Friday, January 28, 2011

Dvd Grainy On Blu Ray

Neapolitan woman who rebel pickets

posted by Laura on Saturday, January 29, 2011 at 5:52

Marianna Micciarelli

tomorrow's event in Piazza plebiscite is confirmed in 10.30.

Expect associations and anything else they want you specify "their name" in order to conceal communicate insert specifically under the "women who rebel - Naples, made the change .. we print each of us a couple of leaflets to distribute tomorrow.


Facebook: "I disagree ...
and Rosa Luxemburg "
Daniela Amenta a woman who dedicated their lives to uphold the law.

"Why - they write on social networking organizations," Women say no. This week I'm ...», "we want to fight the system of buying and selling of women, exploitation of the female body. A gesture that is intended primarily to communicate our identity as women able to assert with courage and intellect, but also to renew our historic memory, to remember that the right to vote, the right to work, individual freedoms, rights are won , often at great cost, by women. "

So here's the change. "I am Rosa Luxemburg. Because freedom is always freedom of dissent. " "I am Frida Kahlo," "I am Frances Farmer," "I am Merini Alda, Shirin Neshat, Irène Némirovsky, Carla Lonzi Ibarruri Dolores Gomez, Tina Modotti, Janis Joplin, Joan Baez, Marie Curie."

"I am Rita Levi Montalcini, because the absolute evil of our time is not to believe in values. It does not matter that they are religious or secular. Young people must believe in something positive and life is worth living only if we believe in values, because they remain even after our death. "

And Jane Austen, Maria Callas, George Sand, Rosa Parks, Joyce Lussier. It is' a series of images, symbols, women famous or forgotten. As Emanuela Loi, police escort of Borsellino, or Amelia Earhart, American aviatrix. At each new face. The memory that crosses the face of history and individual stories, the passions of literature, political studies.

paths that come together, meet. Memories that are reactivated. A gesture so simple metaphor becomes overbearing, it becomes a strong sign of revolt. Some say no, take another to affirm their identity. "I am Anna Magnani wrinkles because they cover. I spent a lifetime to make me come. "

am also Simone de Beauvoir. "For a free woman is the exact opposite of a woman Light. " January 28, 2011

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for president Jacob / 1: the mama's boy

Jacob and Esau is the only one coconut Rebecca
Jacob Too bad he's dead and buried by a few thousand years. Given the attitudes that emerge in the biblical account (Genesis , chapters 28-35), have all it takes to stand as candidate for prime minister the upcoming elections in Italy and outperform the competition.
If we learned anything from recent history of our country, in fact, is that a candidate will get the benefit of the people and gain more support if:

  1. is the ' mama's boy', bound to her by a special relationship of love and complicity;
  2. has a large harem flair that enlivens his sexual even in old age;
  3. is a rich man who has made himself ;
  4. sa cleverly used this wealth to accommodate relationships with friends and enemies;
  5. Is victim of the events he the same causative ;
  6. apply to the greatest perfection Machiavellian - the end justifies the means - not making trouble duped and fooled relatives, business associates, heads of state provided eventually save the appearances and he comes out the winner, the richest, most powerful and justified .

All gifts that Jacob shows to own, unforgettable star of an Italian story - pardon, the Palestinian ... - Too long to be summarized in a single post. But first things first. We have already seen from the beginning like Jacob a lot more than am amma Rebecca the more hairy and smelly sister Esau, so that she devises a plan by which the legacy of his father Isaac is directed towards its coconut instead of the firstborn (see here ). Esau is also goat, but until then we get there: when he discovers that he was cheated, s'incazza and swears revenge terrible revenge. Rebecca, to save the skin of his beloved, then invites Jacob to Mesopotamia flee, finding refuge with the dear uncle Laban, her brother. But it is not good that looks like a leak, what would people say? Keep up appearances, please! Once again it is the old, blind Isaac the shaft to be manipulated unconsciously wife great screenwriter Rebecca ( "Due from Esau married Hittite women have lost their taste for life. If Jacob takes married a Hittite, I'd rather die! " trusts desperate to mock her husband) and he, good-natured, in order to please her son:" Go 'in Mesopotamia, the house of Bethuel thy mother's father, and marry a girl there, a daughter of Laban, the brother of your father "- now we understand: there is nothing more divine than marry her cousin (best bona) . So Jacob, as terrible punishment for having cheated his father's inheritance and blessing to Esau, he gets another blessing and an obligation to go on holiday abroad to choose a rich uncle to marry her cousin bona. Justice is done, it seems obvious. Yet, inexplicably, Esau have to say: When I visited the scene, there is equally bad ... To console and earn points in the eyes of Isaac and Rebecca, the pelosone time trying to imitate his brother : goes by another uncle, Ishmael, and married her cousin Mahalath, more than two Hittite wives who had already. But her little makeshift harem not be enough to become the candidate ideal, as discussed in the next post , Jacob also in terms of women and polygamy will do better and we will confirm the true and only doomed to success.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Red Lines On Sony Projection Tv

