Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Cutlery Brown Marks Removal

a couple with problems, children with problems ... In principle

Rubens, Adam and Eve, Rubenshuis, Antwerp
Let's face it: Adam and Eve not make us a great figure. She is the female classical 'fashion victim' who is blinded the last product to fashion (the apple sponsored by the serpent). He is the classic male spineless that adapts passively to the wishes of his wife ("She gave me and I ate", but that excuse is?).
Expulsion from Paradise is obvious and inevitable, as the elimination of two contestants from Big Brother absolutely no personality and not be saved by the public at home. It must be said that God, this story of the apple, is intransigent and peevish zinzinello ...
However, in your opinion who is to blame? You can respond using the survey that is in column right of the screen.
With both parents as inadequate in the absence of SOS Tata which at the time did not exist, it is not surprising that Cain and Abel grow with the relationship problems that will have fatal consequences and tragic that we all know.


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