Friday, January 28, 2011

Morrowind V1.6.1820 Free

for president Jacob / 1: the mama's boy

Jacob and Esau is the only one coconut Rebecca
Jacob Too bad he's dead and buried by a few thousand years. Given the attitudes that emerge in the biblical account (Genesis , chapters 28-35), have all it takes to stand as candidate for prime minister the upcoming elections in Italy and outperform the competition.
If we learned anything from recent history of our country, in fact, is that a candidate will get the benefit of the people and gain more support if:

  1. is the ' mama's boy', bound to her by a special relationship of love and complicity;
  2. has a large harem flair that enlivens his sexual even in old age;
  3. is a rich man who has made himself ;
  4. sa cleverly used this wealth to accommodate relationships with friends and enemies;
  5. Is victim of the events he the same causative ;
  6. apply to the greatest perfection Machiavellian - the end justifies the means - not making trouble duped and fooled relatives, business associates, heads of state provided eventually save the appearances and he comes out the winner, the richest, most powerful and justified .

All gifts that Jacob shows to own, unforgettable star of an Italian story - pardon, the Palestinian ... - Too long to be summarized in a single post. But first things first. We have already seen from the beginning like Jacob a lot more than am amma Rebecca the more hairy and smelly sister Esau, so that she devises a plan by which the legacy of his father Isaac is directed towards its coconut instead of the firstborn (see here ). Esau is also goat, but until then we get there: when he discovers that he was cheated, s'incazza and swears revenge terrible revenge. Rebecca, to save the skin of his beloved, then invites Jacob to Mesopotamia flee, finding refuge with the dear uncle Laban, her brother. But it is not good that looks like a leak, what would people say? Keep up appearances, please! Once again it is the old, blind Isaac the shaft to be manipulated unconsciously wife great screenwriter Rebecca ( "Due from Esau married Hittite women have lost their taste for life. If Jacob takes married a Hittite, I'd rather die! " trusts desperate to mock her husband) and he, good-natured, in order to please her son:" Go 'in Mesopotamia, the house of Bethuel thy mother's father, and marry a girl there, a daughter of Laban, the brother of your father "- now we understand: there is nothing more divine than marry her cousin (best bona) . So Jacob, as terrible punishment for having cheated his father's inheritance and blessing to Esau, he gets another blessing and an obligation to go on holiday abroad to choose a rich uncle to marry her cousin bona. Justice is done, it seems obvious. Yet, inexplicably, Esau have to say: When I visited the scene, there is equally bad ... To console and earn points in the eyes of Isaac and Rebecca, the pelosone time trying to imitate his brother : goes by another uncle, Ishmael, and married her cousin Mahalath, more than two Hittite wives who had already. But her little makeshift harem not be enough to become the candidate ideal, as discussed in the next post , Jacob also in terms of women and polygamy will do better and we will confirm the true and only doomed to success.


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