Friday, October 29, 2010

Best Printer For A Designer In 2010


E 'was made a DVD about St. Joseph in the holy pictures by the Research Center of St. Joseph Josephites Murialdo. It is a valuable collection edited over the years by brother Joseph Taveri father. It 's very varied, presents images from the oldest to the most modern, with more than 3,000 paintings, including holy cards, cards and postcards with reproductions of notes or rare, of greater or lesser value, simple or lacy, made at various occasions. They are mostly donated when receiving the sacraments, especially the first communion and confirmation, or wedding anniversaries or the priesthood. They reproduce famous paintings, drawings, or special fittings are made, even if the result is not always in good taste. In addition to the hobby collectors and curiosity, the interest goes mainly to the character, around which the whole collection: that St. Joseph. You can follow the various stages of her life: from marriage to Mary, the dream that reveals the divine Son, the birth of Jesus, the Family of Nazareth, the flight into Egypt, the carpenter's shop, prayer, pilgrimage to the temple and its death. There are also many images that relate to its sponsorship, all the Church, families, workers, educators ... Among the most common subjects are the ones at Christmas, but also the accompaniment of our holy life of faith and the sacraments is interesting, as well as its current approach to the world of work, migrants and the suffering. E ', therefore, a collection that deserves to be filed and that brings out the figure of St Joseph in popular devotion. In an overview and more detailed you can grasp its purpose and its importance for the Church of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

copy of the DVD is available on request at p. Angelo Catalano - Jesus the Divine Worker square 2-74123 Taranto ( ).

Friday, October 22, 2010

Car Starter Mini Bike

full history of garbage in Naples in Campania

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Best Depilatory Cream

Rubbish and cancer

scandal in the register which is not

In the most devastated region of Italy there is the only accepted by the courts to correlate with tumor disease and the presence of landfill sversatoi abusive.

The cancer registry in the Campania region has never been activated. On the streets of Terzigno still people to the streets in protest against the opening of a new landfill, but in the region of infinite garbage crisis and illegal spills of toxic sludge demonstrate a correlation between disease and pollution is not possible.
The discovery of the void is on a meticulous research work done by Victoria Fancy, a lawyer and legal advisor to the ISDE (International Association of Doctors for the Environment). A tool such as the cancer registry is essential to relate, through formal studies, increases in cancers with exposure a hypothetical risk factors.
In other words, if the registry is impossible to establish a relationship, valid in court, including a surge of cancer over a certain territory and the presence nearby of a landfill or a disposal site for toxic waste. To no avail in terms of legal studies of independent scientists or epidemiological study conducted by doctors and experts who are fighting against environmental pollution in the region. It can make the text only cancer registry. That exists in almost all regions. But not in the land devastated by the worst garbage crisis after the war, where the caves have swallowed for decades the waste of the factories of the North, where every day we discover cases of pollution aquifers, and where the garbage is burned in the streets with impunity along the avenues Neapolitan hinterland, releasing industrial quantities of dioxins, as witnessed by dozens of videos posted on the web by the "Land of Fire."

What little there is only a record low. Only covers 35 municipalities of the province of Naples and Salerno. I'm out of common high-risk as those in the entire province of Caserta and Giugliano, devastated by a series of sversatoi outlaws. About six million people of Campania, the register will cover less than one million. But not only. Personnel shortages and because of software primordial effort since 2007 to produce usable data, and coincides exactly with the outbreak of some of the most serious emergencies junk (Summer 2007 - December-January 2007-2008).

How would require a more complete log is shown by the limited data available, described as "chilling." As recalled by the attorney work, "in 2007 colorectal cancer in Campania, reputed cancer 'sentinel' to take the pulse of the increase in the rate of cancer incidence related to environmental pollution, reaches 3500 per year (10 new cases a day. "

Moreover, the log function is insufficient to address the emergency waste, it was the junta Bassolino to write it in a resolution dated July 17, 2007, the number 1293. "In the Campania region, in relation to the implementation of programs related to the resolution of problems resulting from waste management, it is necessary and improcrastinabile plan the development of public health activities and epidemiological surveillance of the health of the population, through the enhancement of structures devoted to them, providing them with adequate human and material resources. "And again:" At this stage in Campania there is an integrated surveillance system health and the environment to allow rapid assessments in the field of protection of the public from environmental hazards. "

Hence the decision to allocate by resolution 1293 about 2 and a half million euro for "expanding the share of population covered by cancer registries, in particular by extending the observation to the province the entire province of Caserta and Naples. " Too bad that those funds have gone missing. Candidly admit the former Regional Minister for Health and Angelo Montemarano the Governor's health adviser Stephen Caldoro, the Parliamentary Raffaele Calabrò. The cancer registry does not actually exist.
E 'documented in a resolution of the Special Commissioner of ASL Napoli 3, dated March 3, 2010: "This additional funding - it says - but did not find, even at the time, place in the expenditure estimates of the region for the years 2008 and 2009, so it is not currently possible to plan the expansion of cancer registry. "

What are the consequences? "Devastating - Fancy says - because in fact he was stuck in a quagmire with no way out of the compensation related to criminal proceedings already instituted in Campania for the crimes of culpable disaster and epidemic and referred to the criminal operations of illegal dumps, the procedures for the management of such landfills obscure legal and illegal activities burial and uncontrolled toxic waste spill that polluted ground water and fruit and vegetable crops.