the primaries today in Naples

Primary, check Libero Mancuso
The Left calls the former magistrate arrived at Bologna Cofferati. Cyril from the process to the massacres of Uno Bianca, a life in a toga, "I mayor? I have to think"
Libero Mancuso
The idea has grown in the light of the unexpected success of the lawyer Giuliano Pisapia the primary center for the City of Milan. "Why not follow the same route for Naples?", Have asked the leaders of the Left and freedom involved in finding a candidate to be deployed in the competition that already has competing Umberto Ranieri, Nicola and Andrea Cozzolino Oddati, all of the PD. The choice fell on Libero Mancuso, who moved to Bologna, Naples magistrate in 2006, after wearing the gown for more than 40 years, it has been assessor arrived in Bologna in Cofferati. The first to think of Mancuso was the former mayor of Castellammare Salvatore Vozza, the assessor Giulio Riccio, Antimo Scotto and Peppe De Cristofaro. The national leader Gennaro Migliore approved the choice. Soon a group of intellectuals could lodge an appeal in favor of the nomination.

Mancuso dissolve the reserve Monday. "After many years of absence, the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing back in my hometown who lives at such an difficult it is certainly fascinating. We need to understand if there are possibilities and energy to take up the threads of the rescue, "said Mancuso in the Republic. And then he adds:" It is a choice that can disrupt the life of my family and people who are dear to me . If I were to engage in this competition I would put into play everything myself. So I want to think of it, to share that decision with those who should you accept it, must bear with me this sacrifice. "

career in the judiciary to Mancuso (who is the brother of Paul, another leading toga, currently Attorney Nola) was crossed with some of the more delicate events in the history of Italy. How pm in Naples investigating the terrorist seizure and Cyril. In 1983 the transfer to Bologna, where he found himself almost immediately to address the investigation into the massacre at the station. Was already under the Two Towers picked up when the eavesdropping of a former councilor who opened the Neapolitan Neapolitan Tangentopoli. As president of the Assize Court has held jobs on the crimes of one white and the murder of Marco Biagi. Then, in 2006, adventure with Cofferati, but only after she resigned as a magistrate.

Sel I applaud the move, the Greens and the Socialists, who speak of "high-profile job." And the commissioner Riccio sees in this choice, the confirmation of the "line of honesty and transparency of our current mayor. The life spent by Mancuso between the commitment before a magistrate and then in politics is a splendid example of service to the republican legality - says Riccio - could rekindle that hope of which Naples has so much need. "
-------- --------
Stefania Verusio
Primary in Naples:

Ranieri could still win the provincial secretary
Trembling denounces the fraud. EXAM APPEALS Vincent Iurillo
(FQ 01/26/2011)

Stefania Nicola Verusio Trembling, the provincial secretary of the Democratic Party in Naples, waving photos.

