Sunday, January 9, 2011

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Some of his wife which has the bona ...

The t-shirt ideal for Abraham
Nino Frassica So sang a song written by Renzo Arbore Back in the days of All. Among the unfortunate luck on their side who have a very beautiful woman, there is also the founder of the three great monotheistic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism), or Abraham.
The wife in question is bona Sarai - linguistic note: God will decide to remove the 'i' and final call Sara (which in Hebrew means princess ) from the 17th chapter of Genesis .
When Abraham, because of a famine, should emigrate to Egypt ( Chapter 12), the beauty of Sarai could become a serious problem: 'Our fears that the Egyptians, while putting them hands on him, kill him. Here's stroke of genius: 'Tell them that you're my sister, so instead of killing me treat me well. " The result: the pharaoh is derived as the wife Sarai, and Abram receives the gift of sheep, oxen, donkeys, donkeys, male and female servants. Beak and happy. But God does not approve, and to understand it affects the pharaoh with serious diseases: it is the first time that Egypt he gets a divine scourge , we see that the applicant will become a habit ...
Already here are often quite like couple relationship between Abraham and Sarai have more than a little problem. And the idea of \u200b\u200bwomen time does not appear among the best. Confirmations in both directions come in the following chapters. Convinced of being sterile, Sarai tells Abraham to try to put in the yard with the heir to her servant Hagar . a womb for rent at the time, in other words. Once again, a bit 'like Adam, Abraham shows a typical male , which accepts and executes without question the will of his wife ("If you insist ..."). You'll also pick and happy, then? Oh no, guys: this is a girl. When the infant is born ( Ishmael), Sarai is jealous of his servant, and asks Abraham to leave. For a change, grandly from the typical male response Abraham: "The slave is yours, you take care . We need God's intervention again to accommodate things: You will be employed by Hagar back, with the promise that his son Ishmael, however, will have a long line, albeit less important than that of Sara, which will then finally ennobled becoming the mother of Isaac .
all right once and for all, then? Not at all. The leopard, but not the vice. Abraham moved to Gerar , and to get away from every problem he says the local king Abimelech to take him as well as the beautiful wife Sara, split again to his sister. Beak and happy: more than a motto, a philosophy of life . Sara also confirmed this version of events, forcing God to give his usual warning sign (the unfortunate king of misfortunes turns) all combine to prevent a big mess.
The incident perhaps more significant on the high esteem enjoyed by women at that time (especially in the family of Abraham), however, is the Chapter 19: Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah . The angels sent by God to assess the situation in Sodom are hosted by Lot, Abraham's nephew. The local population from the onslaught infoiatissima house: everyone, young and old, want to rape the two angels. Lot leaves the house and talk to the crowd to resolve the situation, proving worthy nephew of his uncle. I quote the magnificent speech: "My brothers, please do not do such evil. Give me listening! I have two virgin daughters. Bring them to you and you can make out what they want , but do not touch the two men are my guests. "Thank goodness that in the end the angels take the law into their own ...
However, the bona wife - but also his daughter - if necessary, can always be helpful. And you, would you ever tempted to accept an 'indecent proposal'? Some ideas in poll on the right.


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