Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Best Depilatory Cream

Rubbish and cancer

scandal in the register which is not

In the most devastated region of Italy there is the only accepted by the courts to correlate with tumor disease and the presence of landfill sversatoi abusive.

The cancer registry in the Campania region has never been activated. On the streets of Terzigno still people to the streets in protest against the opening of a new landfill, but in the region of infinite garbage crisis and illegal spills of toxic sludge demonstrate a correlation between disease and pollution is not possible.
The discovery of the void is on a meticulous research work done by Victoria Fancy, a lawyer and legal advisor to the ISDE (International Association of Doctors for the Environment). A tool such as the cancer registry is essential to relate, through formal studies, increases in cancers with exposure a hypothetical risk factors.
In other words, if the registry is impossible to establish a relationship, valid in court, including a surge of cancer over a certain territory and the presence nearby of a landfill or a disposal site for toxic waste. To no avail in terms of legal studies of independent scientists or epidemiological study conducted by doctors and experts who are fighting against environmental pollution in the region. It can make the text only cancer registry. That exists in almost all regions. But not in the land devastated by the worst garbage crisis after the war, where the caves have swallowed for decades the waste of the factories of the North, where every day we discover cases of pollution aquifers, and where the garbage is burned in the streets with impunity along the avenues Neapolitan hinterland, releasing industrial quantities of dioxins, as witnessed by dozens of videos posted on the web by the "Land of Fire."

What little there is only a record low. Only covers 35 municipalities of the province of Naples and Salerno. I'm out of common high-risk as those in the entire province of Caserta and Giugliano, devastated by a series of sversatoi outlaws. About six million people of Campania, the register will cover less than one million. But not only. Personnel shortages and because of software primordial effort since 2007 to produce usable data, and coincides exactly with the outbreak of some of the most serious emergencies junk (Summer 2007 - December-January 2007-2008).

How would require a more complete log is shown by the limited data available, described as "chilling." As recalled by the attorney work, "in 2007 colorectal cancer in Campania, reputed cancer 'sentinel' to take the pulse of the increase in the rate of cancer incidence related to environmental pollution, reaches 3500 per year (10 new cases a day. "

Moreover, the log function is insufficient to address the emergency waste, it was the junta Bassolino to write it in a resolution dated July 17, 2007, the number 1293. "In the Campania region, in relation to the implementation of programs related to the resolution of problems resulting from waste management, it is necessary and improcrastinabile plan the development of public health activities and epidemiological surveillance of the health of the population, through the enhancement of structures devoted to them, providing them with adequate human and material resources. "And again:" At this stage in Campania there is an integrated surveillance system health and the environment to allow rapid assessments in the field of protection of the public from environmental hazards. "

Hence the decision to allocate by resolution 1293 about 2 and a half million euro for "expanding the share of population covered by cancer registries, in particular by extending the observation to the province the entire province of Caserta and Naples. " Too bad that those funds have gone missing. Candidly admit the former Regional Minister for Health and Angelo Montemarano the Governor's health adviser Stephen Caldoro, the Parliamentary Raffaele CalabrĂ². The cancer registry does not actually exist.
E 'documented in a resolution of the Special Commissioner of ASL Napoli 3, dated March 3, 2010: "This additional funding - it says - but did not find, even at the time, place in the expenditure estimates of the region for the years 2008 and 2009, so it is not currently possible to plan the expansion of cancer registry. "

What are the consequences? "Devastating - Fancy says - because in fact he was stuck in a quagmire with no way out of the compensation related to criminal proceedings already instituted in Campania for the crimes of culpable disaster and epidemic and referred to the criminal operations of illegal dumps, the procedures for the management of such landfills obscure legal and illegal activities burial and uncontrolled toxic waste spill that polluted ground water and fruit and vegetable crops.

Beginning of the investigation on toxic dump in Pianura, for which the prosecutor asked Stefan Buda store. Justification? It 's impossible to establish a relationship between the occurrence of death from cancer and illegal spills of sludge and toxic waste made for over twenty years in the black hole on the outskirts of Naples. Cupertino's lawyers Giovanni and Valerio De Maio, 22 shares the following relatives of the victims injured in el'onlus Oceanus, have appealed to reopen the investigation, the application will be discussed in November. But it is not just a matter of process and compensation, "This non-scientific investigation - said the opera about the cancer registry - could have been the focus of environmental policy decisions on the location of landfills and incinerators in terms of distance to residential areas high population density. "


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