"She sees them? They are all municipal councilors and leaders of parties of the center included the primary seat of St. Charles Arena, the names and I co ... gnomes. And we have so many reports like this. " And the case
Mia-not, where there had been a vote every thirty seconds in a seat the size of a hole, reaching an altitude of 1600?
"Someone who actually voted was at home, there were those who put the X on packages of blank cards.
And we have collected testimonies of domestic workers with extra pay small sums to rate Cozzo-linen ". Flywheel
rags in Pd Naples after the words of the Secretary Trembling explicitly accusing the winner of the primaries, the Bassolino Andrea Cozzolino, having conquered success through fraudulent operations, pollution the voting and sale of consent. Trembling
speaks of "bubo be eradicated," quantifies in "5000" the "infiltrators" and that, according to regulation, "if irregularities are found, you can rectify the outcome of the consultation."
Warning: grind, do not cancel. In a context where the words weigh like stones, it means that according to the Secretary to uphold the appeals of the defeated candidates could deliver the investiture of the candidate for mayor Umberto Ranieri. The warranty is
Committee met yesterday afternoon and has updated the work to date: there is still, therefore, the proclamation the winner. Cozzolino reacts with the same hardness, "delusional statements. Trembling
preliminary statements false and irresponsible. I am outraged.
You can not mess a day of democratic participation in words that throw mud on a party of millions of people and a city that has proved capable of a great civil mobilization. "
The former regional minister of defense relies on the outcome of the primaries and asks to be declared the winner:
"We will aim to restore a climate more peaceful and more united."

guarantors therefore the last word. Li presides Raffaele Cananzi. Sightings
few days before the vote to intervene in Umberto Ranieri for an event, and the video circulating on the network at this time on input of those who doubt the impartiality.
"And what does that mean? - Replies Ranieri - Cananzi is a gentleman, played a much intervention took an initiative via Spoken like a member of the Catholic world. If these arguments are, well, Naples is said to have a guilty conscience ...
No, leave the guarantors carry out their work in peace, recognizing the clarity and transparency of Cananzi, without making more stupid mistakes. " One of the fathers of reformism noble Neapolitan, Andrea Geremicca, one of the instigators of the candidacy of Ranieri, analyzes the situation: "Given that any decision will be taken, damage to the credibility of the primaries is still done, I think the lesser evil is to address complaints related to three-four seats contested and adapt to that court. The cancellation of the primary
not even take into consideration before a nice mud-l'esempio participation by individual episodes of re-emergence of the 'old' politics.
I understand that the public interest would soon quit this game, but the worst damage would be to not take seriously the reports of irregularities, close your eyes and agree the series 'we do not quarrel, we joked, we go'. "
And if so what would you do? "If prudent Ranieri has an action that can have devastating effects and even a boomerang, and says he accepts the outcome of the vote only if transparent and clear, and does not deny, as indeed it did not contradict the hypothesis of a list civic competition Cozzolino, means that we are facing a very delicate moment in which all the outlets are possible.

more worrying is the outlet could be the lack of recognition of the primary forces by also very important. "

the first to add in these divisions could be the IDV MEP Luigi De Magistris, who said in several interviews: "Cozzolino is an expression of Bassolino, without a name that represents a genuine renewal I could run for mayor of Naples. "

