Friday, September 10, 2010

Electric Generator Cover Rain


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Analysis (sent to me by dear friend Dr. Gerardo Ciannella)
published by Ferdinand Kaiser
the day Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 19:40

- Since 2007, 1,000 deaths occur each year in Naples for fine particles, according to the APAT (Environmental Protection Agency territorial).
- Fine dust pollution is a major cause of epidemics of asthma, chronic bronchitis and tumors that occur in Naples and province.
- From 2004 to 2007 for each year, have been formulated No. 750 diagnoses of lung cancer, in Naples, Monaldi Hospital and Tumor not all were smokers.
- From 2002 to 2006 there was an increase of 50 percent of x pleural mesothelioma (an incurable cancer chest) and has been highlighted by researchers Specialists-Doctors Hospital Monaldi, that most of this tumor was induced by a CARCINOGENESIS ENVIRONMENTAL (and non-working) Pollution induced by the presence of asbestos \\ ASBESTOS and Eternit (Asbestos Cement +) in the landfill of toxic, harmful and dangerous, at which have inhabited the sick cancer.
From this derives the essential need for thorough and careful land reclamation Campano, by the various decision makers (national-regional-provincial-municipal) in the belief that true prevention of cancer and chronic diseases is not so much their early diagnosis, since, however, the ENVIRONMENTAL LAND, article 9 and Art 32 of the Italian Constitution, in order to avoid the serious risk of fatal exposure to toxic and carcinogenic substances.

- In medicine, to date, we know that advances in diagnosis are higher than the advances in therapy, so it, make an early diagnosis of cancer and then not being able to cure, not worth much for the patient. Make Early Diagnosis clinic that prediction is not a Primary Prevention accettabile.PREVENZIONE PRIMARY itself and prevent the onset of the disease, through the study of risk factors and of toxic pollutants and practice their elimination.
Today, we have need this medicine, study, learn about the environment and protect it, to change our behavior, sometimes incorrect and correct ...

We should, we physicians take back the power of the ENVIRONMENT (the Ministry of Health does not deal with more of the environment which has become the jurisdiction of another ministry). We should all make a conversion ecological education through the application of the 3 C: Culture-Awareness-Consciousness, develop respect, in family, in schools for ENVIRONMENT ECOLOGY ENVIRONMENT and promoting healthy lifestyles for ECOLOGY UMANA.Creare ALLIANCE between man and environment, because health is a state of harmonious balance, physical and mental, persons, integrated in its living environment.

- Health is not a personal good, but it is good to feel good we can CONDIVIDERE.Non U.S., forgetting the others.
remember that: "Progress in the medical field are not due as much to scientific discovery, how to improve the environment" (WHO = World Health Organization).

on Life and Health - Life, for We The Living is sharing three elements: AIR - WATER - EARTH, harmony and balance between forces 5: AIR - ETHER - FIRE - WATER - EARTH.

- Man is a "Raptor" external energy that sottrae.continuamente and selfishly, from creation, that is, from the outside world = Earth (Minerals and Petroleum), raping and pillaging the Mother-Earth, consuming and depleting non-renewable energy (fossil fuels and mining), using little Renewable Energy (Wind-Solar-Mechanical \\ Biological), neglecting their own personal Energy: PSICOBIOENERGIA.

- THE NON-HUMAN needs us to live, we are WE-HUMAN NATURE that we need to exist, we need an Earth healthy, clean air, a water non-polluted .. ..

- the way of life, now, wants and demands for "the advancement of Species' fast ', + always fast', CONSUMPTION, always + CONSUMER, HAVE, HAVE always + (Half of the world's wealth is in the hands of 2 % of Population land).

- petrochemical products: pesticides - fertilizer-PLASTICS have polluted our Mother Earth, to achieve the purpose of producing more and more, earn more and more, without respect for the living and destroying the Cycle of Life Terrestrial.

Today, we are in the condition that we must work and strive to survive and not-for-ENRICHED .....
- We have little time, maybe 10 years to reverse course ...
We must recover the harmonious ties that were broken between Water, Air, Earth and the nature and shared a common good and not-from-rob ....
- Consume less. WE have a few need to live, but the consumption it creates unnecessary needs, from which we must free ourselves. - Use wisely the natural resources that we have available, "cultivating" the sun, water, the earth, air, fire.
- Share with Others, in a fair and equitable, the goods of the earth - collaboration between us, avoid competition exasperated relate in a positive way, not only with the commercial logic, but with the social logic that is based on :

Human Relations. Sense of community. Spirit of Service.

The future is in our hands and our minds.

- connect to each other through friendship, human contact, gratitude (the future of earth, the future of our LIFE CO = is in the BIOSPHERE in-competition and non-ECONOSFERA =).

- Working for a company of friendship, understanding, RESPECT: MEN \\ ANIMAL \\ NATURE.

- Building the Communities 'and not the singularities' (we humans are social animals).

- feel loved and lover of the oneness of creation ....

- lover of nature and life.

PS "Man was created to preserve and to serve the land and not to rape her" (the texts of the Holy Bible).

"What you can do is only a drop in the ocean, but it is what gives meaning to your life" (Albert Schweitzer)

Gerardo Ciannella Pneumotisiologia and Specialist in Occupational Medicine
Executive Director of the Department of Preventive Medicine AOMonaldi - Naples


Beside here ...



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