Beginning of the investigation on toxic dump in Pianura, for which the prosecutor asked Stefan Buda store. Justification? It 's impossible to establish a relationship between the occurrence of death from cancer and illegal spills of sludge and toxic waste made for over twenty years in the black hole on the outskirts of Naples. Cupertino's lawyers Giovanni and Valerio De Maio, 22 shares the following relatives of the victims injured in el'onlus Oceanus, have appealed to reopen the investigation, the application will be discussed in November. But it is not just a matter of process and compensation, "This non-scientific investigation - said the opera about the cancer registry - could have been the focus of environmental policy decisions on the location of landfills and incinerators in terms of distance to residential areas high population density. "

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Is Temperature Copper Pipes Burst


C'avete thought, eh?
But it is a page of the Giornale di Sicilia of June 6, 1988, found by accident (covered the bottom of a drawer). Recalling also that
Lucio, his picture of the water fountain on the steering wheel and column in the Republic.
(Giuseppe Scuderi)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Games Keep Lagging On My Computer

Monday, October 11, 2010

Stomach Flu Symptoms Could This Be My Period


"Palermo, the historical center, just steps from the cathedral and royal palace,
quiet area adjacent offices squad and police station, near
B & Bs and pubs fashion, for sale stray well greased pig. "
And there is nothing to laugh about, nothing at all.
(Giuseppe Scuderi)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Do My Timberland Boots Hurt


Study Center Saint Joseph (of the Congregation of Josephites Murialdo) met in the General House in Rome, September 4, 2010.
Looking at what has been achieved, we welcomed the publication last year with the LEM, the precious book "Meetings with St. Joseph in the Word of God" p. Joseph Daniel, a true "concentrate" of the Bible, spirituality and Josephine, and spread wide-ranging; thank the author who, as we know, is one of the initiators of our center and symposia Giuseppini at least four decades. To mark its 50th anniversary of priesthood, Fr Gianfranco Verri published a rich and elegant volume (420 pages), which contains an abundance of tables drawn from his works, titled "The S. Family of Jesus ", the images are introduced by the author homiletic texts in five languages \u200b\u200b(Italian, English, German, French and English) and the presentation of the cardinal F. Angelini. E 'from the text of the report also Josephite Marcionei da Silva in Brazil published "Joseph in the mystery of the Incarnation" (José no mystery to Incarnaçào), the author has also taken a course online Josephite in the "distance learning" this too may in fact be an area to be exploited and already provided for the collaboration of Rev. Pedro Olea in the academic pv
Concerning the proceedings of the Xth symposium are still being printed, will be published when they take copies for the community, we think the proposal to include in each Eucharistic Prayer with Saint Joseph's spouse "after the mention of the Blessed Virgin Mary, may be implemented - first and dutifully - within the congregation and of our works Josephine; asking the Superior General to facilitate this implementation.
We intend to continue working with our magazines (Life, Josephine, Voice of St. Joseph, Letters Josephine, Estudios Josefinos ...) and by other means communication (Osservatore Romano, Vatican Radio, Radio Maria ...) or other centers (Iosephologie, exhibitions etc.).. It would be enough to revive some sample boards will come with a brief comment. Attractive and passionate are the iconographic research of prof. ssa Colafranceschi (the craftsman at work ...).
The collection of holy cards and cards of Josephite p. Joseph Taveri is now ready: it has been transferred to DVD and can be disseminated to interested parties through a number of copies, you may need to (square Jesus the Divine Worker 2-74123 Taranto). It intends to propose
every 4 years, halfway between the international symposia, Josephite a conference sponsored by our research center. The first was made in Rome at the oratorio St. Paul in 2007. The next was assumed in the first half of March 2011 at the Istituto San Pietro di Viterbo, in collaboration with the diocese and the theological institution.

p. Angelo Catapano

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My White Wife Wants To Have A Black Babystory

Terzigno CHAPTER ..........

probably have been attracted by his famous phrase "think Ghe I '(' I'll '). In any case, the mothers of 50 thousand children in the Vesuvius area, to prevent the opening of a second landfill in the Vesuvius National Park, will send the issues made in class by their children to Prime Minister Berlusconi. The subject? Obviously the environment and health.

Controni opening a new landfill site
Terzigno, 50 thousand children's issues
Vesuvius sent to Berlusconi
The initiative "I want the air" involves teachers, pupils and parents. Prime Minister complaints about the stench in the air

landfill Terzigno

probably have been attracted by its
famous phrase "I think Ghe" ("I'll ').

In any case, the mothers of 50 thousand children in the Vesuvius area, to prevent the opening of a second landfill site in the Vesuvius National Park, will send the issues made in class by their children to Prime Minister Berlusconi.