Monday, January 24, 2011

South Park Online Subtitled

More pilu for all

Jacob's Legacy: a question of pilu
no doubt about it, the argument is all the rage. On days when I write this post, Antonio Albanian depopulated to the movies with his Cetto La Whatever, hilarious pseudo (pseudo ... but not so much) politician who captivates the popular vote by promising More pilu for all. Meanwhile, newspapers and newscasts are flooded with reports of a festival based pilu that enliven the evenings of the most loved by Italians, otherwise - it would seem - dropped to a dismal boredom. What
pilu and power are strongly interlinked not find some today. The Genesis , in a unique way, addressing the topic. We are at chapter 25 when for the first time we know the children of Isaac and Rebecca , the twins Esau and Jacob . Born first, this book does not bring much ass: as Cain was not considered by God, who instead looked kindly Abel (hence the fit of jealousy that had brought more to kill the child and be forever hailed as 'the bad '), his eldest son Esau will have a decidedly unlucky fate of his brother born just a few minutes later, but immediately became the darling of mother Rebecca.
The outstanding feature of Esau is to be hairy as if he had a cloak (apparently the name, in Hebrew, refers to something like that). This animal is a bit disgusted 'mother - as blame her? - And no matter whether the Instead his father Isaac takes a liking to this furry little bundle: as the Genesis - and daily life - teach us, in the end the decision-making power of the husband, in a pair, is more apparent than real.
Esau, moreover, it shows immediately a simpleton rather stupid and unfit to hold positions of prestige to his brother gave his firstborn rights for a plate of bread and lentils . He was hungry, and stomach can not control. No wonder then that the company rewarded Jacob & Rebecca - two cunning and unscrupulous of conscience - put in the bag without any difficulty he and the old Isaac, now blind, when it comes to bless the heir . And here is the whole question of pilu : Jacob 'disguised' by covering themselves of Esau his brother's clothes and skin of two kids . The caring mother prepares for him a slap-up lunch at Cooked & Eaten , ready to bring a gift to Isaac. L ' deception of his father Isaac wears well in multi-sensory mode : satisfied in taste, the blind old man, betrayed by touch and by smell, touch and smell is convinced that Jacob is actually Esau and solemnly blesses him as his sole and rightful heir. Unparalleled impudence of the young reassured when his father about his identity: "Are you really my son Esau?" "Sure!" - Jacob and here he turns to the objective of the camera slyly wink wink, a typical street urchin who has mastered the art of getting by in the low Naples. Note, once again, the fatalism of the householder who discovered the deception when he washes his hands cheerfully, "Father, bless me, too!", Esau begs him, "Your brother came with a lie and you stole blessing, "" But your father, you have only one blessing? Bless me too. " Nothing to do: pilu pretended Jacob has now irretrievably overthrown the real one of Esau. Like think that, to console, the elder brother has booked a session the beautician.

Monday, January 17, 2011

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a race horse runs

Abraham and Homer Simpson: father, like son
All suffer from the 'family imprinting. Our conduct, our scale of values, our way of thinking, speaking and acting are strongly influenced by the examples that were provided daily by parents and relatives since we were children.
It is no coincidence that my mother, when I reproached for the disorder or stubbornness, accompanying the chorus to a specific complaint invariable and inevitable: You Companion to think so! ( You are the same as your father! ). At that, equally invariably, my father answered slyly: Cossa vuto Farge, de cava'eo breed is ... ( What can you do, race horse runs ... ), as if to say that a horse can not be tamed soon to be born a little horse tamed.
Similarly descendants of Abraham, the protagonists of the following chapters of Genesis , confirmed his heirs perfect in every way: Abraham to breed thoroughbred foals.
Isaac, the son of such a father, continues the excellent tradition of taking a wife bona (Rebecca) , which inevitably is also his cousin , and otherwise has no problem to pass off as his sister so as not to be killed by other suitors - exactly as he did Abraham see here. It is nearly a effect cinepanettoni with the king of Gerar , Abimelech, who serves as a sfigatissimo Massimo Boldi: he who a few years before he was convinced he could spupazzare the babe Sara, thinking she was his sister and not the wife of Abraham, now for the same reason is also a little thought to Rebecca, the second-generation ultra hot, but remain empty-handed once again.
is confirmed then the tradition of inventing imaginative names for the heirs of the family - to remember as it started, see here. Just a few examples taken here and there: the brothers Uz & Buz (one might say a couple of menacing rapper from the Bronx), some great ancestor Gormiti ( Idlas , Bethuel and Zohar ), a pastry chef specializing in chocolate milk ( Milca ), a Roman in a hurry ( Core), a type very hot ( Arde ) a couple of good comedians in Sicily Zelig (Samma & Mizza ), a guy with a name mouthwash ( Jokshan ) from a department store ( Uppim ), from a supermarket ( Bila ), one that could have the pilot ( mass), and one that could run for president USA ( Oolibama ). In addition to
habits, are passed on to subsequent generations also stainless of genes highlander - see here . When Isaac was born, Abraham has 100 years round, his wife Sara is a first child 90, still young she will die (a 127), so he rightly be comforted, be married (with Keturah) and will new children by her and other women before he died happy 175 years. No wonder then that Isaac fields 180 years. As my dad always says, bred horse racing . In which dynasty of our time this proverb more confirmation of its validity? You can express a preference survey using the the right column.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Vc-211a Treiber Windows 7


