Thursday, November 18, 2010

White Discharge In Place Of My Period

will come a day where we will release
the wonders that God has worked in St. Joseph, an immense joy

then invade the church militant,
know clearly when the sanctity of St. Joseph.
The Holy Spirit will not leave to move the hearts of the faithful
until the church failed to honor St. Joseph with reverence
raising new and growing churches and altars in honor of him;
because all these things were announced mystically.

between Isidore Islander OP (1522)

posters to your servants your works
And your splendor to their children
Psalm 89, 16

Assisi, 09 November 2010.

MONTREAL, Sunday, October 31, 2010.
stadium that hosted the Olympic Games in 1976, more than 50,000 people, led by Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte, Archbishop of the city, thanked God for the canonization of the first saint of Canada, Brother André, which occurred Oct. 17 in Piazza San Pietro in Vaticano.
With hundreds of young people from all parishes in the Diocese of Montreal and disabled people near the altar, and the presence of the Prime Minister of Canada, and Prime Minister of the province of Quebec, the Eucharist brought together nearly 60 bishops of the whole nation.
In his homily, Cardinal Turcotte said that although Brother André, whose first name was Alfred Bessette (1845-1937) - have lived before the profound changes of the sixties that have affected society and the Canadian church, the Church with his canonization has not only to the faithful of the world for what it was but for what the new saint is for women and men today.
Frère André, the humble porter brother, he becomes an apostle of the weak and the suffering and healer of body and soul, with a precise reference: St. Joseph. He does everything on behalf of his friend and confidant of Nazareth.

Frère André, nous t'acclamons:
Dieu depuis toujours choisir thee.
Grand ami de saint Joseph
Prie pour nous dans la gloire ...

Brother André, we hail thee:
God has always chosen.

great friend of St. Joseph Pray for us in glory ...

With these words of Madeleine Dubé. OP, we sang during the solemn prayer vigil in Sant'Andrea della Valle, the eve of the canonization in Rome. Repeatedly, insistently, like drops of golden rain on the heart-a-way fee of Taizé felt that while
goes away altogether miserable ...
humus washed in thousands of water, filtered in the channels, because
leave the plane on the bottom of my wake
your golden sand, pain ...
pressed as the poet said Romania Vasile Voiculescu.

Love for San Jose meant that Brother André costruisse the largest church in Canada, and the largest in the world dedicated to Saint Joseph: The Oratoire Saint-Joseph de Montréal. "Lourdes Canadian" and "world capital of the cult of Saint Joseph" called John Paul II. Started as a small oratory in 1904, was solemnly consecrated on 17 October 2004, during celebrations for the centenary Oratoire.

Thanks to his trust in someone greater, more powerful than his brother André could give relief to its visitors. Often gave relief to their bodies but their hearts forever, to those who could receive in their life his good friend St. Joseph. He never stopped saying those who sought his help: "Pray to St. Joseph."

In one of the frequent visits from the Blessed Frédéric all'Oratoire Jansoone OFM, a Franciscan Flanders-French of the Holy Land for many years, in Canada, they told Brother André:
"Remember that you are not a instrument of God for the wonders that are done here through St. Joseph. Stay humble if you want your work prosper, and obedience. " Brother André pulls from his pocket a small statue of St. Joseph, and his friend, smiling, replied: "There is no danger: I St. Joseph in your pocket."
Father Frédéric he said to the many commercial who accompanied him: "Brother André is truly a saint. You will see great things here. "
But André was having to testify in the cause of beatification of his Franciscan order, died in 1916, saying: "I am convinced that he was a saint." In fact, it was beatified in 1988 ...

BARCELONA, Sunday, November 7, 2010.
Mass and dedication of the altar of the church of the Sagrada Familia, "a marvelous synthesis of technology, art and faith, Pope Benedict XVI's homily, he said with emotion to the participants:
" The joy I feel in being able to preside at this celebration was heightened when I learned that this sacred building, since its origins, is closely tied to the figure of St Joseph. I was moved especially the safety with which Gaudí, in the face of many difficulties he faced, he exclaimed full of trust in Divine Providence: "St. Joseph will complete the temple." For now this is meaningless because it is a Pope whose name was Joseph dedicate.
the start of construction of This church was the Association of Friends of St. Joseph, who wanted to dedicate it to the Holy Family of Nazareth. As always, the hearth formed by Jesus, Mary and Joseph is considered a school of love, prayer and work. The sponsors of this church wanted to show the world the love, work and service experiences with God, as he lived, the Holy Family of Nazareth. "

The mandate for the construction of the Sagrada Familia, Gaudi received it in 1883, when he was 31. A group of devotees of St. Joseph, founded in 1866, wanted to build a temple dedicated to the Holy Family. Gaudi was chosen, which accepted the job and became interested in the job, which became the reason for his life. The original plan was upset by him in a new project, amazing, studied in detail. Work of gigantic proportions, which would require a lot of money, but could instead rely on limited grants of the Association of St. Joseph. Gaudi and clung to that saint, which was very devoted. Every day I prayed and proclaimed him administrator of his work before he died and said that "the work was done by St. Joseph."

