Thursday, July 29, 2010

Single Cookie Clip Art


As stated in the plaque (Independence Square, on the wall that looks Criscione Courtyard), 19 December 1872 the municipality of Palermo bought the servants' altius not permissible "( ie higher could not be built) area between the buildings and Civilletti Milo. The purpose of the purchase was (we spent time and money notarial archives) "preserve the view of the gardens below. For those who have not understood, it is the vast area known as cartilage Cascino in the last century, then as the valley of Imera Street, today and distorted for the doubling of the railway link. And the gardens below there is no longer even a shadow

Monday, July 26, 2010

Is Rnb Singer Sammie Gay?


This photograph, now more than sixty years old, shows one of the winding road Valderice-Erice, with the old coach and as old truck . The mountain had not yet enriched by the dense vegetation of plantations made in the following years, which made the famous "pine trees of Erice. Today the mountain
Black is back and shaved for the last fire that led to decades of willful fulfillment of criminals, arsonists would be little and almost ennobling, to ensure that resources and crooks have now destroyed any shrub.
(Giuseppe Scuderi)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Kates Playgroundfollada

today in Naples repression ..!

A moment of protest outside the prison of the unemployed Poggioreale

La Digos di Napoli complaint
150 unemployed in recent days put in place blocks and protests
July 24, 12:26

NAPLES - The Naples Digos agents, following activities' investigation, reported 150 people unemployed members of the movement Neapolitans. The protesters have been reported in various capacities for the crimes of interruption of public service, invasion of public buildings, road blocks and resistance to injury brought a public official. The complainants were responsible for the riots that occurred on days 15, 19 and 21 July. Meanwhile

continues overseeing unemployed before the Poggioreale prison in Naples.
It 's been days since last July 21 without a job two were arrested after protests in place in the city, in front of the penitentiary institution, the unemployed chanted slogans in protest. As for

reported on Thursday 'July 15 unemployed people occupied the headquarters of the Central Directorate of Labour, the Teatro San Carlo and the Chamber of Commerce, also caused great inconvenience to the ferry connections with the islands of the Gulf with their presence in the waters of the harbor: this episode also occurred during clashes between security forces and the unemployed, ending with the wounding of three police officers and a sailor in the Coast Guard.
On 19 July, however, occupied the seat of the municipality and that of the Presidency of the Region: the moment of the protesters wounded two security guards in the security service. And yet
July 21, in addition to the serious inconvenience to the shipping, also were responsible for employment of the Diocesan Museum.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chelsea Charms Retireed


"Twenty years ago," was the address book of Lucio Forte on the Republic, when he was about to close his eyes he asked me to "keep them open for him."
And so impossibly events of Palermo, I find that twenty years ago (beginning of the period orlandiana) another panther wandered the streets of Palermo: the one that gave its name to the student protest citizens. Today
(tenth year of tragedy cammaratesca) a hungry panther came from somewhere in the garbage is around indigenous

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Famous Kawasaki Disease


Go Garraffello Square, photographed the building in front of the fountain, go home, download the photos on the PC, Pair it this and play spot the difference between twelve years ago and now
(Giuseppe Scuderi)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dental Sterilization Dental Sterilization


There is no editing in this casual look on the screen, simultaneously in two advertisements: the first promises to solve the problems of stuttering, the second talk for free for one year. Without stammering