Research Center of St. Joseph
Giuseppini Murialdo

March 17, 2011 St. Peter's Theological Institute - VITERBO


9:15 am 9 am Welcome and introduction
9.30 am dr. P. Joseph Daniel: Meetings with San Jose in the Word of God
10:15 am dr. P. Tarcisio MULCH: News of St. Joseph in the new evangelization.
11 am break 11:30 am
Sr Anna VALLEYS: The Life of Saint Joseph in the spiritual experience of M. Cecilia Baij.
at 12:15 PM Gianfranco VERRI: St. Joseph in the context of the Holy Family
13 hours

at 14.30 prof. Stephen Colafrancesco: The collection of p.Taveri Valbrembo: Josephine testimony of devotion.
15 hours dr. Michele PARABITA: St. Joseph in the art crib.
at 15.30 NOTICES: A Transit found the parish Cupra Montana, "The Ride of Scicli" The Oratorio "St. Joseph, Guardian of the Divine Mercy, "" Humanism and familiar iconography of Joseph "The figure of S. Joseph in the frescoes of Pietro Ivaldi.
at 16.30 dr. P. Angelo Catapano: Conclusions.

LOCATION: St. Peter's Theological Institute - Viale Diaz 25-01100 Viterbo
To the occasion will be an exhibition Josephine.

INVITED: Giuseppina, students, parishes, religious and laity of the Diocese of Viterbo,
all concerned - free admission.

INFORMATION: Please confirm attendance by March 10. Contact
p. Angelo Catapano (mobile 3403429116 - )
To reserve the room for any accommodation and contact
p. Nicola Giambattista (tel. 0761343134 - )

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Paddling For Discipline

More incestuous Forrester

Lot and his daughters incest that dwarfing Beautiful
The love affairs of the Forrester family, the protagonist of the saga of Beautiful, really messy. There are people who get married, divorced, remarried, and up to six times (Ridge and Brooke), people who pass an entire family (both his sons as Eric - Ridge and Thorne - were able to appreciate the arts amateurs Brooke), up to twelve people who contracted marriages with different people (Brooke), people who are not ashamed to go to bed the father and son (guess who, for one thing? Of course, Brooke!). In essence, The series features a 'suspension of morality ' accepted sympathy from the spectators, which indeed fun to see relatives who betray, exchange parties and partners, sometimes touching the ' incest.
Exactly, touching. In Genesis , however, our heroes without crossing too many pleasantries taboo: if you excite the hazards between sexual Forrester, who can not become a hardcore fan of the 'Lot's family '.
Yeah, he always: Lot the grandson of Abraham, whom we have admired as a loving family man (see previous post ), when proposing to the inhabitants of Sodom to rape at will the his daughters virgin Instead of undermining the virtues of the angels.
a family way, intuits. No time to finish the Chapter 19, and here is a multiple bell'incesto. The idea of \u200b\u200bnaughty is eldest daughter of Lot: "Let's drink our father and we spend the night with him, so we will have children from our father! . The child certainly does not pray. In two nights in a row, the two drunken old man (complicit? The biblical author points out that "he realized," but I doubt that a contemporary court acquitted him ...), and so the first major, then the child remain pregnant of the August parent. To which we must say, it should be at least recognized a prolific Record: 100 to 100 of success, the sperm more fertile history. The figlinipoti Lot - a thing so unnatural and anti-social that there is no exact word to define them - are called Moab and Ben-Ammi . Brooke, who was limited to assign names rather ordinary - Rick, Bridget, Hope, RJ, and Jack - her four children conceived with three generations of Forrester, is gnawing envy.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kates Playground Home

Some of his wife which has the bona ...

