Friday, September 10, 2010

Lump In Between Cheek

A silence eloquent

Every evening at 18.30 (winter 17.30) to pray the rosary with Mary and Joseph, ensures the brochure. Who else could lead to the best of Mary Joseph, her husband and legal father of Jesus?
am talking about the shrine of St. Joseph which rises majestically to St. Joseph Vesuvius large town to twenty and ten kilometers from Naples to Pompeii, a shrine built right on the heels of the Madonna of the Rosary wanted by Blessed Bartolo Longo. Moreover
father Angelo Catapano, editor of the journal Josephite priest of the shrine, invites us to report it in our book "especially since this year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the dedication of the 'altar of the most important in honor of the saint." It is indeed a magnificent altar erected in 1955, which houses the throne with the beautiful statue of the patron saint.
The interior is airy and bright. Divided into three aisles by pillars of granite, is decorated with vivid wall paintings, particularly those depicting the marriage and death Saint Joseph's.
But we can say is that the whole sanctuary as a whole, which increased to start up a church dating from 1896 to 1622, is one of the finest dedicated to Mary's husband. It was made possible thanks to the founder of Don Giuseppe Ambrosio, and is guarded by the fathers Josephites Murialdo who, busy with special emphasis on youth, family and the world of work, he spread the message through the voice of St. Joseph The monthly published by well- 103.
The monumental facade, neo-classical Renaissance style, was completed in 1926 in travertine stone. The architectural harmony is enriched by the central marble group with the marriage of Joseph and the series of statues that stand out up toward the sky.
The dome, impressive and bold, with the cross that reaches to fifty feet high, dominates the view of Vesuvius. It was inaugurated in 1908.
The sanctuary is easily accessible by car from the main motorways A 1 - A3-A 16 - A30 and train with the Circumvesuviana from Napoli-Piazza Garibaldi. The pilgrim will find an oasis of peace, accepted by the St Joseph's silence, a silence more harmonious harmonies festivals and more eloquent than all the blather of the great communicators.

Pierino Di Eugenio
(The Echo of St. Gabriel, May 2005)


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