Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Paddling For Discipline

More incestuous Forrester

Lot and his daughters incest that dwarfing Beautiful
The love affairs of the Forrester family, the protagonist of the saga of Beautiful, really messy. There are people who get married, divorced, remarried, and up to six times (Ridge and Brooke), people who pass an entire family (both his sons as Eric - Ridge and Thorne - were able to appreciate the arts amateurs Brooke), up to twelve people who contracted marriages with different people (Brooke), people who are not ashamed to go to bed the father and son (guess who, for one thing? Of course, Brooke!). In essence, The series features a 'suspension of morality ' accepted sympathy from the spectators, which indeed fun to see relatives who betray, exchange parties and partners, sometimes touching the ' incest.
Exactly, touching. In Genesis , however, our heroes without crossing too many pleasantries taboo: if you excite the hazards between sexual Forrester, who can not become a hardcore fan of the 'Lot's family '.
Yeah, he always: Lot the grandson of Abraham, whom we have admired as a loving family man (see previous post ), when proposing to the inhabitants of Sodom to rape at will the his daughters virgin Instead of undermining the virtues of the angels.
a family way, intuits. No time to finish the Chapter 19, and here is a multiple bell'incesto. The idea of \u200b\u200bnaughty is eldest daughter of Lot: "Let's drink our father and we spend the night with him, so we will have children from our father! . The child certainly does not pray. In two nights in a row, the two drunken old man (complicit? The biblical author points out that "he realized," but I doubt that a contemporary court acquitted him ...), and so the first major, then the child remain pregnant of the August parent. To which we must say, it should be at least recognized a prolific Record: 100 to 100 of success, the sperm more fertile history. The figlinipoti Lot - a thing so unnatural and anti-social that there is no exact word to define them - are called Moab and Ben-Ammi . Brooke, who was limited to assign names rather ordinary - Rick, Bridget, Hope, RJ, and Jack - her four children conceived with three generations of Forrester, is gnawing envy.


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