The t-shirt ideal for Abraham
Nino Frassica So sang a song written by Renzo Arbore Back in the days of All. Among the unfortunate luck on their side who have a very beautiful woman, there is also the founder of the three great monotheistic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism), or Abraham.
The wife in question is bona Sarai - linguistic note: God will decide to remove the 'i' and final call Sara (which in Hebrew means princess ) from the 17th chapter of Genesis .
When Abraham, because of a famine, should emigrate to Egypt ( Chapter 12), the beauty of Sarai could become a serious problem: 'Our fears that the Egyptians, while putting them hands on him, kill him. Here's stroke of genius: 'Tell them that you're my sister, so instead of killing me treat me well. " The result: the pharaoh is derived as the wife Sarai, and Abram receives the gift of sheep, oxen, donkeys, donkeys, male and female servants. Beak and happy. But God does not approve, and to understand it affects the pharaoh with serious diseases: it is the first time that Egypt he gets a divine scourge , we see that the applicant will become a habit ...
Already here are often quite like couple relationship between Abraham and Sarai have more than a little problem. And the idea of \u200b\u200bwomen time does not appear among the best. Confirmations in both directions come in the following chapters. Convinced of being sterile, Sarai tells Abraham to try to put in the yard with the heir to her servant Hagar . a womb for rent at the time, in other words. Once again, a bit 'like Adam, Abraham shows a typical male , which accepts and executes without question the will of his wife ("If you insist ..."). You'll also pick and happy, then? Oh no, guys: this is a girl. When the infant is born ( Ishmael), Sarai is jealous of his servant, and asks Abraham to leave. For a change, grandly from the typical male response Abraham: "The slave is yours, you take care . We need God's intervention again to accommodate things: You will be employed by Hagar back, with the promise that his son Ishmael, however, will have a long line, albeit less important than that of Sara, which will then finally ennobled becoming the mother of Isaac .
all right once and for all, then? Not at all. The leopard, but not the vice. Abraham moved to Gerar , and to get away from every problem he says the local king Abimelech to take him as well as the beautiful wife Sara, split again to his sister. Beak and happy: more than a motto, a philosophy of life . Sara also confirmed this version of events, forcing God to give his usual warning sign (the unfortunate king of misfortunes turns) all combine to prevent a big mess.
The incident perhaps more significant on the high esteem enjoyed by women at that time (especially in the family of Abraham), however, is the Chapter 19: Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah . The angels sent by God to assess the situation in Sodom are hosted by Lot, Abraham's nephew. The local population from the onslaught infoiatissima house: everyone, young and old, want to rape the two angels. Lot leaves the house and talk to the crowd to resolve the situation, proving worthy nephew of his uncle. I quote the magnificent speech: "My brothers, please do not do such evil. Give me listening! I have two virgin daughters. Bring them to you and you can make out what they want , but do not touch the two men are my guests. "Thank goodness that in the end the angels take the law into their own ...
However, the bona wife - but also his daughter - if necessary, can always be helpful. And you, would you ever tempted to accept an 'indecent proposal'? Some ideas in poll on the right.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Cool Gift For A Barber


I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas this year, inviting us to contemplate with the eyes of St. Joseph: Joseph what he heard at Christmas, as he lived? First
with an attitude of gratitude.
Nothing was obvious to him that son who was born to Mary was a gift for him. It was a gift and a grace to him, the guardian of that child that was delivered, as a child grow and be educated.
was a gift, in the heart of Joseph, also the mysterious life that fatherhood and out of human logic.
Gratitude is fed by surprise and wonder, the wonder of simple and small that always feels too great condescension of the Lord to him, made not of that humility annoying we call "hairy", but the serene consciousness of his poverty and limitations and, above all, of the infinite disproportion between the size of the gift and the event and their standard of living.
I think for us this is a good way to experience Christmas.
We do not give anything for granted.
For us, just us, we have been made the subject of such great favor from the Lord, the gift of faith, many blessings and revelations, including the new gift of Christmas that comes to us with its cargo of light and hope for the our lives?
Because God is good to us, much more good than we deserve.
never ceases to amaze and marvel at the greatness of his love.
In the Birth of Joseph, there are also doubts, the worries about a way of life is not easy to understand. The Lord of the lights, but only step by step. For the rest of it takes great faith.
This Christmas is for him a moment of joy and certainty, but then what?
I think this is the condition of the believer, our standard of living: steps taken in the light of God, and long stretches of dark uncertainty, restlessness or doubt.
Living Christmas with the heart of St. Joseph mean to take all the grace, sweetness and beauty of the moments of light that God does not fail in our lives.
are moments of God: wherever there is beauty, sweetness, real wealth, happiness, sense of life, there is no presence of God, because God is all about. We administer these
good moments, like the traveler who walked at night and complained about the darkness, bless the twinkle of an instant: it is a moment, but then gives him confidence that the light is that the track is correct, that walking is not in vain.
So is God the Lord gives us the lightning, lightning that guide the heart, like a dream to Joseph, then returns almost absent, disappears and is silent. There is, however, even if he is silent.
I think that's the ultimate feeling of Christmas and the summary of Joseph and serene consciousness of some presence of God in his life, even in the folds of the most mysterious and painful.
This is our Christmas and this is Christmas every day.

