Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Red Wine And Dark Stools

"For outstanding people we start with the private memory.

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We love Naples
published by Gennaro Esposito
the day Tuesday, December 28 2010 at 16:38

Dear friends do not remember when and how the net I found this script. I can not remember who wrote the site from which I downloaded. then I want to clarify that is not mine. I write this note for the sake of knowledge.

"To clear the people are beginning to destroy their memory.
It destroyed their books, their culture, their history.
And someone else wrote their books, supplies them to another culture, invent another story for them.
Then the people slowly begin to forget what it was.
And the world around him forget even more quickly. "

- Milan Kundera ------------

Naples is a symbol and as such has been attacked more than anyone else who has every interest in destroying the identity ... ...
Emphasizing certain aspects of the Neapolitan to lead to a parody of themselves is one way to destroy the sense of belonging. Far become American Indians all had drunk a defined strategy to destroy the identity from the 100 and passes the Indian people who constitute the Indian nation.
Naples was a symbol of the South, was not and is not the South, but attacking Naples attacking a symbol of the South, then around the South [...] The problem is that the strategy seeks to humiliate the Naples that resists , of Naples, which has surrendered. Phrases like "our fault", "we just made so," these things do not happen in the north "are symptomatic of how they want to reduce the Neapolitans.
As well written and descriptive, Malcolm X, if you want to dominate a slave, you have to convince the slave that never existed for him no choice and that slavery is in its nature.

You can not say "you're a slave because I'm stronger" at the first opportunity to try to kill you in your sleep, and does it well. When a ship sinks and the cry "every man for himself" that trigger the bestial instincts of each man left at the mercy of events, that is to the Neapolitans, but also for the Parisians or the Americans in Los Angeles or New Orleans.
order, respect for their common rules, trust in institutions, compliance with the origins and traditions, pride of belonging, integrity of conduct in respect of themselves and proud of its past and present determine the attitude of a people.
But when this people has been taught right from primary school in his past there is nothing but slavery and domination, that their ancestors were nothing but thieves and robbers (in the sense of bandits) and peons.
How often we hear the persistent lie that the South has always migrated, singing "Saint Lucia far away and, as if the migration was in the DNA of our fathers and not a specific desire Liberal politics of the north. When this people do not give the institutions, laws and lifestyles in accordance with tradition, rather they want to convince people that never had traditional, if not the art of getting by and sing, what happens?
The British Empire has become thanks to the pirates, but pirates are not served when they no longer have spit in the hand that feeds and literature have epicizzato ethics (nonexistent) to pirates and buccaneers. If the Nazis had won in England would have taught the British that their reference point was not the honor, but shame pirate, what would now be British?
Americans have their DNA in the extermination of the Indians, but did not hear any American say himself, "if we kill some 50 Iraqi children in a school is because we have always since the days of Custer killed children," and if an American with a bomb blew up a hotel, no one will say "we are the ones who are bombers, despite having thrown bombs on half the world. The celebration that unites them all is their independence from the British, not the victory of the North over the South during the Civil War.
to us what they want us to celebrate the Risorgimento?
That is how, under the false pretext and name of the Italians, someone wanted to attack the religion of the Italians and Italians wanted to plunder the South? The Arno stinks and Venice is full of whores, but you hear no news repeat for each intervention to these cities, these discounts truth.
Milan is stealing more cars than in Rome and Naples put together, but if you say this to a Neapolitan will answer with pride that we are almost there to go to steal. And why should I teach my daughter?
that we all belong to a nation of thieves and munnezzari machines? Naples is more, Naples is a science, is culture Napoli, Naples is the place where, despite 160 years of domination Risorgimento is still resisting.
If the state had treated Italianunito treated as Milan Naples at this time all the Milanese would be worse, much worse, 167 of the Scampia.
It would also be normal since when Naples was a beacon of law and law in Lombardy were called Don Rodrigo and mafia godfathers hardened murderers and cowards called balls and called Bravi Abbondio.
If you have not yet arrived to teach our children that Manzoni wrote "... Lake Como, but wanted to write ".... Bay of Naples" and they do not want to understand what were the Milanese of that time. Poor, plague, murder, mafia ... and then speak of Cholera ... "But I like the little face." If a
Mammasantissima of Naples take away the power that gave him the Savoy in 1861, there is a Don Rodrigo any.
Naples throughout the Middle Ages was the heart of feudalism (today we call federalism) Longobardorum, the north was ruled by the feudal principle Francorum.
For almost a thousand years, Italians in the south and north were "institutions" and ways of thinking about being together different. With
nationalism have made Italy, but have begun to destroy the Italians of the South have begun
friends, but not there yet. My Naples is the pride of belonging to a great civilization, a great culture, great ancestors. My Naples
you who do not give up, we who keep the memory of what we and transmits it to our children. My
Naples is the sneer Mr Trombetta, is the caustic of de Filippo fart that every day we U.S. NEAPOLITANS that we have not surrendered to the lure of bourgeois life. I defend Naples, not because they are dear friends of Naples, Naples but because they want to create is not the same of my Naples, of our ancestors.
Naples is the joy of living in an area blessed by the gods, is not the place of resignation and suffering and that impose stress with the media and with the traffic. Naples is still the symbol of the Italian genius, but to apply it we must be forced to emigrate abroad.
Naples is the sociability of the people of the sea, not the liberal individualism chronic selfishness.
I could continue, but Naples is a symbol, you can not explain. Dante defined
'love' as the force that moves the sky the stars and all things in the universe, then "What is done for love always occurs beyond good and evil," Nietzsche and us, we love Naples.


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