Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Do My Timberland Boots Hurt


Study Center Saint Joseph (of the Congregation of Josephites Murialdo) met in the General House in Rome, September 4, 2010.
Looking at what has been achieved, we welcomed the publication last year with the LEM, the precious book "Meetings with St. Joseph in the Word of God" p. Joseph Daniel, a true "concentrate" of the Bible, spirituality and Josephine, and spread wide-ranging; thank the author who, as we know, is one of the initiators of our center and symposia Giuseppini at least four decades. To mark its 50th anniversary of priesthood, Fr Gianfranco Verri published a rich and elegant volume (420 pages), which contains an abundance of tables drawn from his works, titled "The S. Family of Jesus ", the images are introduced by the author homiletic texts in five languages \u200b\u200b(Italian, English, German, French and English) and the presentation of the cardinal F. Angelini. E 'from the text of the report also Josephite Marcionei da Silva in Brazil published "Joseph in the mystery of the Incarnation" (José no mystery to Incarnaçào), the author has also taken a course online Josephite in the "distance learning" this too may in fact be an area to be exploited and already provided for the collaboration of Rev. Pedro Olea in the academic pv
Concerning the proceedings of the Xth symposium are still being printed, will be published when they take copies for the community, we think the proposal to include in each Eucharistic Prayer with Saint Joseph's spouse "after the mention of the Blessed Virgin Mary, may be implemented - first and dutifully - within the congregation and of our works Josephine; asking the Superior General to facilitate this implementation.
We intend to continue working with our magazines (Life, Josephine, Voice of St. Joseph, Letters Josephine, Estudios Josefinos ...) and by other means communication (Osservatore Romano, Vatican Radio, Radio Maria ...) or other centers (Iosephologie, exhibitions etc.).. It would be enough to revive some sample boards will come with a brief comment. Attractive and passionate are the iconographic research of prof. ssa Colafranceschi (the craftsman at work ...).
The collection of holy cards and cards of Josephite p. Joseph Taveri is now ready: it has been transferred to DVD and can be disseminated to interested parties through a number of copies, you may need to (square Jesus the Divine Worker 2-74123 Taranto). It intends to propose
every 4 years, halfway between the international symposia, Josephite a conference sponsored by our research center. The first was made in Rome at the oratorio St. Paul in 2007. The next was assumed in the first half of March 2011 at the Istituto San Pietro di Viterbo, in collaboration with the diocese and the theological institution.

p. Angelo Catapano


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