Friday, January 7, 2011

Cool Gift For A Barber


I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas this year, inviting us to contemplate with the eyes of St. Joseph: Joseph what he heard at Christmas, as he lived? First
with an attitude of gratitude.
Nothing was obvious to him that son who was born to Mary was a gift for him. It was a gift and a grace to him, the guardian of that child that was delivered, as a child grow and be educated.
was a gift, in the heart of Joseph, also the mysterious life that fatherhood and out of human logic.
Gratitude is fed by surprise and wonder, the wonder of simple and small that always feels too great condescension of the Lord to him, made not of that humility annoying we call "hairy", but the serene consciousness of his poverty and limitations and, above all, of the infinite disproportion between the size of the gift and the event and their standard of living.
I think for us this is a good way to experience Christmas.
We do not give anything for granted.
For us, just us, we have been made the subject of such great favor from the Lord, the gift of faith, many blessings and revelations, including the new gift of Christmas that comes to us with its cargo of light and hope for the our lives?
Because God is good to us, much more good than we deserve.
never ceases to amaze and marvel at the greatness of his love.
In the Birth of Joseph, there are also doubts, the worries about a way of life is not easy to understand. The Lord of the lights, but only step by step. For the rest of it takes great faith.
This Christmas is for him a moment of joy and certainty, but then what?
I think this is the condition of the believer, our standard of living: steps taken in the light of God, and long stretches of dark uncertainty, restlessness or doubt.
Living Christmas with the heart of St. Joseph mean to take all the grace, sweetness and beauty of the moments of light that God does not fail in our lives.
are moments of God: wherever there is beauty, sweetness, real wealth, happiness, sense of life, there is no presence of God, because God is all about. We administer these
good moments, like the traveler who walked at night and complained about the darkness, bless the twinkle of an instant: it is a moment, but then gives him confidence that the light is that the track is correct, that walking is not in vain.
So is God the Lord gives us the lightning, lightning that guide the heart, like a dream to Joseph, then returns almost absent, disappears and is silent. There is, however, even if he is silent.
I think that's the ultimate feeling of Christmas and the summary of Joseph and serene consciousness of some presence of God in his life, even in the folds of the most mysterious and painful.
This is our Christmas and this is Christmas every day.

d. Mario Aldegani

Father General


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