Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Green Phlegm Doctor Or Not

this foul and foul and 'unfortunately

Joseph Albino, Palermo, was said Sozzo, nickname with which he signed indicating how a person fat and short. He was a painter, born in 1550 and died in 1611. His father Philip was a pupil of Polidoro da Caravaggio, he studied under Giuseppe Spadafora. Its activity is known to Palermo from 1571, when she promised to execute the paintings for the chapel of Anthony Bisignano, who also worked with James and Joseph Gagini. From 1579 to 1582 was in Trapani, where he painted for the Carmelites of the paintings of the Annunciation, in those same years he worked at the Palazzo Reale in Palermo Bram Antonio, and having to help Vazzano Gaspar, one of the so-called "Zoppo di Gangi". He had numerous commissions from the Viceroy Court, it was considered an accomplished artist with a thriving shop, and also worked for the Senate from Palermo to the decoration of the Town Hall.
To thank him for his work and remember it for posterity, just runs in the area of \u200b\u200bDanisinni, the street-hole about forty yards behind pastry hat, and enjoy the realization of the Gospel parable, three, appeared as the Madonna, on the microscopic former church, including a tub turned upside down, good to quench the goats still graze in the area, and bicycle tires with mastery impaled in the iron projecting.
(Giuseppe Scuderi, and I thank a friend for sending the photo)


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