Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Red Lines On Sony Projection Tv

the primaries today in Naples

Primary, check Libero Mancuso
The Left calls the former magistrate arrived at Bologna Cofferati. Cyril from the process to the massacres of Uno Bianca, a life in a toga, "I mayor? I have to think"
Libero Mancuso
The idea has grown in the light of the unexpected success of the lawyer Giuliano Pisapia the primary center for the City of Milan. "Why not follow the same route for Naples?", Have asked the leaders of the Left and freedom involved in finding a candidate to be deployed in the competition that already has competing Umberto Ranieri, Nicola and Andrea Cozzolino Oddati, all of the PD. The choice fell on Libero Mancuso, who moved to Bologna, Naples magistrate in 2006, after wearing the gown for more than 40 years, it has been assessor arrived in Bologna in Cofferati. The first to think of Mancuso was the former mayor of Castellammare Salvatore Vozza, the assessor Giulio Riccio, Antimo Scotto and Peppe De Cristofaro. The national leader Gennaro Migliore approved the choice. Soon a group of intellectuals could lodge an appeal in favor of the nomination.

Mancuso dissolve the reserve Monday. "After many years of absence, the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing back in my hometown who lives at such an difficult it is certainly fascinating. We need to understand if there are possibilities and energy to take up the threads of the rescue, "said Mancuso in the Republic. And then he adds:" It is a choice that can disrupt the life of my family and people who are dear to me . If I were to engage in this competition I would put into play everything myself. So I want to think of it, to share that decision with those who should you accept it, must bear with me this sacrifice. "

career in the judiciary to Mancuso (who is the brother of Paul, another leading toga, currently Attorney Nola) was crossed with some of the more delicate events in the history of Italy. How pm in Naples investigating the terrorist seizure and Cyril. In 1983 the transfer to Bologna, where he found himself almost immediately to address the investigation into the massacre at the station. Was already under the Two Towers picked up when the eavesdropping of a former councilor who opened the Neapolitan Neapolitan Tangentopoli. As president of the Assize Court has held jobs on the crimes of one white and the murder of Marco Biagi. Then, in 2006, adventure with Cofferati, but only after she resigned as a magistrate.

Sel I applaud the move, the Greens and the Socialists, who speak of "high-profile job." And the commissioner Riccio sees in this choice, the confirmation of the "line of honesty and transparency of our current mayor. The life spent by Mancuso between the commitment before a magistrate and then in politics is a splendid example of service to the republican legality - says Riccio - could rekindle that hope of which Naples has so much need. "
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Stefania Verusio
Primary in Naples:

Ranieri could still win the provincial secretary
Trembling denounces the fraud. EXAM APPEALS Vincent Iurillo
(FQ 01/26/2011)

Stefania Nicola Verusio Trembling, the provincial secretary of the Democratic Party in Naples, waving photos.

"She sees them? They are all municipal councilors and leaders of parties of the center included the primary seat of St. Charles Arena, the names and I co ... gnomes. And we have so many reports like this. " And the case
Mia-not, where there had been a vote every thirty seconds in a seat the size of a hole, reaching an altitude of 1600?
"Someone who actually voted was at home, there were those who put the X on packages of blank cards.
And we have collected testimonies of domestic workers with extra pay small sums to rate Cozzo-linen ". Flywheel
rags in Pd Naples after the words of the Secretary Trembling explicitly accusing the winner of the primaries, the Bassolino Andrea Cozzolino, having conquered success through fraudulent operations, pollution the voting and sale of consent. Trembling
speaks of "bubo be eradicated," quantifies in "5000" the "infiltrators" and that, according to regulation, "if irregularities are found, you can rectify the outcome of the consultation."
Warning: grind, do not cancel. In a context where the words weigh like stones, it means that according to the Secretary to uphold the appeals of the defeated candidates could deliver the investiture of the candidate for mayor Umberto Ranieri. The warranty is
Committee met yesterday afternoon and has updated the work to date: there is still, therefore, the proclamation the winner. Cozzolino reacts with the same hardness, "delusional statements. Trembling
preliminary statements false and irresponsible. I am outraged.
You can not mess a day of democratic participation in words that throw mud on a party of millions of people and a city that has proved capable of a great civil mobilization. "
The former regional minister of defense relies on the outcome of the primaries and asks to be declared the winner:
"We will aim to restore a climate more peaceful and more united."

guarantors therefore the last word. Li presides Raffaele Cananzi. Sightings
few days before the vote to intervene in Umberto Ranieri for an event, and the video circulating on the network at this time on input of those who doubt the impartiality.
"And what does that mean? - Replies Ranieri - Cananzi is a gentleman, played a much intervention took an initiative via Spoken like a member of the Catholic world. If these arguments are, well, Naples is said to have a guilty conscience ...
No, leave the guarantors carry out their work in peace, recognizing the clarity and transparency of Cananzi, without making more stupid mistakes. " One of the fathers of reformism noble Neapolitan, Andrea Geremicca, one of the instigators of the candidacy of Ranieri, analyzes the situation: "Given that any decision will be taken, damage to the credibility of the primaries is still done, I think the lesser evil is to address complaints related to three-four seats contested and adapt to that court. The cancellation of the primary
not even take into consideration before a nice mud-l'esempio participation by individual episodes of re-emergence of the 'old' politics.
I understand that the public interest would soon quit this game, but the worst damage would be to not take seriously the reports of irregularities, close your eyes and agree the series 'we do not quarrel, we joked, we go'. "
And if so what would you do? "If prudent Ranieri has an action that can have devastating effects and even a boomerang, and says he accepts the outcome of the vote only if transparent and clear, and does not deny, as indeed it did not contradict the hypothesis of a list civic competition Cozzolino, means that we are facing a very delicate moment in which all the outlets are possible.

more worrying is the outlet could be the lack of recognition of the primary forces by also very important. "

the first to add in these divisions could be the IDV MEP Luigi De Magistris, who said in several interviews: "Cozzolino is an expression of Bassolino, without a name that represents a genuine renewal I could run for mayor of Naples. "


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