Friday, August 27, 2010

Six Month Old Has Dry Cough What Can I Do?

The iron gates and the Franciscans. So selling off

Notes Pino

I clochards, published by Pino De Stasio
the day Friday, August 27, 2010 at 9:01

Back on the sad story of the last homeless dead
public gardens of Santa Chiara.

public but closed permanently to citizenship to railings and gates denying such an area for children and elderly tourists who can not find no shelter in the sunny plazas of the old town.

Visually it is a sort of cage, zoo where the less fortunate are forced to find tight spaces, while the vastness of the place where the natural power of conceal and carry out tasks relevant to human survival.

clochards The Santa Chiara are special people know them without knowing the name, but they do not have manifest themselves with a smile and an outstretched hand, the need 'of aid.

precious space in terms of landscape and cultural ideal for a pause for reflection and socialization.

A place of great religious interest, where perhaps the Franciscans should be more 'effective action to apply their "rules" of hospitality and attentiveness.

Some experiments have been done in recent years: films, markets, fair trade, etc but all as sporadic events and without a structural planning at last to make that place Agora 'learning.

Some committees, which in the past weeks have made social initiatives within the Gardens of Santa Chiara, to seek the cooperation of clochards for placement of the gazebo and the cleanliness of the gardens, they have proven to be mature participation, a great lesson for all of us and for the most 'prevented.

I read in the newspapers that the commissioner Oddati, along with some individual "interests", will raise the gates of the insula of Santa Chiara, just sorry that the Culture is such a proposal '"convoluted" politically to do the most horrifying 'extreme League.

that place, and 'was the extraordinary set in 1971, Pasolini's Decameron, the very gardens Santa Chiara that images of the movie, recreating the '400 Neapolitan us back as a popular and lively place.

I asked one of them, a smiling French, 'cause did not go to sleep in the reception center, which is' close to the decumano, he replied that it' s a waiting list of several dozen homeless, so it 's impossible to use, that' s why the olive tree, beneath the bell tower of Santa Chiara, and 'a real home of the "providence".

The lifeless body of a was found in a flowerbed outside the Community of the Monastery of Santa Chiara in Naples. According to early investigations

the corpse in an advanced state of decomposition and that seems to be a man about 40 years, have not been identified from gunshot wounds.

on site over the agents of the police Decumani, including staff of 118 and fire brigade intervened to open the access gate to the Monastery.

ordered an autopsy.

now selling off all ........

Naples University for sale for 42 million
Listings Botanical Garden, a beacon of Anacapri ...
effects of federalism state property, the buildings will be transferred to
Municipality, Province and the Region to become "productive"

Gerardo Ausiello
NAPOLI (August 18) - The State Property sells universities . Some examples? The historic home of Frederick II at the Corso Umberto, costs 42 million euro to buy while the Old Hospital, piazza Miraglia, we need to spend 18. And the value of the Academy of Fine Arts? About 8 million. The list of goods available on the Internet, is long: the buildings will be transferred to the regional, provincial and municipalities that will be responsible for managing them, put them in income and turn them into productive machines.

Among the hypotheses is, of course, to sell them. But the strategy will depend on the decrees that will explain in detail the ways and means.
This could be, therefore, the fate of the Botanical Garden, in Foria, which every year receives thousands of visitors and scholars from around the world interested to see the 9 thousand plant species and nearly 25 thousand copies in the park of 12 hectares. But the list also sprout

Veterinary Faculty and the student's home, in the heart of the historic center: the future owner will have to shell out almost € 24 million. La Vecchia Scuola Politecnica University Street (a short walk from the city) costs about 6 million, while the state asks for the ramps 28 of the Savior.

is officially on the market, then, the former college of the Savior in via Mezzocannone (13 million), as well as the Pro He taught at the large Santa Maria delle Grazie (9 million). Difficult investment for the former Augustinian convent of Sant'Andrea delle Dame, in Constantinople and vico Seventh Heaven. Founded in the late sixteenth century by noblewomen and four suppressed during the French occupation in 1884, now houses the Faculty of Medicine of the Second University of Naples, the investment amounts to 42 million.

complete list of the house via the English coast road (13 million), the Colleges of St. Patrick (7 million), the Confraternity of real square Teodoro (539mila €) and the former polygon Fuorigrotta (3 million). In the list are, finally, the former home of the beam of Nola (home of Parthenope) Blumm former barracks in the palace of Portici Mascabruno (Faculty of Agriculture).

The 16 properties are in addition to many other goods already on sale in Campania from the State. The total value estimated by the Court of Auditors over € 230 million for a total of 810 properties available. A huge asset, but that represents only a small slice than national (17,400 assets valued at 3.2 billion euro).

Among the resources involved in the project stands the lighthouse in Anacapri, which was built by engineers of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and on for the first time in December 1867, the same goes for the former Arsenal away Campegna, which is being retired ten years ago and now pay in bad conditions, and is still spoken in the prison of Procida, which is used as a penal colony at the beginning of the nineteenth century and finally closed in 1988, the lighthouse and the pier of St. Vincent, the first lens system of Italy.

The sale plan includes, in addition, as a disused barracks to Miano, whose soils were chosen by the city to build a new stadium if Italy had hosted the European Championship of 2012: the project is finished in the tray but in a few months. Could be managed by Palazzo San Giacomo also about 5 thousand housing in the neighborhood of Secondigliano, which in recent years have not produced a significant income.
there waiting, then, with the possible sale of some barracks of the fire (for which you pay the monthly fee) and for the future of the Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte.
Finally, the discourse concerning the beach. Can be transferred directly to the regions, according to the guidelines of the federal state property contained in a decree approved by the Government last May. They should not be sold or privatized, but still represent a real money maker: a meter of beach in the Campania region produces an average of € 17.3 against 16.6 of the average Italian.

And because of the 470 kilometers of coastline there are 342 swimming, the beach management can become in effect a business. The operation's objective is to recover a number of properties that are now immersed in the degradation, do not produce income and represents a problem for the state.

The challenge for local authorities is to field ideas and projects that can exploit the benefit of citizens turning also sources of wealth: a beacon (such as those of Naples and Anacapri) will thus become, for example, a destination for sightseeing and romantic weekend for couples in love, and barracks and housing will accommodate commercial and social activities.



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