d. Mario Aldegani

Father General

Nac Jewellers Oddanam

...... I live in theaters and garbage ..... 2011 Pine

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mario Salieri Streaming Vids

Briatore? An amateur ...

Nathan Falco: banalotto a name ...
When Flavio Briatore and Elisabetta Gregoraci announced the chosen name for their baby (Nathan Falco), as well as when Francesco Totti and Ilary Blasi informed the world the joy for the arrival of the first girl (Chanel) , public opinion was split in two. One party - the sane - he lamented the fate of the poor baby, who was sentenced to derision from friends from kindergarten to eighth grade. Another part - those 'tròòòppo forward' - praised the originality, perhaps beginning to suggest a list of names as originals in the future to tie their babies to distinguish them (and stand) from the crowd, impress your friends, mother-in-law to cause a heart attack. Not necessarily in this order of priority.
If you're one of those 'tròòòppo forward', the Chapter 10 of Genesis offers sixty really bizarre ideas: Sem, Cam and Japheth, the sons of Noah, perhaps in revenge for the generations improbable happened to them after the names by lot, have in turn chosen unlikely names for their babies. As in the worst chain letters, was thus passed on from generation to generation aberrant family tradition: to compete nell'affibbiare names to their offspring to the limits of pronunciabilità. Nathan Hawk, by comparison, is tasteless and banalotto, pace Flavio & Eli.
I also doubt this footage will return to biblical useful. For trade, in fact, I sometimes need to invent the name which bring to market a new product, company, project or event. It is not as simple as it seems. Massimo Morelli My teacher told me the trick of a copywriter much quoted in this kind of activity - in the jargon is defined naming : when he was in trouble, even after the third round of proposals received warmly by the principals, this genius opened the pages of your telephone book under the heading of Ibiza 'public spaces'. In a moment, here are hundreds of names ready English style, a more tantalizing of the other, perfect for everything - from dandruff shampoo to the investment fund - and several times offered to customers with great success.
I would say that this page of Genesis gives me good options lifesaver in several areas:
- at least three names for a new antivirus software : Nimrod, Laab , Rehoboth Ir
- three for a new drug manhood enhancer : Tiras , Tubal, Amorites
- three in prophesied / wizards from local TV : Magog, Patros, Raama
- three for a yogurt with laxative effects : Ofir, Joktan, Jobab
- one for a study of plastic surgery : Rifat
- one for a new fuel : Naftuc
certainly use more appropriate, however, is that of new lines of furniture Ikea . In this regard, what inspires you the most? Respond using the survey on the right.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Matures Who Love Blackmen

De Stasio

ethereal fires consumed legacies
stocks rise
empty opulence of the colors of the first night

year s' settle sulfur
between dioxins dirty
of the pyramids at
bales of garbage and was
that Vesuvius throws
walking through the dirty streets
or in the province between the curves with dark
scents to the Moon and the Stars
makes me fear
and 'a dark landscape
the bonfire' of the tires with fireflies
never turned off the heat for a while passions

those lonely places, but here are caves that I knew
underground between the water crystal clear even for a short

are refuges of war
rocks with tuff sandstone that surrounds
and the water still runs solid

pine De Stasio
January 1, 2011 (version final)



waste, special collection
stakes in the New Year's Eve

The people of Asia are at work in the early hours of the day. The trucks have spilled a Chiaia and Santa Maria Capua Vetere. Several fires in the night in the historic center: heaps burning in Via Toledo, Via Duomo and Piazza Cavour
Dump in flames in Via Salvator Rosa (photos are)
In Naples an extraordinary waste collection day also the first year . After the 'race against time' to make the city cleaner possible for the New Year's Eve (yesterday were harvested 1,520 tons) and to avoid the burning of piles of rubbish, even today, Asia and army personnel have continued to clear the streets. Between 3 and 12 this morning the trucks have given in landfills and Santa Maria Capua Vetere Chiaiano between 600 and 700 tonnes of waste. The collection will resume this afternoon, but only sverserà in Santa Maria Capua Vetere.

