Monday, December 20, 2010

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CITY 'OF THE VATICAN, Sunday, December 19, 2010 ( .- Here is the words of this Sunday at noon by Benedict XVI reciting the Angelus prayer from his studio window in the Apostolic Palace with several thousand pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square.

* * * Dear brothers and sisters! In this fourth Sunday
Advent of the Gospel of St. Matthew tells how the birth of Jesus, was from the perspective of St. Joseph. He was betrothed to Mary, who, "before they came together she was found with child through the Holy Spirit" (Mt 1:18). The Son of God, fulfill an ancient prophecy (see Isaiah 7:14), became man in the womb of a virgin, and this mystery together manifest the love, wisdom and power of God for humanity wounded by sin . St. Joseph is presented as a "just man" (Mt 1:19), faithful to the law of God, willing to do his will. To enter the mystery of this after an angel of the Lord, in apparsogli dream, tells him: "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. In fact, the child is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit and she will give birth to a son and you shall call his name Jesus, because he save his people from their sins "(Mt 1:20-21). Abandoned the thought of divorce Mary secretly, he took her with him, because now his eyes you see in the work of God
Ambrose says that "in Joseph there was so kind and shape of the right to make it worthy of its status as a witness "(Exp. Ev. sec. Lucam II, 5: CCL 14.32 to 33). He - says Ambrose - "could not defile the temple Holy Spirit, the Mother of God, the womb fertilized by the mystery "(ibid., II, 6: CCL 14:33). Despite trying disturbance, Joseph acts" as he ordered the angel of the Lord, "some of do the right thing. Even with the name "Jesus" to that child that holds the whole universe, he is placed in the ranks of the humble and faithful servants, like the angels and the prophets, like the martyrs and the apostles - how to sing Eastern old hymns. St. Joseph announces the wonders of the Lord, bearing witness to the virginity of Mary, the free action of God, and guarding the earthly life of the Messiah. venerate thus the legal father of Jesus (cf. CCC, 532), for in him looms the new man, who looks to the future with confidence and courage, not following its own, but relies entirely to the infinite mercy of him that the prophecies come true, and begins the time of salvation.
Dear friends, St. Joseph, patron of the universal Church, I wish to commend all the pastors, urging them to offer "the Christian faithful and the world given the humble, everyday words and actions of Christ" (Letter Year Convocation of Priests) . May our lives increasingly adhere to the Person of Jesus, because "He who is Himself the Word takes a body, comes from God as a man and draws the whole human existence, brings it in the word of God" ( Jesus of Nazareth, Milano 2007, 383). With confidence we invoke the Virgin Mary, full of grace "adorned with God," in order that the next Christmas now, our eyes open and see Jesus, and the hearts rejoice in this wonderful encounter of love.
[The Pope then greeted pilgrims in several languages. In Italian he said:]
Lastly, I greet with affection the Italian-speaking pilgrims, especially the faithful from the Diocese of Ozieri, Sassari and Nuoro, as well as children and youth of the parish of St. Aloysius Gonzaga in Rome. I wish everyone a good Sunday and a peaceful Christmas in the light and peace of the Lord.


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