Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My White Wife Wants To Have A Black Babystory

Terzigno CHAPTER ..........

probably have been attracted by his famous phrase "think Ghe I '(' I'll '). In any case, the mothers of 50 thousand children in the Vesuvius area, to prevent the opening of a second landfill in the Vesuvius National Park, will send the issues made in class by their children to Prime Minister Berlusconi. The subject? Obviously the environment and health.

Controni opening a new landfill site
Terzigno, 50 thousand children's issues
Vesuvius sent to Berlusconi
The initiative "I want the air" involves teachers, pupils and parents. Prime Minister complaints about the stench in the air

landfill Terzigno

probably have been attracted by its
famous phrase "I think Ghe" ("I'll ').

In any case, the mothers of 50 thousand children in the Vesuvius area, to prevent the opening of a second landfill site in the Vesuvius National Park, will send the issues made in class by their children to Prime Minister Berlusconi.

The subject? Obviously the environment and health.

How to learn from Metropolis, the name of the initiative is "I want the air" and the first complaint Berlusconi miasma from the site of Sari Terzigno. Teachers, pupils and parents are involved in a project "that wants to enhance civic education, health education, environmental education and the law." "The stench of landfill Terzigno have already reached my house and my children are intoxicating.

More than 100 thousand inhabitants are already tainted by the stench with all the consequences on health and within two months it will be easy to 246,078 inhabitants. Terzigno the landfill is too close to many urban centers and its stench is unbearable, and therefore, together with all my family members, calls for the immediate closure and accelerated remediation ": this is the note that precedes each theme mailed President of the Council. Editorial


Acerra incinerator,

prosecutor denies Nola B.

"Operation Breakthrough"
In his speech to the Senate, the Prime Minister had stated that the plant operated at full capacity. The judge said, however, another story that
Other plant model, this time to describe the situation of the Acerra incinerator is Paul Mancuso, Chief Prosecutor of the Republic of Nola, now heard in committee on eco-mafia. Hearing in camera, but from what we have learned two issues were at the center of: Acerra and the possible opening of new landfills.

Mancuso, a past to the anti-mafia prosecutor of Naples, who alleged that the company that runs the incinerator does not make known information about pollution in the area. Not only that the omission of the firm - notes the prosecutor Nola - which operates the incinerator are available and are serious. " Statements come from a few hours assurances of Silvio Berlusconi. The prime minister, speaking at the Senate, he assured: "The government has completely solved the problem of waste. Naples landfills that may contain the waste, the termovalizzatore Acerra fully functional. "

Even Guido Bertolaso, Undersecretary of Government with responsibility for waste, the nth fallowing, had explained at the end of September: "We made a storm in a glass of water because a pipe broke and then the line of the incinerator is stopped: again tonight. " The hearing was also discussed the operation of the incinerator: "Used in a partial and unsatisfactory." The two lines work "occasionally" and, above all, the situation is "worrisome with regard to pollution."

words that overturn the reality of an incinerator fully functional. In a recent plant tour for the press, Antonio Bonomo, CEO of Partenope Environment, the group company A2A, he assured: "The plant works in the standard, indeed a bit 'under the best of European plants. The state of Acerra plant was not the only topic addressed in the hearing of Mancuso in the committee, also spoke of the risk of mob infiltration in the protests antidiscarica of those days.

The magistrate listened Caturano John, commander of the Carabinieri in Naples environmental protection, he explained that in the Vesuvius, the scene in recent weeks of violent protests against the opening of the second landfill Terzigno, the Camorra is strong pressure, but many is evidence that there are no clans behind the protest. The reason, according to Mancuso and Caturano, is clear. Criminal groups, have converted into enterprises, have a vested interest in the new landfill is opened: this implies the need to purchase materials, engage trucks, distribute jobs. Even the hearing today has helped to clarify the disastrous management of waste in Campania, license plate Berlusconi Bertolaso.

Nello Trocchia


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