In Naples the next day the collection on a regular basis, at least until Jan. 4, when in Rome has set a new meeting between relevant institutions in which they seek "structural solutions to the problem" of the waste and will discuss new plants to construct in the provinces of Campania.

Night of fire. Night of the burning of St. Sylvester Naples: dozens and dozens of fires have affected several bins full of waste, including fires that have been tamed by the hard work of firefighters. The hardest hit area was the center of town.
It 's long list of Neapolitan street where piles of waste and containers caught fire in the rain of fireworks display at midnight, even when data were not specifically set on fire. Little is served and then the calls to the city and the shedding of non-flammable liquid. The fire

leading off the night by the fire was to Salvator Rosa a few steps from the National Archaeological Museum. A 'mountain' of garbage caught fire about one o'clock in the morning also involving parked cars. But even in the Toledo, the main shopping street, was not spared. Shortly after midnight, some boxes in front of the former palace of Rinascente have caught fire. As a Cathedral at the intersection with the district of Forcella same fate for a mass of waste that caught fire after another car involved. Fires in Piazza Cavour near a school building, the 'Cavone', in Via Santa Teresa degli Scalzi, in Piazza del Carmine. As a Fossataro a dumpster was set on fire. In Viale Gramsci during the night, firefighters had to intervene to a fire large burst on a mountain of waste. In

Fuorigrotta neighborhood was better. The fires were concentrated in only two ways: via Leopardi and Via Cumana. In Cumana
away for a few days there were heaps of garbage collected at three points and the road was closed to traffic for three major fires. The same fate because where Leopardi at the elementary school "Leopardi" fighters are due measures to prevent the fire would involve other cars parked

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rains that God sends

The Ark - Design by Tom Dubuois
Here, the Flood . To know Noah has to wait 600 years to make ; I, reader, the time to scroll through six short chapters of Genesis. The modern times has much more limited. Also because God
the beginning of Chapter 6, he realizes that should give us a cut with the highlander figlianti like rabbits up to 900 years, otherwise the Earth is likely to burst. The new limit that puts the lives of men is 120 years. We can be satisfied, by - and I see that once again we took Silvio, stating as its objective the achievement of its precise age? Old fox.
"Men and women are lustful and evil. You know what? I have made, I will destroy." This God seems quite short-tempered and a bit 'moody. So much so that I think of it now: as Noah is the only one who still live according to his intentions, through him, humanity can save itself. Thanks, patriarch.
And so, here is our handsome seicentenne to build the ' ark to house children, wife, daughters and animals of all sorts. The size specified by the Chief, to be honest, not much for all 'is the people: a flat float 25 x 150 meters, height 15 . At least you can loft. I imagine an atmosphere quite suffocating and endless queues for the baths 40 days and 40 nights in which God sends rain. Among other things, was really the case to bring all the animals of all kinds? It was not a good opportunity to get rid of some useless and troublesome species? Have your say by responding to the survey right-hand column.
Even when it rains more, the 'water we will c bout a year to fall completely to make the land habitable again. A few days before, to check the situation, Noah releases a dove , which returns with an olive branch : ignorant, I did not know that from this biblical passage was born the image of the dove as a symbol of peace (in our case, between God and man). Just beyond, there also appear the first rainbow flag of history: God says that the colored bow in the clouds is and always will be a sign of his promise to the people not to destroy every living thing ever again.
Pace made then. But in the celebration banquet nothing cut or Florentine steak with rocket: "I give food to all that lives and moves. We should not eat meat blood, because blood is life ".
Man, I really like the thread Sanglante . If you unleashed another deluge, with you know who to take.