Friday, November 26, 2010

Rca To Usb AdaptÖr

inception beautiful video ... not to be missed.


Length: 24 km Average flow: 13 cubic meters per second at the mouth of the pelvis Extension: 438.97 sq km Population in the basin: ecological status over 2,500,000
: Very bad in everything its course. The causes: lack of sewers and treatment plants, industrialization and urbanization, over-consumption to sources.
unworthy of a civilized country I

the Sarno comes from multiple sources at the foot of Mount Saro above Sarno (Salerno), descends to the south-west across the agro-Nocera and Sarno San Marzano Valley receives the channel common bed, fed by streams and Solofrana Cavaiola. Flows into the Gulf of Naples Rovigliano, village of Torre Annunziata (Sa). At 200 meters from the source Sarno it is no longer a river but a sewer. The sewage of the area that surrounds it, the agro-sarnese Nocera, end up directly in its bed or in the bare earth. "[...] The catchment area of \u200b\u200bSarno, while presenting itself as an area with strong man-made and high level of production plants, has a system infrastructure of reception and disposal of wastewater totally inadequate and unworthy of a civilized country, "reported in 2006 the final report of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the causes of pollution of the River Sarno, and more clearly, the "[...] real problem is that this river has the task of draining an urban area without sewers.

For the typical industrial chemical contamination data of the report speak of PCBs and toxic heavy metals such as chromium, copper, cadmium, cobalt, selenium and tellurium, followed by pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers leached from farmland. But the most devastating is that organic pollution, the source for both civil and industrial applications, such Sarno and tanneries that of the high processing tomato industry.

The San Marzano: the unification of Italy in a tomato

The San Marzano tomato is more than just a fruit: it is a piece of Italian history. Arriving in the countryside sarnese Nocera in the 700 as a gift of Peru to the Kingdom of Naples, in 1902 the entrepreneur Francesco Cirio Piedmont made him famous worldwide for the preparation of peeled and pummarola Naples. Abandoned for more profitable than other varieties in the eighties of 900, was recovered by the agronomists of the Research Centre for Agriculture and the Department of Cirio Region Country in the 90s. In 2000, the Slow Food Association has included among its "garrison": local products to protect the identity of a symbol for the territory.
history enthusiast this area is Professor Stefano De Pace, now director of the Legambiente Park Sarno, ecologically fragile hope of revival, "The tanneries were present in the Middle Ages and early 900 San Marzano tomatoes was excellence of our agriculture and canning. Then by the end of the 60 state contributions triggered uncontrolled development: today the tanneries have increased from 20 to 450 and processed tomato 6 million to 120 million tons. The raw material comes from all over Italy on columns of trucks and the quality is replaced by the quantity: the impact would be enormous if the discharges were already purified, imagine in the absence of treatment ...». Download
civil and industrial sewage directly into the river has boosted the growth of bacteria. A study on the waters of the Sarno Institute of Health in 2002-2003 shows contamination by faecal bacteria about 2 million times greater than the limit for discharges of sewage treatment works and the widespread presence of salmonella and even cholera. Extensive epidemiological studies on health effects of pollution on the local population Sarno have never been made, but data from the Commission of Inquiry are clear increase in respiratory diseases.


tumors of the respiratory and urinary tract and even spread among the youth of Parkinson's disease.
Over the past 30 years we have tried several times to put his hand to the disaster, but in this land strangled by the Camorra, the environment becomes a luxury.

May 1998, the river of mud.
The Sarno is also infamous for the hydrogeological its banks. On 5 May 1998, those days of heavy rains broke away from a huge landslide that swept the mountain Lace Alvano centers of Sarno, Siano, Bracknell and Fifteen, in the valley of the Sarno, the budget was tragic 159 deaths, of which 137 only Sarno.
After 12 years after tragedy Sarno continues to overflow the cycle, the last time November 10, 2010 in Castellammare di Stabia. Given the data on pollution of its waters one can well imagine what would leave on the ground flood of Sarno.

hope comes from the work of a former general of the Carabinieri of 84 years, Roberto Jucci, since 2001 the Commissioner for Emergency socio-economic and environmental Sarno. Its tasks are two: first, stop the pollution and building sewage treatment plants and other clean up already contaminated sediments and soils. Given the lack of a plan, when you dig out of everything abusive sewers, power lines, pipelines and archaeological sites. The proceedings have been delays, but from the reports of 2010 are well underway.
Meanwhile they left the dredging and treatment of contaminated sediments, but these should be disposed off in the Campania region because it lacks the approved landfills. If we wanted a general to build sewers, just his presence entails risks "to lessen the responsibility of local authorities and companies that manage water services," warns CHIAVAZZA Giancarlo, president of Legambiente Campania. "When the inspector has finished its task and is gone, that they will have to run the sewer and water treatment plants and ensure that industrial discharges are treated properly. "


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