political action on the president of the regional institution. Caldoro the President, which by law has the power to identify sites of waste spill over also to stop provincial remain mired in the political balance of his political party and to urgently take the necessary measures to solve the problem. "

" If so not happen - Stamati ends - we will be forced to turn to the Prosecutor's Office denouncing the president of the regional office of the acts of omission and environmental disaster. "


Friday, February 4, 2011

Powerpoint On How To Make Your Dad Stop Smoking

/ 3: The boss of business for president Jacob

Jacob, Gordon Gekko a forerunner
Clever, determined, ready to grasp the opportunity and to use every means to achieve its aims. Jacob, when it comes to business Has nothing to envy Gordon Gekko, Michael Douglas, the king of Wall Street (directed by Oliver Stone) and in 1988 he also earned an Academy Award.
Every age has its own hard currency: how to earn millions of dollars Gekko, Jacob accumulates on flocks of sheep and goats, sheep, slaves, slaves, camels and donkeys , removing them to his uncle Laban .
The text of Chapter 30 of Genesis is not clear, but between the lines it is clear that the wily grandson devises a clever trick , of \u200b\u200bcourse, always with the help of God In practice, at a certain point Jacob had an agreement to divide livestock with Laban, his uncle all those white ones with him a spot or a streak. The astute, however, note that the big sheep and goats males, when they go into heat, drinking frequently (perhaps to cool the hot spirits? The author does not explain). If that water in Jacob dips a branch of poplar, the newborns are always a streak or a spot, and therefore belong to him. Miracle? Witchcraft? Genetic engineering? Go, you know. The fact is that Jacob finds himself surrounded by the beautiful big boy tough, prepares the branch of poplar in the water, but if the males are stunted, never mind. Result: in a year or two flocks are streaked and spotted more and more and robust, while there are only four beasts Laban bald and skinny. At that point, realizing that Laban and his sons began to turn the Zebedee, Jacob it runs in a hurry with their wives, concubines, slaves and flocks , benevolent eye of God always protected with a pole so, even the boldest stroke can go to sign.
Jacob remains a great bargain even when returns from brother Esau, whom he had trimmed a colossal rip-off twenty years earlier (see here ). A substantial gift can accommodate even the most unpleasant, Jacob knows this, and to ingratiate himself with the brother you preceded by his servants that bring as 'sop' by its something like 200 goats, 20 goats, 200 sheep, 20 sheep, 30 milch camels with their young, 40 cows, 10 bulls, 20 donkeys , 10 donkeys . I would say that the extreme corruption are all there.
But a boss as it should, if necessary, he can also be ruthless . When her daughter Dina is raped by Shechem prince, son of Hamor King, Jacob reacts perfect Sicilian godfather . He and his sons leave early to run, even pretend to agree with Shechem and Hamor: "You and your fellow citizens will do all males circumcised , give us the right talent, and we arranged the marriage between Shechem and Dinah from friends." I accept silly. Three days after the mass circumcision, however, taking advantage of the weakness of post-surgery foreskin of Shechem, Simeon and Levi, sons of Jacob, enter a drawn sword in the quiet city, kill all the males, loot homes and shall take as booty whatever they find, including women and children . Even Jacob raises the question: "Do not you have a little 'over the top?". The response of the brothers is succinct: "It is not our sister as a prostitute." All we need is a nice fuck! final.
In summary, reading also previous post, we can not confirm that as Jacob is our ideal candidate , a successful model to be admired, as an example and vote because they represent us. What do you think his most important lesson? Respond using the survey right-hand column.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Check Usaa Prepaid Card Balance

protest boys MERCALLI

Naples, scooter to protest at the high school students Mercalli
Uploaded by TMNews . - The new video today.

Naples, protest motor for high school students Mercalli Published 2 days ago by Hop-Frog Flag Video Share Video
See original video on the ITS page
Scooter, preferred mode of transport from high school, became a symbol of protest at the Liceo Scientifico Mercalli in Naples: the students, as shown in these pictures amateur, have chosen to pull on board for motorcycles city \u200b\u200bstreets in protest against the inadequacy of the structures. Students and teachers have left the branch at the Riviera di Chiaia not sure why. The 45 high school classes are crammed in 33 classrooms from January headquarters: have been stopped and the additional laboratory work, double shifts and rotations began. The protest on 31 January saw the streets professors, not teachers, parents and students to the province to demonstrate their discomfort: they have also written to the Minister Gelmini to ask where to place the 300 children without classrooms, but also what to say to the parents of the other 200 who must apply for registration for next year. --------------------- -

"Mercalli" no classrooms, double procession
rise up teachers, parents and pupils

Maria Chiara Aulisio
NAPLES - Two procession for a single cause. "Pedestrian" and "driven" along to claim the right to education. They are teachers, not teachers, parents and students of high school "Mercalli" who take to the streets tomorrow morning to ask for new classrooms that can accommodate over a thousand students the dignity of the Institute of Via Andrea d'Isernia.

