Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Myth Heroine Name

Waste, Asia: systems

new emergency alarm AD Daniele Fortini. The three stir Giugliano Caivano Tufino are congested and the wet fraction and landfilling Pianopoli of Catanzaro is flooded. From Wednesday, may stop the activities and in a few days you could reach the maximum limit of 10 thousand tons of garbage

plants tritovagliatura Giugliano Caivano and Tufino they are and could block any future business: Monday may take for a new Naples waste crisis. This was declared by Daniele Fortini, managing director of Asia, the company total participation of the City of Naples in charge of waste disposal.

"Three stir - he explains - are congested from the wet fraction. There are 45 thousand tons that is not conferred for a few days in the dump Pianopoli in the province of Catanzaro. The system be flooded and can not accept other wastes. It will be a great trouble. "The site of transference of Taverna del Re in Giugliano, according to estimates from Asia, can still receive about 2000 tons of garbage and reach over three days, at most four, the limit set of 10 thousand tons in the order made by the President of the Province of Naples Luigi Cesaro.

"After we have the only landfill Chiaiano - Append Fortini - why even have a chance to stir the already very low. Tomorrow may even stop. The other 4 did not stir from Campania to have these problems because of landfill. "And there is another knot tied to the Tavern of the King" The order Cesaro - he explains - expected within 15 days after the end of the site is vacated. Ten thousand tons of waste to remove the trucks and transfer plants tritovagliatura already saturated. On average each load 20 tons ... Imagine that caravan.

Fortini For the meeting of the regional technical committee on Monday becomes essential to avoid a new crisis in Naples. "The rain is slowing gathering - added the managing director of Asia - all means are available for hire been hired. We have problems with those burned or discarded, we still have the 25 drivers of the town of Naples and until Monday, you can collect an average of 200 tonnes per day, compared to the daily production of 1500 tons. From Monday, we must find an alternative. "

A Taverna del Re is approximately 8,000 tons of waste spilled. The site, opened with an order of the President of the Province of Naples, Luigi Cesaro last October 27, should receive about 10 thousand tons of trash, mostly from the city of Naples. The closure, therefore, may already be in a few days, since arriving at the site each day an average of 600 tonnes of rubbish 'as is'.
The policemen Giugliano meanwhile, have launched a supervisory order to comply with the requirement ASL territorial jurisdiction which has imposed limit noon to complete the daily operations of spillage.
(09 November 2010) © Reproduction


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