The subject? Obviously the environment and health.

How to learn from Metropolis, the name of the initiative is "I want the air" and the first complaint Berlusconi miasma from the site of Sari Terzigno. Teachers, pupils and parents are involved in a project "that wants to enhance civic education, health education, environmental education and the law." "The stench of landfill Terzigno have already reached my house and my children are intoxicating.

More than 100 thousand inhabitants are already tainted by the stench with all the consequences on health and within two months it will be easy to 246,078 inhabitants. Terzigno the landfill is too close to many urban centers and its stench is unbearable, and therefore, together with all my family members, calls for the immediate closure and accelerated remediation ": this is the note that precedes each theme mailed President of the Council. Editorial


Acerra incinerator,

prosecutor denies Nola B.

"Operation Breakthrough"
In his speech to the Senate, the Prime Minister had stated that the plant operated at full capacity. The judge said, however, another story that
Other plant model, this time to describe the situation of the Acerra incinerator is Paul Mancuso, Chief Prosecutor of the Republic of Nola, now heard in committee on eco-mafia. Hearing in camera, but from what we have learned two issues were at the center of: Acerra and the possible opening of new landfills.

Mancuso, a past to the anti-mafia prosecutor of Naples, who alleged that the company that runs the incinerator does not make known information about pollution in the area. Not only that the omission of the firm - notes the prosecutor Nola - which operates the incinerator are available and are serious. " Statements come from a few hours assurances of Silvio Berlusconi. The prime minister, speaking at the Senate, he assured: "The government has completely solved the problem of waste. Naples landfills that may contain the waste, the termovalizzatore Acerra fully functional. "

Even Guido Bertolaso, Undersecretary of Government with responsibility for waste, the nth fallowing, had explained at the end of September: "We made a storm in a glass of water because a pipe broke and then the line of the incinerator is stopped: again tonight. " The hearing was also discussed the operation of the incinerator: "Used in a partial and unsatisfactory." The two lines work "occasionally" and, above all, the situation is "worrisome with regard to pollution."

words that overturn the reality of an incinerator fully functional. In a recent plant tour for the press, Antonio Bonomo, CEO of Partenope Environment, the group company A2A, he assured: "The plant works in the standard, indeed a bit 'under the best of European plants. The state of Acerra plant was not the only topic addressed in the hearing of Mancuso in the committee, also spoke of the risk of mob infiltration in the protests antidiscarica of those days.

The magistrate listened Caturano John, commander of the Carabinieri in Naples environmental protection, he explained that in the Vesuvius, the scene in recent weeks of violent protests against the opening of the second landfill Terzigno, the Camorra is strong pressure, but many is evidence that there are no clans behind the protest. The reason, according to Mancuso and Caturano, is clear. Criminal groups, have converted into enterprises, have a vested interest in the new landfill is opened: this implies the need to purchase materials, engage trucks, distribute jobs. Even the hearing today has helped to clarify the disastrous management of waste in Campania, license plate Berlusconi Bertolaso.

Nello Trocchia

Mucus Plug Loss Post Ovulation

Posted by marvin LATEST ARRIVALS earthquake shook between Etna and Nebrodi Cade seal from the podium during Obama speech: video Turkey: Final Rodeo race accident: drunken man enters Arena is attacked Flood Genova Sestri Ponentedescrizione photos dell'utenteBoscoreale (Napoli) 201 010 Oct. 4, 2009 - September 29, 2010
The long silence of the church and on Annozero Boscoreale.

On August 10, 2009 I wrote: Dear Lord, I believe in you, and if I have given birth to Boscoreale in the province of Naples, I want to drink this bitter cup to the bottom. Tonight is the night of San Lorenzo,
I went on the balcony to admire the sky and its phenomena talking about you. Unfortunately, after a while I felt a very bad smell of rotting waste, which with the wind at times was intense and sometimes not.

Today September 29, 2010 after a long year of suffering the church speaks, but, dear Bishop, after a long silence I was expecting a last rites instead of a prayer vigil. A martyr

Dear Santoro application to the Bishop also turning to her, why not come first in Boscoreale even asked?
is after the first hole is full? We must not pretend that nothing has happened
for more than a year?

A message for the man with a beard and in the studio asked where we were when the politicians approving the landfill on the outskirts of Boscoreale.

Mr. .. ....., I can not pronounce his name, had just returned from the polls where citizens had helped to elect its majority, because they trusted and instead of you ......... Then

December 30, 2009 we were Plebiscite Square to protest the conference service and there was a negative opinion at the opening of the landfill in the quarry Vitiello. But

January 28, 2010, the pharaoh, even with their support, overturned that decision and has imposed his will: the people must die Vesuvius, not once, but slowly, breathing fetid air and bathing with a lot of leachate.

Now before we die we can at least scream or die in silence?
For those who have always voted here are the names of those who have decided to open two sites on the outskirts of Boscoreale.

Anyone who wants can send a postcard of thanks to their candidate, whether they voted for and whether he failed. votazioni/172_29.htm