At times, when money is missing, Gaudi became a beggar. He went to Barcelona's streets to beg. Many thought that had gone mad. They could not conceive that a man of his genius, which could have enormous riches if only he had applied to projects that the bourgeoisie would ask him, but just thought that 'temple' that perhaps would never have been completed. But he did not care to talk. With the help of the offers of the poor, continued to build. "This temple will be finished by St. Joseph," he said. "The Sagrada Familia is the result of all of Providence, including my participation as an architect."

The cause of beatification of Antoni Placid Guillem Gaudi (1852-1926) is currently the caretaker ...

French Canadian Catalan architect, peers but unknown to each other, share an unusually strong bond with the jew Joseph of Nazareth.
Whether it's a sign of the times?
the man of the twenty-first century, these two witnesses, these two friends of the Nazarene carpenter, to show what a post-modern world lost, orphaned?
Fatherhood? First, no doubt.
Friendship? The
own and others' humanity, redeemed, and the Son of divinoumanità;
our state-of-royal sons in the Son.
Without a doubt. Gifts for today, at this perilous juncture in history. Mia. Tua. Ours.

They, like him, they put the criteria of God and his choices in the first place. Then adjust their choices to those of God, and not vice versa.

O Lord, to spend my life miserable, exhausted
em'ha your mystery game.
You are present in everything that happens, you
not hide, but you can find. Why
thy far are not away,
are everywhere, forgive, guide, caress.
a strand of hair separates me from you,
but, nevertheless, beyond everything, beyond stay.

They, like him, were not spared from the agony and turmoil of life. Sleepless nights, bereavement, hesitations, migration, loss, exhaustion, poverty are interwoven with the fibers of their lives, opaque colors, resigned, faded, along with those explosives, radiant, pain without hope, as the gold-bearing stone of Voiculescu:

I already prepare to crush you, pain, like a stone
veins of gold,
that, weighing it, leans more strongly, as
it takes in, hidden his treasure.

In them, as in Joseph, faith can victorious, in spite of everything: the incredible claims of faith, as the fathers sing the Syrians: and the angel came

Joseph slept:
his voice provides the rays of light,
and he welcomed the Merciful
that stripping of the glory and
wanted to be wearing a body wrapped in swaddling clothes to cover
Adam of the glory from which it was stripped.

.... .

... Y asi, todos entienden que José
calla porque es el Divine Word on Palabra!

And so we all understand that Joseph is silent
Why the Divine Word is His Word!, As written by the Mexican poet Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz.

Joseph, the father must exhaust all of himself to represent, in the family of Nazareth, the only face of the Father, His providence, His power, His decisions.
Father because he has to try to help Jesus on earth in a human way, the "branches" that he has always experimented with so well and so perfectly in heaven.
Father because he has to defend in this world instead of the Heavenly Father, who begins to "abandon" in our hands and our love.

Saint Brother Andre and the servant of God Antoni Gaudi have relied utterly on the guidance of St. Joseph. As their patron, they did not live long enough to see the fruit of their work done: Joseph did not see the acclaimed life of the Messiah as her son grew up, they did not see their churches over. But the communion of saints, the situation is different. In today 'eternity they are our contemporaries.
Joseph continues in us-as he did with then-André and Antoni his job paternal children shape us in the Son, as well as Mary his wife does as a mother.

I welcome him, and its role in my life?
I welcome today that flows from my baptism, being a member of the family of God, the son in the family of Nazareth, the son in the Son?
Choose to trust, to let you do, let's educate, to let you drive?
Yes, I choose, so with the grace of God, I want it, I believe, Lord, is to help my unbelief!

Just as the shepherd works with care
Wood for the whistle, I dig the marrow,
puliscimi, Lord, deliver me from the heart hard,
from my consciousness without goodness, from my stubborn stiffen.
Sturami the character, the soul and my heart filled with ...
When pure, devoid of passions, take me to his lips,
me to run freely in the breath of Your Spirit.

The words of a hymn-prayer of the poet Sabina Maduta, can not be directed to Joseph?
Rejoice, you, which relieves the pain without a remedy,
Hail, thou protector of the poor and the orphan,
Rejoice, you who bear the pagan persecutors,
Rejoice, thou good work done in silence,
Rejoice, You, you wear poor clothes,
Rejoice, you, cheering to heaven and holy
Rejoice, you, blue vase with light and grace.

In my littleness, I testify that it's all true: I touched with my hands and I beheld with my eyes and I experienced on my skin-and that of my family and my closest friends-in my heart and in the events of my life as sacred, it's all true: Joseph took-you-take care of me as his son. Continuously.
As he worked in Montreal by Brother André I have experienced that is true and is for everyone and anyone. And 'the invitation to occupy the empty seat at the table with the three, as the icon of the Trinity of Rublev: we expected!
The splendor of beauty and mercy poured out upon the Church and the world with more profusion that inflamed the windows of the two churches, it's all true. Friar Minor Conventual
They grabbed me because this splendor, thanks to Saint Joseph, father of Providence, as she taught me to call Mother Teresa of Calcutta when I took her to the convent, the Sacred Convent of Assisi.
St. Joseph-I found out later, is the Patron of our Order, the Franciscans to have it only among those chosen and designated as such back in 1741.
Nothing is by chance. Everything in his voice. And I raise my own, in grateful testimony. In witness

between William Ioseph Spirit OFM Conv


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