Since last month it was decided to close the branch in the former hospital Ravaschieri the Riviera di Chiaia, inappropriate and inconsistent with the above safety standards, the boys are forced to share a little more than thirty classrooms. In other words means rotations per week, double shifts, suspension of laboratories and any supplementary and extracurricular activities.

Hence the decision to protest, to make their voices heard umpteenth attempt to sensitize the provincial administration "deaf for years - writing dean and faculty - to the serious problems facing the school." An unusual protest, with two sides, organized with the aim to involve a bit 'all.

The first appointment is for the "motor", 9 am at the Mercalli: a leaflet reminds students that attend the event "to wear a helmet, carry a person only where capacity allows, listen and follow the instructions that will be given. "

For a bib with the name of high school and a recommendation: "Bring whistles, drums, banners and anything else it is useful to be felt. " The "stranded" instead will meet directly to Piazza Matteotti, before the building of the Province, where it joins the bloc colleagues 'driven'. Here, after the classic flyers, a hopeful delegation asked to be received by President Luigi Cesaro.

Sunday, January 30, 2011 - 16:48 Last updated: Monday, January 31 - 11:49

Liceo Mercalli,
protest march in motion for the branch
high school moves on two wheels to get a branch. The students of the scientific Monday parade on the scooter from Via Andrea d'Isernia Province of the palace in Piazza Matteotti.

Forced to do double shifts for weeks after the abandonment of inadequate seat of the Riviera di Chiaia, the more than thousand members have decided 'to break the ten-year silence on the issue of the institutions' with parents and teachers. United in the fight after the controversial employment in December, a request to an alternative site or the safety of the building, which for years was "in poor condition, with no exits and classrooms unbearable" stress.

"We have also worked to secure a branch - says Stephen, a student representative - Now teachers and parents also complain about the inconvenience. We are tired of the blame, there would be alternatives in the area but is expected to propose that the Province. " The forty-five high school classes are crammed by January thirty-three classrooms in the middle. They were then interrupted the workshop activities, additional activities and extracurricular activities, becomes a lesson in special classrooms and begin rotations and double shifts.

The path will wind moving away from the waterfront D'Isernia, cross the square and Via Girolamo Sanfelice Stock Exchange, ending in Piazza Matteotti, where you will see at 9.30 am the other protesters of the Committee "Take back the branch."

(27 January 2011



Category: Monitoring Teens

Date: 12/10 / 2010

2 TROPHY Ideal: the Mercalli wins hands down. Pavesi The Foundation, which organized the event, was born two years ago to remember Ale, a student killed by a pirate of the road. Annamaria Franzoni

Students in high school "G. Mercalli and the Liceo Classico "Umberto I" of Naples along with many other boys, Saturday, Oct. 9, were protagonists of the second day of sport "ideal" promoted by the Fondazione Alessandro Pavesi NGO, founded two years ago to remember Ale, a 19-year-old former student of the Mercalli, swept away by an attacker in the street via Cilea in Naples.

The purpose of the event, which took place in the beautiful hill of Posillipo, the Green Park Tennis Viale Virgilio 12 (Virgilian park) is to disseminate among youth the values \u200b\u200bof justice and solidarity, proclaiming the value of living together in society through the direct example of the boys. It was an afternoon of intense competitions in which high school students Mercalli and Umberto have proved their will to live and a lot of meetings addressing sportsmanship volleyball, tennis and soccer: the ideal is gone 2 Trophy at the Liceo Mercalli.

The event has been a wonderful opportunity to meet sports for boys and a wonderful opportunity to remember Al and his dreams with a smile. So parents of Alexander, Maurice and Paula, we summarize the way they have these wonderful days full of excitement, joy, smiles, hugs and lots of solidarity:

"A cruel fate has taken away forever the wonderful company of Ale, the dreams of a boy of 20 years and not even his charming smile. An accident in the night, while returning home in motion after greeting his girlfriend. He had a helmet, but a car driven by a pirate of the road has made a prohibited maneuver, and it has engulfed the ran away. The affection of many friends, however, has pointed the way and gave us the strength to continue a path in the name of Ale, though without him. We realized that through his feelings and values \u200b\u200bthat, although immature have marked his short life, Alexander had planted many small seeds have sprouted and many of them giving rise to the "planting" of ideals, positive values, of hope. "

