Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Temperature Of Storing The Paint


Antonella Nadia Spallitta and slender, Saturday, June 12, 2010
MR. MAYOR question for written answer
Subject: POSTERS scaffolding for renovation of the oratory of CROSSES OF PALERMO.
WHEREAS, For many years, the Oratory of Crosses, a monumental complex of considerable historical and architectural interest, situated on a corner of Piazza delle Croci Freedom in Palermo, is covered in full, on all sides by scaffolding for renovation and made safe building, consisting of the structure and the sheets on which a variety of alternate and invasive advertising. There were numerous reports to the Council Chamber Group writing by citizens expressing their indignation both because they were not yet completed the necessary restoration work, either because a good monumental significant cultural value is used for advertising promotions.
those circumstances is responsible for knowing
1. Copies of documents concerning the tender for the award of the contract for the restoration and the safety of the Oratory of the Cross, if in possession of City.
2. What is the expected date for completion of the restoration work and the works have been completed and at what stage they are implementing the same.
3. Who is the Director of the work and what the company and / or contractors of it, by request copy of any communications to the City relating to said contract;
4. If the work has been authorized by the relevant municipal departments, with the approval of the Superintendency for Cultural and Environmental Heritage in Palermo, who is the Head of procedures that would deal with the same supervision and copies of related documents;
5. What are the deadlines for completion of the work and the dismantling of scaffolding at the Oratory of the Cross.
6. A title that is maintained in the absence of scaffolding and scaffolding work, given the injury to the dignity and image of the city, it is a building of significant historical and architectural.
7. Copies of documents relating the authorization, supporting evidence of the permanence of scaffolding and scaffolding.
8. What is the company that uses advertising space on sheets made of the scaffold and by virtue of such acts.
9. If the company or other entity is authorized to use with this request, a copy of the authorization.
10. What are the advertising rates charged by the City of Palermo for this advertisement and if the Company pays the costs, and copy of the relevant documents before payment.
11. What steps the administration intends to take to the removal of scaffolding and covers advertising, in order to restore the dignity and protect the image of the city.


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