Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Using Outdated Vigamox


Naples. So selling off the sottosuolopubblicata free information from the day Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 10:25

Valerio Ceva Grimaldi

THE CASE. The Napoli is a huge underground network of ancient tunnels and tanks. During the Second World War there were created hundreds of air raid shelters. That now the State Property sell: one euro.

The steps will go down easily. As you progress, the light is getting dimmer. At the bottom is dark. In seconds, the sounds of the cease daily chaos. The silence is broken only by the voices of visitors, while the weather is suddenly from damp and cool in summer and almost winter. Centoventuno stairs, and here we are swallowed up by the belly greek Roman aqueduct dating from the fourth century BC C., which branches off to the Campania region through an infinite grid.

Here it is, the hidden face of Naples over the chaotic city, a charming and bustling, and below it a hundred feet deep, spreads an area of \u200b\u200babout 2 million meters square. A city under the city. is a treasure chest full of wonder, fascination and legends that shows to the visitors of Neapolis underground: a world of tunnels and tanks, molded over thousands of years by human ingenuity to extract building material before and after an immense aqueduct. That now, at least in part, could be sold off.

tabs on the site of the State Property lists the state assets for sale under the federal state property: In Naples, for example, there are the University in Corso Umberto (base inventory 42,537,994.00 € ) and the Botanical Garden in via Foria (16,735,476.00). And also 23 underground caves of Naples (Naples Code Card Bp 200-223) mostly falling in the municipality-Posillipo Chiaia. Each at a price not exorbitant: a euro.

underground areas of several tens of square meters excavated in the tufa, which, in the hands of inexperienced hands or poorly controlled, could potentially be used for any purpose. Even the most imponderable. But to understand the scope of this huge network of underground passages, and the dangers underlying a progressive and uncontrolled sale of the Naples underground, should go back a bit 'of history. The huge amount of tufa rock soft and durable, this underground area, since the Greeks (IV century BC) was used to build houses, walls and temples. And so we got of large pits, which were then used to make a great aqueduct extended throughout Campania.

The entire network was later expanded by the Romans. So Naples, under which came to rise 6 thousand 14 thousand tanks and wells, was one of the first cities to have clean water directly to homes: Just drop in a bucket wells for their supply. The huge network of tunnels, however, was preserved and maintained. And here, therefore, appear the figure of pozzaro, also accompanied by legends, a kind of hydraulic of the past that through holes are still visible today, is lowered into the tanks and remove bulky waste from the water surface. With the progressive increase of population, health and hygiene, the situation became more precarious. The fall of a dead animal in a pit would be enough to contaminate the entire water system.

In fact in 1885, after a terrible epidemic of cholera which had 7 thousand deaths in the city, was abandoned the use of the old water distribution system that continuously infected by infiltration into the tufa, to adopt the new aqueduct that still supplies the city. Underground, however, there were numerous catacombs. The immense water will lose heart beat. The wells were increasingly being used as landfills, resulting material, after the collapse of the immense parts were covered with netting forever. It was only the drama of World War II, in part, prompted the civil engineer in adapting some of these huge tanks as air raid shelters. Naples, in fact, was one of the cities bombed by the Anglo-Americans.

waste, spilled over into the ground about half a century, were quickly compacted and covered with a new floor of luck. Were set up throughout the city and 247 369 admissions in cave shelters landslade. All illuminated by two light fixtures, whose pylons are still clearly visible today. In those years the younger up and down those 121 steps (whose entrance is now located in Piazza San Gaetano, Naples underground visits by the association; another entry in the zone of Chiaia, the association is responsible Laes) over and over again. For each alarm, a flood of thousands of people rushed into the ground to escape the bombing. In the Naples underground that we visited (non-profit organization run by the same name, active since 1990,, in wartime the teeming life: even 4 children were born here.

The president, the caver Enzo Albertini, who worked here for years, is the author of yet another discovery: a new fragment of the underground Roman theater restored to usability. In the heart of Naples, in Cinquesanti lane, just next to the agora (now Piazza San Gaetano), where until a few months ago there was a carpenter's shop, will open in a few days to visit an archaeological site of great charm. Here is what is left of "summa Cave", the top ring of the stairs of the theater, where in 64 d. C. Nero was performing, and which has now been almost completely engulfed by buildings erected on the ancient steps. So much so that access to the remains found recently, visitors must enter into a private home. A long and breathtaking

layer of opus reticulatum, until a few years ago covered with modern plaster and used as parking for motorcycles. In short, in the spaces of the Roman theater, where he built a special old crib, will open "a night at the theater." A bed and breakfast in the theater of Nero. In the belly of Naples. But now, all this could risk a blatant sellout. A one euro in the cavity.


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