"He began to believe in a better world, to fight against injustice and not to resign in the face of dullness and the inconsistency of some of the many ways of life. He dreamed of studying human rights and to be able one day to commit themselves to respect rules and weak. The Foundation was created to help these plants to grow and continue to sow, Alessandro recalling with a smile and carrying out his aspirations and ideals in which he believed. Together with friends of the Foundation would like to help children to cultivate within them the seeds of justice and solidarity: the planting of Ale. "

"He believed in these values, we want to keep believing. Our logo is a seed born of those dreams of a boy who had the strength to continue and take root in the hearts of our associates. "


ADOLESCENTS Author: Prof. Annamaria Franzoni

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Remove Cold From Baby Throat

anything new before the invention of THE COMPUTER ERA

The printers were lovely places, like the darkrooms of photographers. Before the world become digital benefits never end (and no one would dream of denying them, just because I'm writing a blog on the Internet), but as a charm ... Castelnuovo
this teaching is in the alley, the narrow road that leads you to Corso Vittorio Emanuele Professed House, one of the few that survives an ancient paving.
(Giuseppe Scuderi)

Cervical Mucas Very Watery

/ 2: The harem

Pay 2, take 4:
the balance in harem Jacob
These days, a pimp - oh no, now they say end user - has different payment methods to recruit girls plump with which to revive his harem : cash, homes, cars, contracts which are placed in soubrette tv or Regional Council. Just have a little 'fantasy. Even at the time of Jacob was common practice to pay for a woman , starting wife.
When he gets from his uncle Laban fatal to escape the wrath of his brother Esau (Genesis , Chapter 29), Jacob, however, has no money or animals with which to buy the beautiful Cousin Rachel . He does not just have to work hard: "I will work for you for seven years to marry Rachel, your younger daughter, Laban approves, the agreement is defined. Obviously, no one dreams of asking the opinion of the people involved. Jacob, however, does not take into account that Laban is the brother of his mother Rebecca , the holy woman who helped him to cheat his brother Esau, and Isaac (see here ). This time he is to be deceived: night of the wedding party, Laban's daughter instead babe sends him into the tent to Leah, Rachel's older sister and ugly . Obviously Jacob realizes the deception only when the day breaks. We conclude that: a) Jacob is not physiognomist b) that night was pitch black and really did not have candles, c) at the end, Lia has not been much bona , but under the sheets did not regret her sister. E 'at this point that Jacob shows his great business acumen, and take home a convenient offer 2 for 1 : before you pretend angry with his uncle, which is justified by explaining that "in this country is not the custom to give his youngest daughter is not married to the greatest "(not to say it first, eh?) and then willingly accept the revival of Laban:" completed this week of celebration wedding, then work another seven years for me and I wife Rachel and I will also .
The real deal is that, on expiry of seven years, Jacob finds himself enjoys an exceptional offer 4 for 2: besides the sisters Leah and Rachel, in fact, There are also package their slaves Zilpah and Bilhah . A veritable harem 'in balance' , in fact. The nice thing is that the Sultan Jacob there is even the figure of the pimp: he would only love Rachel , are the events to force him to sacrifice even with all the others ... Lia - we saw - it was set to Laban as compulsory priority for her younger sister. A major, thanks to the benevolence of God reveals himself a formidable machine children in a short time it produces four (Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah). Rachel is barren, jealous and sad then invites Jacob to join his maidservant Bilhah : her husband willingly accepts, and here's two other little children (Dan and Naphtali). Counter Leah, which puts her slave Zilpah : with her, the indefatigable Jacob, now a 'forced' sex and offspring, generates Gad and Asher.
But the best is yet to come. From buyer, Jacob finds himself bought for a night of sex . Its price, to be honest, it's quite demeaning: more than seven years of work, a mere handful of mandrakes , miraculous herbs that gave fertility. Reuben had found, the first son of Leah, Rachel, although you can use them and have a child of her own, said her sister-rival: "You give me mandrakes your son, I make you spend the night with Jacob." Fantastic scene in which it is made clear once and for all as Jacob, now, is only an instrument of pleasure and power at the mercy of wives : "At night, when she returned from the fields Jacob, Leah went to him and said You must come with me for I have bought pagandoti with mandrakes your son. " No answer, Unconditional Surrender. Result: three other sons of Leah (Issachar for tonight agreed, however, we see that the payment was prorated because then they will reach even Zebulun and Dinah) and finally, thanks to mandrakes and to God - he, too, I suppose, taken from exhaustion - even two children by Rachel (Joseph and several years later, Benjamin, that caused the death in childbirth).
The total accounting of sexual- prolific Jacob is of 12 children by four different women . No wonder the first-born Reuben, when he grew up, plans to inaugurate its activities amateurs having sex with Bilhah, the concubine of his father . For a profession so difficult and exhausting as it was for my father, better training at a young age with a proven track record of trainer.